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Gathering items[edit | edit source]

You'll be able to grab two items relatively quickly from Xemn's portion of the dungeon, but a third important item will take you about halfway into his area. To get all the way through Xemn's area, you will have to make good use of his glove. If you are unfamiliar with the mechanics of moving blocks with Xemn, read the block moving portion of the guide.

To get started, head left from the dragon painting and use the Glove to push the block inward so that you can climb up the ladders to the room above. On your first trip through this area, you will have no choice but to collect a speed scroll from the treasure chest. On your way up the ladder in the next room, you may wish to collect the Magic Potion from that treasure chest if you are in need of magic. Finally, when you reach the top, jump up the stone steps to your right and drop down to the floor to open the chest on your left. Inside, you will find Meyna's Hit Rod. With this item, Meyna will also be able to exert some influence over blocks. Then run to the right to climb up the ladder and return to the left side of the room.

The first half of the next room is relatively open with a few platforms. The treasure chest will be of interest since it contains 20 keys. However, the real difficult starts when you reach the second half of the room. Using the image to the right as a guide, you must move the blocks in a specific order to create a series of steps and platforms that Xemn can use to reach the passage at the top. Assuming you approach this section from the bottom, push block A in to the left, then jump up and push block B down to the floor. Push block A back to the right so that you can stand to the right of block B and push it all the way to the left. At this point, it will be helpful to push block C one space to the right. Then jump on top of it, and jump up so that you push block D one space to the right. When you are done, you can push block C back to the right, and two space up so that it is two spaces below block F. Over to the left, push block E to the right, and then one space down so that you can jump on top of it, and up on the ledge next to it. Then push block F to the left. Finally, push block G to the right, and you should now be able to jump up to the top passage. While you're up there, keep jumping until you find the illusion block that leads to the room above. There you will find a treasure chest, but standing on the same spot is a Mimic. You can't hurt the Mimic until you touch it and it hurts you. Open the chest so that you get hurt by the Mimic. Then kill the Mimic and collect the contents of the chest, the Powered Boots. This is an incredibly useful item, and it's not a bad idea to stay at an Inn and equip them as soon as possible.

In order to proceed, keep walking to the left to block H. Push it down one space, and then push block I over once to the left. Push block J down and over to the right, and then move block I back over to the right as well so that you can jump up to the top passage. When you reach the other side, push block K to the left. Drop down under block L, and push it to the left as well. Finally, push block M aside to the right and drop down to block N, which you should move down and over to the right (either into the niche, or all the way down on the floor. Run to the left past the Inn and drop down the illusion blcok in the corner to reach the next room.

After climbing down the ladder, push the first block that you arrive at to the right. Push it all the way through the illusion blocks and in front of the next wall. Jump up and pass through more illusion blocks to the spikes on the other side. Walk over to the ladder, climb up, and push the block in your way to the right. Then push the block above that to the left so that you can climb up and jump up to the high passage. Climb down the ladder and snake around to the next ladder which you will climb. When you reach th next area of blocks, your goal should be to move each of them one space to the left. Start by moving the two left most blocks. Then drop down and move the middle column of blocks to the left from the bottom to the top. Finally, start from the top and move the two right-hand blocks to the left so you can access the next ladder. (If you mess up and need to start over, simply climb down the ladder in the area to the room below and return. This will reset all of the blocks.) Climb up to the top of this ladder, and start pushing to the right. As you fall, you will access illusion blocks in each column that will enable you to access the next ladder. Climb down this ladder, unlock the door, and climb up the next ladder. Ride the block that you arrive at to the right, and then push the higher of the two blocks that you come to over to the right so that you can fall down on the right side of the wall, and access the illusion block in the corner of the room.

