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Box artwork for Mario Strikers Charged.
Box artwork for Mario Strikers Charged.
Mario Strikers Charged
Developer(s)Next Level Games
Year released2007
System(s)Wii, Wii U
Preceded bySuper Mario Strikers
SeriesMario Sports
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 7+OFLC Parental GuidanceCERO All agesUSK Ages 6+
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Mario Strikers Charged (known as Mario Strikers Charged Football in PAL regions, and Mario Power Soccer in Korean releases) is an arcade style soccer game with the Mario treatment. Each team is given four players which are trying to score the most goals in the allotted time. This game plays much like its predecessor. The Wii Remote's motion capabilities aren't used much, but it plays a role in tackling players and blocking Megastrikes. This game features an expanded tutorial, single player, and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection so you can take on any player in the country.

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