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Jack Thompson[edit | edit source]

Jack Thompson is the most violent man in America, ergo, he is a perfect fit for Mortal Kombat. Don't believe me? Check out any one of Jack's recent tirades both before and after his Contempt charges in Florida the other day. The man was ready to massacre that judge. And with the recent release of Bully, he's gone and added flaming other issues to his list of virtues. When it comes to kombatants, Jack is truly in a class by himself.

The Formula
Appearance: Body Type (1/7)
Gender: Male
Size: Medium (Skin Color: 4, 13)

Appearance: Head (2/7)
Face: Old
Hair: Anime 3 (Color: 1, 15)
Helmet: None

Appearance: Upper Body (3/7)
Torso: Suit (Color: 1, 6 Accent Color: 2, 6)
Cloth: None
Gloves: None

Appearance: Lower Body (4/7)
Pants: Tuxedo (Color: 1, 5)
Belt: None
Boots: Tuxedo (Color: 1, 4)

Appearance: Accessories (5/7)
Head: None (Optional: Devil Horns)
Chest: None

Appearance: Accessories (6/7)
Arms: None
Legs: None

Appearance: Attributes (7/7)
Nose width:4
Nose Length: 15
Mouth width:10
Lip Size: 8
Cheekbones: 20
Cheek width:17
Jaw width:17
Eyelids: 0
Eye Angle: 10

Fighting Style (Legalese)
Preset: Aggressive
Stance: Shotokan

Weapon Style (Objection)
Weapon Type: Axes
Weapon: War Hammer
Preset: None
Stance: Crude Hammer

Special Moves
Projectile: Chi-Blast
Charge: Unassigned
Disabling: Banshee Scream
Teleport: Mind Warp
Throw: Heel To The Gut

Voice: Small Male 1
Victory: Unassigned

The Rationale
Jack Thompson is all legs and is a deadly mid-range opponent.

Jack's personality meshes perfectly with many of the Kreate A Fighter options. He fights with the Aggressive Shotokan stance as it gives him that puffed out self-important look that is critical to a guy like Jack Thompson. His projectile is a big fireball known as the Chi-Blast because he's always spouting flames on the Internet. And going for the obvious, Jack uses the Banshee Scream because he's always yelling (even when others want to have a civil conversation with him). It's clear that raising his voice that much must have some kind of defensive capabilities, otherwise why would a person constantly act like that in public?

As the fight wears on Jack will just get worse. If the battle isn't going well he can pull out gavel-inspired War Hammer and try to restore order to the battlefield. And if he somehow manages to win the day, Jack has no victory pose because, let's face it, he's never won.