This next section does not involve much block moving, but there is a very large number of illusion blocks that can make finding your way through a little difficult. From your arrival in the upper left corner, drop down to the gray platforms on your left, and climb up to the top. Notice where the enemies will, and will not walk. The fourth block over on the top platform is an illusion. Hop over it and continue to the left. After you walk over the right "eye", you'll see a treasure chest at the "nose". All of the blocks around it are illusions. Very carefully leap from the edge of the right "eye" and down on to the chest. When you hit it, you'll open it and find a Magic Bottle. You'll want to land on the left side of the chest and continue falling to the left so that you land on the solid portion of the "mouth" below. If you happen to miss, and fall through the illusion blocks into the "mouth", you can get out one of two ways, either by traveling to the right, passing through the spike pyramid, and climbing back out to the room above and repeating your effort, or by following the dotted line in the picture above. In order to make it up through the illusion block on the left side of the mouth however, you'll need to lure a monster over that you can jump off of (the Powered Boots must be inactive.) Regardless of whether you land safely or not, you'll want to climb that ladder which leads to the left side of the left "eye". From there you can proceed to the left side of the room and drop down to the room below. Once there, you must slide the block in the passage to the right. When it's all the way over, push the next block down and to the right as well. Walk left to the next ladder and repeat the process with the next block, pushing it all the way to the shop door at the end. Finally, drop down to the floor and drop down the hole in the corner. If you feel it is necessary to visit that shop, you can climb back up and return to the room again.

This next room requires some of the most exact and precise block movement in the whole game. To start, when you climb down the ladder, walk beneath blocks A and B, and jump up to the right side of block A. Push it to the left. Then return to the left side of the room, and push block A up one space so that it no longer blocks the upper passage. Then drop down and push block B to the right. When it's all the way over, get beneath it and push it up two spaces. Now you can jump up to the left side of the top passage (below block A) and stand on top of block B. Push block C one space to the right, then attack the Mayu to your left, and jump up to the platform above. While standing on block C, push block D all the way over to the right. Return to block C and move it down one space, ride it to the right, and down one more space, just to make it easier to use as a platform. Jump over to block E and push it once to the right. Now jump back up to the platform above so that you can land on top of block E and push it down four spaces. Push it over to the right once so that you can jump up and push block F to the right as well. Push it over twice so that you can use it as a platform to reach the opening in the wall to the right. Climb down the ladder and push block G out of the way. Then advance to the right and push block H over to the right. This will cause you to fall through an illusion block. Climb back up to block I and push it out to the right twice and up once. Then use it as a platform to jump up to block J. Push it down twice and over to the right. Push block K to the right once, and then very carefully, push it up and to the right. Then ride it to the right so that you pass over the three illusion blocks near the start of the top platform. Finally, push block L to the right once and use it to access the upper passage through the illusion blocks in the wall to the right, and fall down the far right side to the room below.

Warning: If you are not careful about how you move the blocks in this room, you can become trapped in here with no way to save yourself other than to reset the game. If you feel that any of the blocks have been moved in the wrong way, it is better to return to the previous room and reset the solution than to dig yourself in any further. After falling down, pass through the illusion blocks and climb the ladder, pushing the right block out of the way. Deal with the Kirru, and push the next two blocks over to the right so you can access the gap in the floor. Push all three of the right-hand blocks to the left. Then push the bottom center block to the left, and the middle block to the right. Push the middle left block to the left, and the upper left block to the right. You should now be able to access the ladder next to the column. Climb the ladder. From the top of the pillar, push the farther block to the left, so it is out of the way. Then return to the ladder, jump up, and very carefully push the closer block down and to the right. If you mess up, try to return it to its original position and try again. Once it moves diagonally, you can get on top of it and push it down to the left of the pillar. Note that you can move blocks through illusion blocks, and the illusion blocks will return when a real block is moved away. Your goal is to ride this block all the way to the pillar on the left. The trick is that you may need to clear away the illusion blocks first in order to properly jump and ride the block as it slides to the left. If you fall down to the pit below, you can move the one block on the floor out of the way and return to the ladder to try again. Once you make it across, push the lower of the two blocks above the pillar to the left, and then the top block two spaces to the left. Then push the first block all the way down to the floor. Walk along the bottom passage and jump into the illusion blocks on the left. Use it as a platform to jump up to the passage above, and pass through the illusion block to the set of four blocks above the ladder. Push each block one space over to the right so you can access the ladder. Climb down the ladder and push the block at the bottom to the left until you can climb up the next ladder. Your goal is to access the chest over the shop, which is encased in a passage made of illusion blocks. It can be difficult to get to it as you may fall through the gap over the Inn, but you can use a monster to help you by jumping off of it to reach the chest. Inside, you will find Lyll's Mattock. If you do not intend to collect the crown at this time, you can use a Crystal to warp back to the entrance. Other wise, continue on to the left side of the room, and climb down the far ladder.

