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Aether Studies[edit | edit source]
Aether[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Aether | Agon Wastes Command Center |
Planet is unstable due to transdimensional flux. Warfare has devastated a good portion of the world's population. Finally, extreme climate shifts have left most of Aether uninhabitable. |
Dark Portal | Agon Wastes Portal Terminal |
Dark Portals allow living beings to travel to Dark Aether without being disrupted and scattered throughout the interdimensional void. They are unstable, however, and only remain viable for limited periods of time. Some can be reactivated, while others vanish forever once they are used. |
Energy Controller | Great Temple Main Energy Controller |
Energy Controllers were built by the Luminoth to regulate Aether's planetary energy. Several wonders are powered by the Energy Controllers, including a weather control grid and a teleportation system. When Dark Aether was born, it too had Energy Controllers, all linked to that world's planetary energy. |
U-Mos | Great Temple Main Energy Controller |
Subject is U-Mos, a Sentinel of the Luminoth. Scans indicate numerous beneficial abilities, including heightened reflexes, durability, psionics, and flight. Ability to generate and manipulate energy on par with that of the Chozo. Dating scans suggest an age of 2.15 centicycles. Only known active member of the species: remaining Luminoth locked in protective stasis until crisis is resolved. |
Dark Aether[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Dark Aether | Agon Wastes Command Center |
Can't determine origin of Aether's "dark twin." Contains high levels of Phazon ore. Native bioforms attack on sight. |
Light Portal | Dark Agon Wastes Portal Site |
Light Portals allow living beings to travel to Aether without being disrupted and scattered throughout the interdimensional void. They are unstable, however, and only remain viable for limited periods of time. Some can be reactivated, while others vanish forever once they are used. |
Phazon | Agon Wastes Main Reactor |
Origin point of Phazon unknown. First detection of element on planet Tallon IV. Used by Space Pirates to produce vast levels of energy. Bioforms exposed to Phazon without proper shielding will eventually undergo radical mutation. |
Biology[edit | edit source]
Cocoons[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Metroid Cocoon | Agon Wastes Biostorage Station |
The Space Pirates transport young Tallon Metroids in an organic "cocoon" designed to sustain the small creatures. Each cocoon can support numerous infants for several cycles. The creatures are normally content to remain in the cocoon, but will emerge when they detect the presence of Phazon. |
Splinter Cocoon | Temple Grounds Industrial Site |
Splinters will enter their protective cocoons when tired or sated. The cocoon is durable, but can be destroyed by weapons fire. Destroying a cocoon will kill the Splinter inside: when this occurs, the dying Splinter will emit a shriek that will alert all nearby Splinters in hibernation. This will drive them into battle frenzy as a defense mechanism. |
War Wasp Hive | Temple Grounds Sacred Path |
War Wasps require considerable amounts of sleep after a long hunt. They weave a protective hive from organic fluids they secrete themselves, then crawl inside to rest. Though safe from most predators, the hives can be damaged by explosive weapons. |
Darklings[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Dormant Ingclaw | Sky Temple Grounds Phazon Grounds |
Ingclaws occasionally enter a strange torpor, brought on by constant exposure to the atmosphere of Dark Aether. While in this dream state, the creature does not feed or expel its deadly vapor. Fortunately, its indestructible shell protects it from predators. |
Ingclaw | Dark Agon Wastes Watering Hole |
The Ingclaw secretes an incredibly durable shell over itself shortly after birth. From that moment on, it remains rooted in place. The creature feeds on the flotsam floating in the atmosphere of Dark Aether, and produces waste in the form of a toxic dark vapor. |
Ing Webtrap | Dark Agon Wastes Battleground |
These creatures respond to commands from the Ing, forming over areas as ordered. They are virtually indestructible, and can only be undone by killing the Ing that commands them. |
Webling | Dark Agon Wastes Feeding Pit Access |
Weblings spin a network of energized snare lines, then sit in the middle and wait for prey to get caught in it, much like a spider. A webling is incredibly durable, though it has the darkling weakness to light. |
Ing Storage[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Bladepod | Dark Agon Wastes Portal Site |
