Make sure the power is turned off. Put the disc into the GameCube, close the lid and press the POWER Button. When the title screen appears, press to proceed to the Main Menu Screen.
Creating a File[edit | edit source]
You must have a Memory Card inserted in Slot A with at least three blocks of free space on it in order to create a file for this game.
Use to select Single Player, Multiplayer or Options and then press
. Upon first playing the Single Player mode, select one of three "New" files and press
to begin the game. If you have a previously saved file, choose that one to continue from your last save point.
To save your progress, you must find one of many Save Stations located across Aether and enter the apparatus located in the middle of all of the rooms. When asked if you wish to save, choose YES and press . All progress up to that point will be saved to the Memory Card in Slot A.
Erasing a File[edit | edit source]
At the Main Menu Screen, press , choose the file you wish to erase, then press
Once a file is erased, it can never be recovered.
Options[edit | edit source]
After selecting this on the Main Menu Screen, choose the file with which you want to change various game options, and press .
- Adjust Samus's helmet and visor opacity
- Toggle the helemt display lag
- Turn the hint system on or off
Display: Adjust brightness, dimensions, and alignment of the game play screen
Sound: Adjust volume of music and sound effects
- Choose to play with Standard control or a reversed Y-axis
- Turn Rumble Feature on or off
You may also press to access the pause screen during a game and select Options from there.