Xemn's crown[edit | edit source]

The room below the previous room which contained the Mattock is actually very straightforward, with no blocks to push. Simply proceed to the right, falling down the steps until you are forced to climb up the gentler slope on the opposite side, collecting the bread from the treasure chest along the way, and then down the ladder.

The next room however, involves a lot of block moving. So much in fact, that you will have to repeat the same process 13 times in order to make it all the way to the left. Be very careful, as this is another room where you can inadvertently become stuck and forced to reset the game, although it is considerably hard to do. Each ladder leads down into the room below, and although you can't actually use them to reach that room, you can reset the state of this room be climbing back up. From the right side of the room, you will encounter a column of movable blocks. The goal is to move the top two blocks to the left, and the remaining blocks to the right. The truth is, you can move them all to the left if you like as long as you down push the bottom most block to the left. Even that isn't fatal, but it will help you to prevent becoming trapped. When you reach the bottom of the block stack, walk to the left, and climb up the next ladder. The blocks to the left of the ladder will harden if you touch them, preventing you from sliding a block over them when you're on your way back down. After succeeding in moving all 13 columns out of your way, you can slip through the illusion block at the bottom of the column, pass by the Inn and the Shop, and climb down the ladder below the locked door.

The next room is a lot like the room below the Mattock. It's a straight shot to the right while you battle some enemies. Various blocks along the bottom stretch are illusion blocks that you can pass thorough. Some are on the floor, while others are higher off the ground, but you should be able to pass through to the right with ease. Unlock the door and drop down through the illusion block to the room below.

The next room provides you with some blocks to move around, but you'll probably find passing through the room a lot faster if you simply run along the top of the spikes while pushing up and to the left on the control pad. Drop down to the floor below, and immediately turn around to run to your right. Escape through the hole in the right wall.

From your entrance into the next room from the left, run to the right and pass through the background stalactites, then climb up the ladder. It's worth your while to run to the left on top of the spikes to the chest and collect a free Elixir. Then return to the ladder and continue climbing to the top. Either ride the blocks or simply run across the spikes and over the gap until you can access the gap in the wall to your right. Climb up the ladder and push through the illusion block to the left of the Inn, and hop over to the ladder on the far left.

Climb up the ladder to the room above, and continue on to the room above that. In this second room, you must navigate through a wall containing many illusion blocks that you can blaze a path through. The trick is to remain off the floor as far as you can, as falling to the floor may cause you to drop down to the room below prematurely. If you do, it's possible to recover by jumping to the left and climbing back up the ladder, but you may be better off simply falling back down to the original room below. Once you clear the wall, you will reach a series of pillars, and you will also see an Inn. This would be a good time to visit the Inn, refuel, and select any items that you wish to bring to the guardian fight with you, such as the Shield. Just make sure that you hang on to your Glove since you still need it. Jump through the path way cut into the pillars and over to the other side. Once you're past the pillars, fall through the illusion block on the floor to the room below.

Finally, drop down to the block below the platforms on your left. Ride it over to the next block to your left. While jumping up on to that block, push the block immediately above it one space to the left. Now jump on top of that block. Push the lowest block in the column on the next platform to the left. Push the block above that one two spaces to the right. And finally push the highest block to the left so that you have space to jump onto the block next to the platform with the treasure chest. Run to the chest and open it to find the Crown. The boss that you fight will be determined by the order in which you collect the Crowns. See the bosses page for more information.