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Looney Tunes Double Pack
Publisher(s)WayForward Technologies
Year released2005
System(s)Game Boy Advance
SeriesLooney Tunes
ModesSingle player
LinksLooney Tunes Double Pack ChannelSearch

Looney Tunes Double Pack or Looney Tunes Double Pack: Dizzy Driving / Acme Antics is a compilation of two Looney Tunes games not available separately. It was released for the Game Boy Advance on October 2005, and developed by Majesco Entertainment and published by WayForward Technologies.

  • Dizzy Driving: Bugs, Daffy, Tweety, and the gang jump, bash and bounce in the craziest driving adventure every! It will be LOONEY when you select from 8 of your favorite TUNES to race and rumble for the ultimate prize!
  • Acme Antics: Will that crazy Wile E. Coyote finally catch the Road Runner?.

Table of Contents


Looney Tunes Double Pack/Table of Contents