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Sewer Chase is the third mission in Rescue the G3 officer. It is a single long corridor map, with a branches containing ammo and medical equipment in some of the side paths. The three objectives are obvious at the start of the mission, where you need to obtain the attache case and weapon cache, and bring them to the exit.

Acquire G3 attache case[edit | edit source]

Attache case, in plain view

The Attache case is located in the first room, in the far corner. As the allied officer is dead, you can simply take the case and continue.

Throughout this level, there will be strong ambient noise, where you'll hear soldiers shouting, blowing whistles, and other activity related to doing an intense quelling of surface activity. However, nearby enemies can still be identified through appropriate audio cues.

Locate maquis weapon cache[edit | edit source]

The weapon cache, behind a cracked grate

As stated in the briefing, the weapon cache is located in the second main tunnel, behind a cracked sewer grate. It contains a shotgun, but is underwhelming compared to what you otherwise find in the tunnels.

From the room containing the case, there's an exit to the left. This is a small tunnel that will lead to the first main tunnel. This main tunnel has several branches to the left and right that simply contain a health pack and ammunition. This ends in a left turn, which shows a branching passage up and down - the upward passage leads to some ammo, while the downward passage leads towards the rest of the sewer system.

This downward passage connects to the second main tunnel, and the cache is located on the right. Open the gate using weapons (or a grenade) and collect what's inside. The cache is underwhelming, although it does contain a shotgun. The right-hand passage in the second main tunnel only leads to more ammo, but is not otherwise essential.

Exit Sewer[edit | edit source]

Proceed left in the second main tunnel, where the enemies will start to become a bit numerous. The end of this main tunnel is stopped by a grate, and an exit on the right marked with pipes. This leads to an open area, where enemies attack from above and to the left, although you can easily run past them, as the sole path will lead you up a ramp where you can face them directly.

There are a few more small rooms along the path. The first has raised floor on the right containing ammo, and the second has a floor on the left containing two medical canteens.

Enemies attack from a passage to the right of this ladder, but on your side of the wall.

Eventually, you should reach a larger circular chamber. Jumping down will activate enemies in the room, thus you may want to soften them up by tossing a few grenades down. These enemies approach from a tunnel to the right of the ladder, which is hard to see from the top. As such, you may have to jump down facing backwards to be prepared for the enemy.

The next corridor branches quickly, with the right leading to ammo, and left leading to the exit. The second branch has the left path lead to ammo, and the right lead to the exit.

When you reach the final large area with the waterway, the exit is to the right, although there are enemies that are very close to this exit.