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Objectives aren't actually given in the game (there's no mission objectives screen, anyway), but they are included to make your life easier.

Dremuchij South[edit | edit source]

Objective: Retrieve your backpack

Welcome to the jungle! First, you've got to retrieve your backpack, which you lost during your HALO jump. Go east and up the slope. Jump down the cliff. Climb the tree with Triangle button, walk out onto the branch, and press Triangle button near the backpack to drop down and grab it. Once you've got it, Major Tom will call and explain how to equip weapons and items, hunt for food, and use the "fake death" pill. He'll also introduce you to your support team. Para-Medic will provide you with information on local flora and fauna, your health, and medicine. Her normal radio frequency is 145.73, and the frequency she uses to save your game is 140.96. You'll also be contacted by The Boss, a legendary war hero, and your old mentor. She will explain combat and survival techniques. Her frequency is 141.80.

Objective: Locate Sokolov

Feel free to practice the controls and such here. You can also look around for food - there should be a Reticulated Python or two around here. The Reticulated Python's stamina recovery is one of the highest in the game, so make sure you leave here with at least one in storage. Tranquilize it with the Mk22, or kill it with the Knife (change equipment with R2 button).

Capturing animals alive is best, since animal carcasses will rot after a while in Snake's inventory and will take away some of Snake's stamina bar if he tries eating one. However, keep in mind that Snake only has limited storage space for carrying live fauna around. At this point, space isn't an issue, so use your tranquilizer. Once you're done, go north to the next area.

Dremuchij Swampland[edit | edit source]

Head north into the main area of the swamp. Here, go around the east. Silence the Indian Gavials (crocodiles) with your tranquilizer before you get too close, or they'll attack. Even when they're asleep, it's not a good idea to get up close and personal with them, since they're very light sleepers, and will probably wake up and attack if you're too close. To the right is a can of Bug Juice. Grab this, as it will help with keeping leeches away when moving through the swamp. Roll (press Cross button while moving) to cross over to the small island in the centre (there are some tranquilizer bullets here if you need them), and then roll north off it to the next area.

Dremuchij North[edit | edit source]

When you enter, you'll see two KGB soldiers on patrol. The Major and The Boss will call and again emphasise the importance of stealth. The Boss will also explain the camouflage system. Choose the Camouflage menu in the Survival Viewer (accessed by pressing Start button), and pick the face paint and uniform that gives you the highest Camo Index (right now, it's probably the Woodland face paint and Leaf uniform). Look to the east of your starting position for an SVD sniper rifle. Equip this by choosing Backpack in the Survival Viewer, and then selecting Weapon. Hold down one of the empty locations, and choose the SVD to place it on your person. You can now equip it by holding R2 button and choosing the SVD. If you'd prefer, though, you can continue using the Mk22 tranquilizer, and take out the enemies non-lethally.

Return to the main area to the west. One of the enemies has probably reached here by now - to avoid detection, lie down by holding Cross hold, and kill or tranquilize him before he finds you. Pick up his body by standing over him, and pressing Circle hold. Move him into the grass nearby, where other enemies are unlikely to find him and become suspicious.

In general, it's worthwhile to collect nearby items whenever convenient, since you never know what you'll need or when you'll need it. Grab the Bug Juice in the large hollow log here. Continue north, and take out the enemy soldier. It's best to tranquilize this one, and any others you find around here - if you use the SVD, other enemies will probably hear the gunfire and come to investigate. Dispatch any enemies in your way as you check the nearby hollow tree trunk for some Grenades. Check another hollow log in the northeast of the map for a pair of Thermal Goggles. Go north to the next area.

Dolinovodno[edit | edit source]

Use bees to harass an enemy

When you enter, Snake will spot an enemy soldier, and a hornets' nest in a tree above. Shoot down the nest to remove the soldiers patrolling the bridge area. (If you shoot down the nest and nothing happens, it means you shot down a piece of similar-looking fruit by mistake.) When they're gone, drop down, pick up the Ointment and nest left behind, and cross the bridge. Watch out for one more soldier on the other side; deal with him as needed. When the coast is clear, head north and left down the slope. Climb across the ledge to the alcove, and grab the XM16E1 assault rifle, tranquilizer bullets, and Pentazemin (which steadies your aim with the SVD). Climb back out and continue north.

Rassvet[edit | edit source]

Objective: Rescue Sokolov

You're now at the abandoned factory where Sokolov is being held. Sokolov is in a room in the northeast. The Major will warn you not to approach him in the Alert Phase. Look in the southwest of the building to get an M37 shotgun, which can kill in one hit if your aim is accurate enough. Tranquilize or kill any guards that are in your way, and head for Sokolov's room. Inside, some cutscenes will play, during which you have your first encounter with Ocelot and the Ocelot unit of the Spetsnaz GRU.

Objective: Extract Sokolov
Problem Solved, Series Over
Problem Solved, Series Over
Create the Ocelot Time Paradox

Stand next to Ocelot and press Square button once or twice to shift his unconscious body. He will drop a Mousetrap. Under no circumstances should you kill him - due to his presence in chronologically later Metal Gear games, this would result in a Time Paradox and a Game Over (though in the HD edition, doing so anyways will earn you a trophy). Return to Dolinovodno and watch the cutscene that follows. When it ends, you'll find yourself at a riverbank with crippling injuries.

Objective: Save yourself with emergency surgery

Para-Medic will call and explain the Cure function. Open the Survival Viewer with Start button, and choose Cure. Use Neutral dpad to select injuries, and then apply the appropriate treatment. Broken bones require splints and bandages, and cuts require disinfectant, styptics, bandages, and sutures. When all your injuries have been treated, the recovery balloon will be sent in to rescue you. Save your game when prompted.