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Recover Logbook[edit | edit source]

Walk ahead into the pathway - and you will spot a German on patrol. Shoot him with the rifle and proceed towards the house. There are more Germans surrounding the building, and they will be unaware, attacking only if you shoot within their vision.

The second of two soldiers sniping you

Continue down the road - it is mostly simple, with individual German soldiers in the path ahead. The only portion of note is an enemy on high ground past the first Machine gun nest.

The building ruins are likewise the same, with the only one soldier flanking you by hiding behind a building. Continue to the sole path.

When you see a crawlway, press the button to have you crouch, and advance, You'll pick up the pilot logbook easily.

Find plane[edit | edit source]

Continue - the left branch you see after exiting the tunnel contains a medkit, with the right-hand branch leading towards the plane. This path to a hedge pathway, with a soldier waiting at the end when you reach the main road. Turn right, and you'll see two more enemies before you reach the plane.

Reaching the plane will add a new objective, to enter town.

Enter town[edit | edit source]

As before, continue walking down the road. The entrance to town will eventually appear on the right-hand side of the road on a large wall. Approach the door, use action to open it, and enter - the door will open automatically if you pass by it, with two German soliders exiting to attack.