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Gossip Shop[edit | edit source]

The Gossip Shop is located in the Cafeteria. Talk to the larger student to open up the Gossip Shop.

Rumor List[edit | edit source]

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Rumor Name Money Rumor Effect Rumor Condition
Hodge-podge Team 0 You're getting attention Join Flay's workshop
The Possessed 200 Everyone's Defense and Resistance + 5 Pamela joins your group
Duke of Destruction 200 Everyone's Attack + 5 Win the Battle Arena
Son of an Alchemist 200 Everyone's Magic + 5 Find out Vayne's father is Theofratus
Dragon Slayer 500 Everyone's Attack + 10 Defeat the Winged Dragon
Those Weird Ones 1000 Everyone's Defense and Resistance + 10 Muppy joins your group
Quiz King 500 Everyone's Resistance + 12 Win the Trivia Contest
Upcoming Idol 500 10% Off Street Vendor prices Find out Nikki's song is attracting all the guys
Defender of Justice 1000 20% Off Street Vendor prices Find out that Flay is the Defender of Justice
The Gofers 500 Gain slightly more rewards upon finishing a job Complete more than 10 Jobs
Big Boss Workman 1000 Gain more rewards upon finishing a job Complete more than 25 Jobs
The Helper Squad 2000 Gain a lot more rewards upon finishing a job Complete more than 40 Jobs
The Buddy Team 500 Variable Strikes gain 25% more effectiveness Everyone's friendliness averages more than 25
Bonded Team 2000 Variable Strikes gain 50% more effectiveness Everyone's friendliness averages more than 50
The Well Off 1000 20% Off Student Store, Leyfa's items Have more than 30,000 Cole
The Fortune Makers 2000 20% off all shops Earn more than 100,000 Cole
The Walking Library 500 Item used in battle become 15% more effective Had more than half the items in game
Fighter 1000 Everyone's Attack + 15 Fought more than 200 battles
Chicken 200 Everyone's Speed + 5 Run away from battle more than 20 times
Uber Nerds 1000 Everyone's SP + 15 Gain 4 [A]s in a row
The Jumpy Ones 200 Everyone's HP + 30 Jump more than 200 times
Talented Genius 2000 Consumed SP -10% Get 10 [A]s in courses
Tough Guys 200 Everyone's Defense + 5 Been knocked unconscious in battle more than 20 times
Greedy Needy 500 15% more chance of monsters dropping an item Gather more than 40 items in one search
Strongling Fetish 1000 30% more chance of monsters dropping an item Defeat more than 20 strong monsters
Pacifists 500 Everyone's Speed + 8 Didn't fight any enemies for more than 10 searches
OCD 200 Everyone's Resistance + 10 Ended search with everyone's HP at max more than 10 times
Bully 500 There will be more monsters that can be sword slashed Sword slash more than 20 monsters in one search
Burster 1000 The Burst Gauge starts slightly at an advantage Number of Bursts totals more than 20 times
Wild Child 200 AP Gain + 2 Total searching time exceeds 100 hours
Delinquent 1000 Slightly lessens monster strength at night Walk around at night more than 10 times
Window Lady 500 10% off all shops Leave the shop without buying more than 20 times
Fearless 2000 All stats +5 Have more than 15000 AP
The Mana Beaters 500 Everyone's Magic + 10 Defeat the Mana In the Mana Ruins
Skill Maniac 1000 Everyone's Magic + 15 Know more than 20 Common Skills
Absolute Memory 1000 Everyone's Speed + 10 Didn't look at the map for more than 10 searches