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Area E-4
Area E-4

For its second mission, Metal Hawk will start out directly above that long thin blue path in the centre of this area; once this area's theme (which is identical to that for H-3) starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, push that lever up to descend to 200 metres while the familiar arrow appears in the centre of the screen and points you along it while a Japanese speech sample is heard from the C140 and start dropping missiles on the various buildings to destroy them for 2-6 points apiece. Several Red and Green Heli will also come flying towards you (which can be killed for 10 points apiece), as three Trucks come driving down from the other end of the path (which you can drop a missile on for 10 points apiece) - along with a Jeep, that is firing anti-aircraft missiles up at you (which you can drop one of your own missiles on for 20 points) before coming to a Type 2 Cannon firing anti-aircraft missiles at you (which you can also drop one of your own missiles on, for 10 points). Once you have scored 500 points, the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for the second time as Metal Hawk flies back up to its highest altitude of 400 metres, and off the top of the screen; you will now get 10 more bonus points for every second you have remaining, and that highest military rank you can attain at this point is that of a Warrant Officer (you may also remember that all positions on the high-score table are based on these rather than the point values, which means that if you lose your last life with a ranking of Sergeant and a point value of 3339, you will be placed below any other player who lost his last life with a ranking of Master Sergeant, but only scored a point value of 3338 or lower). Metal Hawk will now proceed to Area K-5: The Taskforce.