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Box artwork for LISA: The Painful.
Box artwork for LISA: The Painful.
LISA: The Painful
Developer(s)Dingaling Productions
Publisher(s)Dingaling Productions
Year released2014
System(s)Windows, macOS, Linux
Expansion pack(s)LISA: The Joyful
Preceded byLISA: The First
ModesSingle player
LISA: Definitive Edition
Developer(s)Dingaling Productions
Publisher(s)Serenity Forge
Year released2023
System(s)Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch
LinksLISA: The Painful ChannelSearch

LISA: The Painful is the second game in the LISA series.

Released For Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One, as part of "LISA: Definitive Edition", the game has been polished and added several new features and dialogues.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

featuring the protagonist Bradley Armstrong in the desolate land of Olathe. Gameplay features a combination of turn-based combat in a 2D side-scrolling overworld.

Table of Contents


LISA: The Painful/Table of Contents