In this part, you're instructed to search the town for an active Maquis cell, but there's pressing problem with the Gestapo in the town. Before reaching the cell, you need to disable their means of communication, and neutralize at least eight of the officers.
Destroy Radio Transmitter[edit | edit source]
After going forward, turn right onto the first road. You will see the first soldier approaching, who is easily neutralized.
Before turning the corner, you may hear a strange noise - enter the doorway before the corner to see the radio in the room. Destroy it with a few bullets to complete the objective.
Neutralize Gestapo Threat[edit | edit source]

To complete this objective, you need to neutralize at least eight of the officers, identified by a black uniform and red armband. There will be an announcement when you defeated half of them. You can meet the quota if you kill each one you meat on the route to the hideout. In the meantime, turn the first corner after the first road.
After the first corner is a solder on an upper balcony on the left.
The second corner reveals no enemies. Turning the third corner is a small alley connecting to major roads, with a Gestapo waiting on the second road.
Upon entering the second road, there are two soldiers to the right (one on the left balcony and one approaching on street level) along with ammo in a nearby alcove and a health pack in the buildings on the right.
The first corner will be open on the left, but has an approaching Gestapo, and a solder approaching rapidly once you neutralize him. This continues for a small turn, eventually cornering back into a set of buildings - one solder waits to the left in the area off-road, and the other soldier will be arriving from the corner. Be sure to collect the first aid kit.
Locate Maquis Hideout[edit | edit source]
You will encounter a bridge, with a gestapo and soldier waiting. This leads to a branch - the optional part is across the bridge, where you can neutralize two gestapo and collect some ammo.
Climb down the ladder next to the bridge, and neutralize the soldier that is to your left. Walk down the right - there's one solder just before the crossing, and one gestapo inside the tunnel. Climb the ladder onto the street.
Just out of the ladder, there's a soldier on ground level in the left alcoves, and one sniping from a window. Around the corner, one gestapo apporaching but not immediatly visible, and one soldier overlooking the staircase. A field surgeon pack is in the alcove to the right of the stairs.
After the stairs, one soldier hiding in the left building, and one gestapo approaching from the corner ahead.
The next solders are in building with crates - one in the middle, and one on the right. The exit is on the back left corner, with a medikit left of the doorway.
Outside, one soldier to the left at ground level, and one on a balcony. After two corners, one Gestapo on the left. After the next corner has two soldiers attacking from ground level, and a third soldier from a balcony from behind.
This leads to a circular path turning slightly to the left, a corridor that eventaully reaches a second crate-filled building. As soldiers are behind cover, you may want to throw a grenade to force them to react and exit cover, as they will generally behind the crates or other cover making them hard to hit.
The corridor on the other side of the crate room will lead to a tank. After eliminating enemies, head to the alley on the right to find the Marquis hideout. There will be two soldiers that attack from behind, but reaching the trapdoor will end the level.