These Ing morph their bodies around useful items to protect them. They rely on larger Ing for protection, as they have no way of fending off enemies. Damage from all weapons will harm them, but light-based weapons are superior. |
Flying Ing Cache | Sky Temple Grounds Defiled Shrine |
The Flying Cache was bred and trained to be a living storage unit. It employs a limited stealth field that renders it unseen to most enemies. The fact that the creature must be killed to obtain the object it stores is of little consequence to the Ing. |
Ingsphere Cache | Dark Torvus Bog Dark Forgotten Bridge |
The Ingsphere keeps useful items in a dimensional pocket. Normally, the Ingsphere will only release the item to its Ing master. The pocket can be breached by destroying the Ingsphere, however. This sometimes destroys the item, but can be worth the risk. |
Ingworm Cache | Ing Hive Culling Chamber |
The Ingworms wrap their bodies around useful items to protect them. They are defenseless. They are not terribly durable and have no form of attack, hence their assignment as storage bearers by the Horde. |
Plantforms[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Agon Bearerpod | Agon Wastes Transport to Temple Grounds |
The Agon Bearerpod is a hardy desert plantform used by the Luminoth to store useful items and supplies. Its tough epidermis can be destroyed with weapons. It gathers trace amounts of moisture from the air and stores it in a number of chambers throughout its body. It can hold and process this moisture for weeks if necessary. |
Bloatsac | Torvus Bog Forgotten Bridge |
The humble Bloatsac contributes to its ecology by producing large amounts of benevolent gasses. It thrives in damp environments, though it can survive in most climates and terrains. The Bloatsac secrets a venomous sap over its body. Very few creatures can ingest the sap and survive, making it a useful defense mechanism for the plant. |
Blueroot Tree | Agon Wastes Agon Map Station (or Save Station A) |
The Blueroot tree is common on worlds with desert regions. While an elegant, attractive plant, the tree's leaves are highly toxic. Few species can ingest the leaves and live: many of them (such as the Space Pirates) consider the deadly Blueroot leaf a delicacy. |
Sandgrass | Agon Wastes Plaza Access |
Sandgrass scans indicate that the plant requires no moisture to survive. It relies exclusively on solar energy for sustenance, making it well adapted for life in a desert environment. Evidence of extensive mutation present, suggesting radical bio-adjustments within the last centicycle. Mutation source is not natural: plant strain was genetically engineered, possibly by the Luminoth. |
Torvus Bearerpod | Torvus Bog Transport to Temple Grounds |
The Torvus Bearerpod grows around useful items. The hard outer shell can be shattered by weapon fire. The Luminoth use the hardy plants to store supplies for operations in the Torvus Bog. They are resistant to the harsh chemicals and diseases that run rampant in the swamp, and emit a deadly cloud when destroyed. This has discouraged their consumption by local animals. |
Torvus Hanging Pod | Torvus Bog Temple Transport Access |
The Luminoth placed these Pods throughout the Bog for use by their soldiers during the war. Though many have been raided since then, some may still contain useful items left over from the war. |
Luminoth Technology[edit | edit source]
Lift Crystals[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Dark Lift Crystal | Dark Agon Wastes Hall of Stairs |
Luminoth lift platform will raise when Crystal is energized by light-based weaponry. Used by the Luminoth forces during their war. Most still function, despite periodic abuse from the Ing. |
Light Lift Crystal | Dark Agon Wastes Doomed Entry |
Luminoth lift platform will lower when Crystal is energized by dark weaponry. Used by the Luminoth force during their war. Most still function, despite periodic abuse from the Ing. |
Liftvine Crystal | Dark Torvus Bog Brooding Ground |
Darkling plantform will grow in height when Crystal is energized by light-based weaponry. The Luminoth used these to navigate during their campaigns on Dark Aether. The Ing ignore the simple plant, as it is not a source of nourishment or a weapon. |
Light Beacons[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Energized Beacon | Dark Agon Wastes Feeding Pit |
Energized Beacons provide better protection from Dark Aether's denizens. Dark creatures are damaged by the energized field. Some are killed on contact. The extra protection is not unlimited, and must be recharged by the Light Beam to remain in effect. |
Light Beacon | Dark Agon Wastes Portal Site |
