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Legion of Merit[edit | edit source]
For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service on November 7, 1942. Lt. Mike Powell, 1st Ranger Bn., rescued both a British and an American POW from a heavily fortified German outpost. Lt Powell’s actions helped secure Allied victory during the landings of Operation Torch.
Can be awarded after completing Mission 1: Lighting the Torch, by saving the POW (Pvt. Jury) and Keeping him alive during "The Rescue Mission" level.
Norwegian War Cross with Sword[edit | edit source]
For conspicuous bravery before the enemy, in aiding the defense of Norway on February 12, 1943. Lt. Mike Powell, 1st Ranger Bn., recovered a much sought after Kriegsmarine officer personnel manifest from the U-529, shortly before the explosives he planted scuttled the U-Boat.
Can be awarded after completing Mission 2: Scuttling the U-529. During the level of the same name, after entering the U-Boat, you will find the manifest in one of the rooms, highlighted with a red light. Stealing it and completing the mission will award you the medal.
American Campaign Medal[edit | edit source]
For meritorious conduct in the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Lt. Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., survived the assault on Omaha Beach and went on to clear out a major German fortification, eliminating enemy gunners, and ultimately aiding in the securing of the D-1 exit near Vierville.
Awarded after completing Mission 3: Operation Overlord, if Powell merely survived the "Omaha beach" level.
Good Conduct Medal[edit | edit source]
For dedicated service in the armed forces while the United States was at war, and for displaying conspicuous initiative on June 22, 1944. Lt. Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., singlehandedly destroyed two King Tiger tanks while on a special intelligence gathering mission for the OSS.
Can be awarded after completing Mission 4: Behind Enemy Lines, if Powell blown up the two "King Tiger" tanks on the manor grounds, during "The Command Post" level.
Distinguished Service Medal[edit | edit source]
For exceptionally meritorious service to the government in a duty of great responsibility on August 20, 1944. Lt. Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., despite heavy enemy sniper activity, safeguarded the passage of all three members of a special tank crew through the streets of Landenau, near Brest.
Can be awarded after completing Mission 5: The Day of the Tiger, if Powell kept all three members of the tank team alive during the second part of the "Sniper's Last Stand" level.
Army Commendation Medal[edit | edit source]
For heroism, meritorious achievement and meritorious service on January 18, 1945. Lt. Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., under tremendous sniper fire at the train loading platform at the German stronghold Fort Schmerzen, protected the assault team with precise sniper fire, which consequently escaped with less than five casualties during disembarkment.
Can be awarded after completing Mission 6: The Return to Fort Schmerzen. If at least 5 soldiers survived out of the 9 that stormed the station with Powell at the start of the "Storming Fort Schmerzen" Level.
Bronze Star[edit | edit source]
For heroic and meritorious achievement of service, not involving aerial flight, in connection with operations against an opposing armed force, on January 20, 1945. Lt. Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., successfully completed a challenging tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Easy.
Silver Star[edit | edit source]
For gallantry in action against an opposing armed force, on January 20, 1945. Lt. Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., successfully completed a difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Medium.
Distinguished Service Cross[edit | edit source]
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force, on January 20, 1945. Lt Mike Powell, 2nd Ranger Bn., successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Hard.