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Box artwork for Mighty Gunvolt.
Box artwork for Mighty Gunvolt.
Mighty Gunvolt
Developer(s)Inti Creates
Publisher(s)Inti Creates
Year released2014
System(s)Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows
SeriesAzure Striker Gunvolt
Japanese titleマイティガンヴォルト
Genre(s)Action, Platform
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 7+USK Ages 6+
LinksMighty Gunvolt at PCGamingWikiMighty Gunvolt ChannelSearch

Mighty Gunvolt is an action game that was originally released on the Nintendo 3DS and later ported to Steam. In Japan, it was also ported to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita and renamed as Gal Gunvolt. The ports include the DLC stages in the 3DS version. Mighty Gunvolt features three playable characters: Gunvolt from Azure Striker Gunvolt, Ekoro from Gal*Gun, and Beck from Mighty No. 9. The gameplay is similar to the Mega Man games and it uses an 8-bit retro art style.

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