Light Beacons must be energized by Beam weapon fire to function, and remain charged for a limited time. The Beacons were created when the Luminoth ran short of Light Crystals during the war. While simpler to make, the Beacons were also unstable. They had to be energized periodically, and could run out of energy at critical moments. Still, any protection was better than none for the Luminoth warriors. |
Nullified Beacon | Dark Agon Wastes Doomed Entry |
Light Beacons, when covered with dark energy, cease to function for a brief time. Light energy can clear the Beacon of the dark energy. Some dark creatures will fire dark energy at Light Beacons to hinder or damage their opponents. |
Super Beacon | Ing Hive Aerial Training Site |
When charged with light and dark energy at once, the Beacon compels Ing to approach it, despite the deadly field of energy it emits. |
Light Crystals[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Energized Crystal | Dark Agon Wastes Feeding Pit |
Energized Crystals provide better protection from Dark Aether's denizens. Dark creatures are damaged by the energized field. Some are killed on contact. The extra protection is not unlimited, and must be recharged by the Light Beam to remain in effect. |
Light Crystal | Dark Agon Wastes Portal Site |
Light Crystals provide protection from Dark Aether's atmosphere. They can be nullified by dark energy and supercharged by light energy. They were created by the Luminoth during their war with the Ing, and many still remain in use. Dark creatures despise the crystals: some are injured or killed by the field they create. |
Nullified Crystal | Dark Agon Wastes Doomed Entry |
Light Crystals, when covered with dark energy, cease to function for a brief time. Light energy can clear the Crystal of the dark energy. Some dark creatures will fire dark energy at Light Crystals to hinder or damage their opponents. |
Super Crystal | Ing Hive Aerial Training Site |
When charged with light and dark energy at one, the Crystal becomes a beacon to Ing. They are compelled to approach it, despite the deadly field of energy it emits. |
Utility Crystals[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
Dark Sentinel Crystal | Dark Torvus Bog Dark Forgotten Bridge |
The original Sentinel Crystals were durable, but they had their limits. The toxic nature of Dark Aether, coupled with constant attack from the Ing, destroyed many of them. The Luminoth responded with the Dark Sentinel Crystal. Sheathed in dark energy, it is more resistant to the atmosphere of the Ing homeworld - and the attacks of its denizens. |
Sentinel Crystal | Torvus Bog Great Bridge |
During the war, the Luminoth used the Sentinel Crystals to monitor key areas and installations. They are incredibly durable, resisting all but the most powerful of Ing attacks. U-Mos still uses the remaining Sentinel Crystals to keep a watch for Ing activity. |
Mechanisms[edit | edit source]
GF Security[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
GF Bridge | Temple Grounds Industrial Site |
This bridge is durable, but often locks in place, leading the Marines to call for a new design. The Mk III should enter service within the next eight cycles. |
GF Gate Mk VI | Temple Grounds Hive Chamber A |
This gate is used with armored security locks, which must be neutralized to operate the gate. Gate is resistant to all but the most potent explosives. |
GF Gate Mk VII | Temple Grounds Dynamo Chamber |
The Mk VII Defense Gate is composed of Denzium. Invulnerable to most weapons, though high-yield explosives are effective. Often used in conjunction with a remote scan access control panel. |
Systems[edit | edit source]
Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Name | Location found | Log contents |
GFS Tyr | Temple Grounds GFMC Compound |
The Anhur class is a state-of-the-art warship, designed to police and defend planetary systems. This ship, the G.F.S. Tyr, has been heavily damaged. It appears that the crew have dismantled parts of the Tyr as well, possibly for use as makeshift defense systems. |
Pirate Skiff | Agon Wastes Central Mining Station |
Plans for the Shrike were recently stolen from a GF lab by the Space Pirates. Production began immediately, and the fast-moving skiff is now a part of most Pirate operations. It is used primarily as a troop transport, taking a fire team of troopers into action. The Shrike is unarmed, relying on the troops it carries for protection againt hostile forces. |
Samus's Gunship | Temple Grounds Landing Site |
Your Hunter-class gunship is one of a kind, its distinct hull lines marking it to friend and foe alike. Custom built for you by the Federated shipyards at Aliehs III, it contains a mobile energy recharge system and microfactories designed to produce ammunition. A sophisticated onboard computer stores mission data collected in the field for future reference. |