James Cash is escorting the journalist to her apartment, but has to stop a few blocks away because something doesn't look right.
In this scene, you will encounter corrupt cops. Their most notable behavior is the use of suppression fire, but otherwise act as normal.
Street construction[edit | edit source]
Around the corner is a construction zone, with a bit of cover where you can hide the journalist in the small shed, the pipes, or in the alcove on the right-hand wall. There are two officers facing away, watching the street ahead, both equipped with nightsticks. For this scene, the officers will switch to firearms after a few seconds when they see a dead body.
First look for a crowbar, which may be found in either the shed or to the right of the excavated pit. First, lure one of the policeman either by using the machine in the pit, throwing the brick, or striking a wall. Execute the one that's lured away.
Although the game recommends hiding the body, you may find it better to keep it in view and therefore have the other officer switch to the pistol. The second officer will start a patrol by himself if he doesn't hear from his companion, where you can execute him as well.
Past the barrier and around the corner are additional officers that are waiting outside the building. If you do not have a firearm, you will need to enter the alley to the left, and try to attract officers to your location. Go for a quick executions here, as the limited time and unusual search pattern makes it difficult for the best executions. Once you pick up a fire arm, escort the journalist to hide behind the truck on the left.
Pick off the corrupt officers one-by-one. Once safe, bring the journalist to the apartment door.
If you have a crowbar, you can open the police van to retrieve additional painkillers and a pistol, but this is not necessary.
Apartment[edit | edit source]
The apartment has one officer waiting outside the door, two in the left-hand bedroom, and three in the right-hand room. When all officers are killed, bring the journalist into the kitchen to have her open the secret door. You can have the journalist wait in the hall,
Cash will tell the journalist to leave town, and he will exit by the window.
Escape[edit | edit source]
After exiting the apartment window, climb down the ladder. There is painkillers behind the door on the left. Cross the alley to the other side, and ambush the two officers that approach.
When you turn the corner, a sniper will exit onto the balcony. You can avoid him by taking cover tot he right of the trucks, before entering the casino. Equip the shotgun and attack the enemies as you proceed through the casino. The casino will eventually lead to the balcony where you can kill the sniper and take his weapon.
When you kill the sniper, additional officers will approach from the right. Two will take cover behind the police car, and two will approach. You need to kill them quickly, as there are three more officers that will approach from the right and try to enter the casino.
Exit the casino - if you failed to intercept the officers trying to rush in, they will appear in the slot machine corridor between the entrance and the stairs.
Head down the street, taking the entrance to the courtyard that is to the left of the two police vans. Climb over the wall, and ascend the stairs. There is one sniper overlooking the subway, and you will also need to kill him. Snipe the guards, and return to ground level. Enter the subway station to complete the level.