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If you want to play with just a Wii Remote, make sure the GameCube controller is not connected, but it's only used for the Motor Kombat mode. The Wii Remote and Nunchuk can be used for all modes as well as Classic controller. To play with a GameCube controller, plug it in and get ready to play (Wii only).

PlayStation 2 Xbox Wii Action
Wii Remote & Nunchuk Classic Controller GameCube Controller
Start button Start button Plus button Plus button Start button Pause Game
Neutral lstick, Neutral dpad Neutral lstick, Neutral dpad Neutral nunchuk, Neutral dpad Neutral lstick, Neutral dpad Neutral control, Neutral dpad Scroll through options.
Cross button A button A button A button A button Confirm selection.
L1 button LT button Z button L button L button Load Profile
L2 button, R2 button LT button, RT button Z button, C button L button, R button L button, R button Change categories in Kreate a Fighter; Change walls in The Krypt.

Kombat Mode[edit | edit source]

PlayStation 2 Xbox Wii Action
Wii Remote & Nunchuk Classic Controller GameCube Controller
Neutral lstick, Neutral dpad Neutral lstick, Neutral dpad Neutral nunchuk, Neutral dpad Neutral lstick, Neutral dpad Neutral control, Neutral dpad Move Fighter; Scroll through fighters.
Square button X button B button Y button B button Attack 1; view Handicap window
Triangle button Y button C button X button Y button Attack 2; remove Handicap display
Cross button A button A button B button A button Attack 3
Circle button B button Z button A button X button Attack 4
L1 button LT button 1 button L button L button Style change
R1 button RT button 2 button R button R button Block/Ground Stall
L2 button White button Nunchuk button Zl button Neutral cstick Grab Arena Weapon
R2 button Black button Shake remote Zr button Z button Throw; Choose Arena

Konquest Mode[edit | edit source]

PlayStation 2 Xbox Wii Action
Wii Remote & Nunchuk Classic Controller GameCube Controller
Neutral lstick Neutral lstick Neutral nunchuk, Neutral dpad Neutral lstick Neutral control Move Taven
Neutral rstick Neutral rstick A button+Remote button pointer Neutral rstick Neutral cstick Camera Movement
Square button X button B button Y button B button Punch
Triangle button Y button C button X button Y button Uppercut
Cross button A button A button B button A button Kick
Circle button B button Z button A button X button Throw
L1 button LT button 1 button L button L button Special (+ button)
R1 button RT button 2 button R button R button Block/Roll (+ button)
R2 button White button Nunchuk button Zr button Z button Relics
L2 button Black button Shake remote Zl button Neutral dpad Map

Motor Kombat[edit | edit source]

PlayStation 2 Xbox Wii Action
Wii Remote (held sideways) Wii Remote & Nunchuk Classic Controller GameCube Controller
Neutral lstick Neutral lstick Tilt Remote button Neutral nunchuk Neutral lstick Neutral control Steer
Left rstick, Square button Left rstick, X button Left dpad, Move Remote button Left B button Left rstick, Y button Left cstick, B button Bump Left
Right rstick, Circle button Right rstick, B button Right dpad, Move Remote button Right Z button Right rstick, A button Right cstick, X button Bump Right
Triangle button Y button Up dpad C button X button Y button Rear View
Cross button A button A button A button B button A button Special Attack
L1 button LT button 1 button Z button Zl button,Zr button Z button Reverse
R1 button RT button 2 button B button R button R button Accelerate
L2 button White button Down dpad Down dpad, C button L button L button PowerSlide
R2 button Black button         Voice