General changes[edit | edit source]
Dragon Slayer IV was originally developed for the first MSX2 computer. Shortly after it was ported to the Famicom, with most things the same but some significant differences. The Famicom version was then used as the basis for an MSX1 port, and finally was given some very minor localization for the NES version, called Legacy of the Wizard.
While the basic mechanics of the game have been left alone, some sections of the map have been altered, and many of the key item locations have been changed. In addition, the MSX2 version does not feature the smooth scrolling found in the Famicom/NES versions. Instead the MSX2 and MSX1 versions have each room being broken into four sections that are redrawn when the player gets close to one side of the screen or the other. The player may only reach the edges of the screen when they approach the boundary of the room.
Item placement[edit | edit source]
Many key items have been relocated in the MSX2 version. On the down side, this means you will have to explore the entire map in order to discover their new locations. On the up side, the new arrangement of the items allows you to complete the game by collecting the crowns using players of comparable strength without having to do any revisiting of anyone's area if you locate all of the necessary items (with the small exception of Xemn). Below is a summary of how the items have been rearranged.
Lyll's area map[edit | edit source]
While some changes on the map are minor or superficial, such as the adjustment of the dragon portrait to the left, no character's section of the dungeon has been altered as dramatically as Lyll's has. View the map below for reference.
As you can see, much of Lyll's dungeon has been redesigned. She is still responsible for collecting the Fire Rod as well as Meyna's Wings, but the methods to collect them have been altered. The lower right hand portion of her dungeon has been changed significantly, having become a set of vertical tunnels, some of which she can use to ascend, and others which can only be used to drop down. The Fire Rod can be found below these tunnels, all the way to the left of the room with the volcano in the background. The Wings have been relocated as well. They are now found one room above the volcano room, just to the left of the right edge of the room. They can only be accessed from the left side, and the require the use of the Jump Shoes in order to collect.
While the general path to Lyll's Crown remains essentially the same, some of the rooms that must travel through to reach the crown, especially at the end, have also been changed. You can also utilize the Lion shortcut described on Lyll's page, although it is a little harder to access (you must stand on top of a monster to jump from the room below to the ledge containing the Lion.) That being said, the method to approach the Crown is slightly easier than in the original version. You will not be forced to hit the jumps perfectly in order to reach the chest. However, you will have to break one difficult block in the middle of a jump over some spikes in order to get to the left side where the Crown is.
Xemn's area map[edit | edit source]
Xemn's area also has significant changes, though not as extensive as Lyll's.
Crowns and Portraits[edit | edit source]
Another significant change to the MSX2 version is the way that Crowns and Portraits interact with one another. In the original MSX version, and the Famicom/NES version, the player is required to have all four crowns before Roas can use them below the portraits of Princess Celina to warp around the dungeon. Those portraits are found primarily in the common area of the dungeon as well as in Lyll's section of the dungeon. However, in the MSX2 version, there are many more portraits scattered around all family member's dungeon portions, and some of the portraits can be activated with as few as just one or two Crowns.
Some of these portraits will even allow Roas to warp fairly close to some of the family member's Crown areas, but in truth, only Xemn's Crown can be reached with only one crown in the family's possession. The rest require all four Crowns. Still, this allows for an interesting alternative battle. Although probably a bug, if Roas collects Xemn's Crown as the second crown, he will fight Taratunes again instead of Erebone, making the battle quite easy for Roas. The third Crown guardian will still be Archwinger.
As it turns out, Lyll can no longer be used to collect the Shield from the hidden shop. Instead, only Roas has the ability to warp to the shop's location and purchase the shield, but only once two Crowns have been collected. This means that the first two Crown guardian battles must be performed without the aid of the Shield. It can only be made available for the last two Crown guardian battles. Read on to learn about the method to obtain the shield.
The Shield[edit | edit source]
In order to collect the Shield in the MSX2 version, you must employ Roas after you have collected two Crowns. You must then take Roas to the room with the portrait of the Dragon King. You can take a shortcut by utilizing the Celina portrait that you pass on your way to the portrait room at the bottom of the long ladder that leads to the entrance. In the dragon portrait room, access any one of the four Celina portraits that can be found in the corners to be warped to the location of the Shield shop. Once there, step inside to purchase the shield. After you are done in the shop, return outside, and use the crown once more to return to the room of the dragon portrait.
Other Changes[edit | edit source]
The MSX2 version has different music for Pochi's theme, the four bosses each have their own unique music, and there is an additional post-credits track. The MSX port is missing the unique boss music, but Pochi's music and the post-credits tune are retained.
Some enemies in the Famicom/NES are able to hide behind walls. This is due to a hardware feature of the NES which allows sprites to be placed behind the background. The MSX and MSX2 do not have this feature, and correspondingly the same enemies are not able to hide in this way, and can instead be attacked immediately.
The Famicom has an ending scene where the family walks back to their house after defeating the dragon. The MSX2 and MSX versions instead go directly to the credits after the defeat of the dragon, but after the credits finish, both have an extra piece of music that plays. In the MSX2 version, this music is accompanied by random still shots from the dungeon, similar to the random demos that play on the title screen, but as still images rather than a live demonstration.
The MSX version has numerical display for health, gold, etc. instead of the graphical red and blue bar displays used by the MSX2 and Famicom versions. This has an advantage for the boss fights, as many of them have too much health to display on the graphical indicator which maxes at 109, and will not show your progress against the bosses until you have brought their health below this level. The MSX version also caps gold at 100 rather than 109.
The dragon is redrawn for the MSX version with slightly different animation and colouring. It also behaves differently than in previous versions, automatically advancing slightly every time it is hit. The NES version deals 2 damage per hit to the dragon, rather than 1 in the MSX2 and MSX versions, resulting in a shorter battle.
Shop prices are generally higher in the MSX2 version, and most of the shop contents and item placement in the dungeon is changed in the Famicom version. The MSX version follows the Famicom version, but has more minor changes to shops and items.
The MSX2 version has the title text breaking down the brick wall as the program starts up, and shows an animation of each family member walking past with their portraits.
Family names were changed slightly. Maia and Royas became Meyna and Royas in the English version. Grandparents Geera and Dawel became Jiela and Douel. The dragon Dilguios became Keela.
The game credits in the MSX2/MSX versions both end with "Dragon slayer Famiry QUINTET", but this is replaced with "Dragon Slayer 4 QUINTET" on the Famicom, and "Legacy of the Wizard" on the NES.