The movement of blocks plays a pivotal role throughout the game, especially in Xemn's area and should be understood in order to successfully complete the game. Of the five characters, only three have the ability to manipulate blocks; Lyll, Meyna, and Xemn. Lyll can break blocks by utilizing her Mattock. Meyna can send blocks flying when she strikes them with the Hit Rod. Only Xemn can exert precise control over the movement of blocks with his Gloves, and position them to his liking. Mastering the Gloves is crucial to the completion of Xemn's area.
Basic movement[edit | edit source]
Horizontal movement[edit | edit source]
Blocks can be pushed in either the left or right directions. To push a block in either direction, Xemn must approach the block (either by walking or jumping), and press and hold the A (jump) button while pushing the control pad in the desired direction when he touches the block. The space on the opposite side of the block must be clear.
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Vertical movement[edit | edit source]
Blocks can be pushed up or down as well. Xemn must push the block from the opposite side in order to push it in the desired direction. In other words, Xemn must push the block from beneath to push it up, or push it from the top to push it down. When standing on top of a block, Xemn will jump as a result of pressing the A button, so keep the button held down while you land on the block to move it.
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Note: Do not attempt to move a block down while standing underneath it, and do not attempt to move a block up while standing on top of it. Not only will the block not moving in the intended direction, but you will likely take a point of damage for attempting this.
Diagonal movement[edit | edit source]
It is also possible to move blocks in any one of the four diagonal directions, be it up and to the left or right, or down and to the left or right. To do so, you must hold the A button down while pressing the control pad in both of the desired directions. Not only must the destination square be clear, but all of the squares that the block will pass through. In other words, in order to move a block down and to the left, the square to the left of the block and beneath the block must also be clear.
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Advanced movement[edit | edit source]
In truth, it actually isn't necessary to hold the direction pad in the desired direction in order to move a block. Only holding the A button down when you touch the block is required. If you do not hold a direction when you hit the block, the game will remember the last direction that you pressed and use that direction. This is important to remember when positioning a block to a desired location, or riding on top of a block to ferry yourself across a gap.
Overhead movement[edit | edit source]
You can direct a block to move to a desired location while standing beneath it. Face the direction that you would like the block to travel in, and then press and hold the jump button. Xemn will leap up into the air, and hit the block with his head. The block will move in the desired direction as a result.
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Riding a block[edit | edit source]
In order to ride a block, you will employ a similar technique to the one described above, except that you will perform the action from above the block, and you must correct your position once the block arrives at its new location. Walk to the edge of the block in the direction you would like to go, then press and hold the jump button. When you land, the block will slide beneath Xemn's feet. Then walk up to the edge of the block again and repeat the process.
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Note: When Xemn moves a block through any illusion blocks, the real block will slide through illusion blocks without hesitation. However, when they are later moved off of the spot where illusion blocks are found, the illusion block will reappear, whether it was cleared out prior to the blocks arrival or not. Also, it is important to be aware of how illusion blocks over Xemn's head can affect his jump and possibly reposition him as a result.