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You start at the dock. There, and in 7 other places are Marker Switches. Familiarize yourself with the island, flip the 7 Switches you can reach, then return to the dock and enter the fore-chamber. Press the button on the paper hanging on the wall, enter the number 8, press that button, then the one on the imager. Go out and enter the Library. Put the Red and Blue Pages in their books. Clicking the picture left of the bookshelf opens a secret passage. The one to the right opens the door out. Look at the map. Clicking and holding on the flashing white circle should make a line rotate, and pause at 4 places. If it doesn't, flip the Switches you missed, then come back.

Enter Mechanical[edit | edit source]

Rotate the map until it stops on the gears, then enter the secret passage (see Start). Go up the elevator, and note the key behind it (2:40 and 2,2,1). Leave and go to the Clock Tower. Spin the wheels (Small- Hours, Large- Minutes) until the Clock says 2:40. Press the red button, flip the Marker Switch, and enter the Clock Tower. Pull the middle lever twice, then hold the left one until the middle number reads 2. If you need to reset the puzzle, pull the right lever. When the gear opens up, go to the large gear, and enter the Mechanical Age.

Mechanical Age[edit | edit source]

Go to the Fortress. Take the right path, and face the throne. Click on the recessed panel to the left. Inside is a Blue Page. Go back and take the left path. Face the throne and press the panel to the right for the Red Page. Go to the back of the Fortress, press the button, and go down the stairs. Pull the lever so that the openings on the circles face you, then go up, close the stairs, and enter the elevator. Press the top arrow and go to that floor. Press the middle button and quickly exit the elevator onto the to floor. When it lowers, go to the controls that are on top of the elevator. Move the left lever up, then the right for a short time. Pull the left lever back down. Do this until you hear the exhaust sound (1 of 4 sounds). Press the orange button, and return to the Fortress entrance. Go down the path, and note the symbols. Return to the elevator and the controls. This time, rotate the Fortress until you hear a Clink sound. Return to the entrance, and note more symbols. Go back to the controls above the elevator, and rotate until you hear a cowbell sound. Return to the start of the level, and enter these symbols in the pillar:

  1. Circle with hole at bottom
  2. Two triangles and a rectangle between
  3. Three triangles with a circle above
  4. Half a circle

Have one of the two Pages before you leave. Put it in its book, then return and get the other page. Leave and put it in its book to finish.

Enter Stoneship[edit | edit source]

Rotate the map until it stops at the dock, then enter the secret passage (see Start). Go up the elevator, and note the dates behind it. Leave and go to the Planetarium. Turn off the light and look up in the chair. Note the stars shown after entering each date: Oct. 11, 1984 10:04AM, Jan. 17, 1207 5:46AM, and Nov. 23, 9791 6:57PM. Return to the Library and open the second book from the right on the top shelf. Find the shapes that match the stars, then go outside to the pillars by the model ship. Press, the Leaf, Snake, and Beetle; only they should turn green when hovered on. When you hear the ship, go to the dock, enter the ship, then the book.

Stoneship Age[edit | edit source]

Turn left, go to the umbrella, move lever to the right then press the button. Turn around and go to the lighthouse. At the bottom, open and close the knob on the ocean marker attached to the rope. Go to the umbrella, move the lever to the middle and press the button, and return to the lighthouse. Click the key to open the chest, then use the key inside it above. Go up and turn the generator crank until it is fully charged. You may need to repeat this later. Go to the second part of the boat, climb up the platforms, and note 135 in the telescope. Go down, then into the corridor to Achenar's room. Record the note in the second from bottom shelf in the dresser, and see the Blue Page on the bed. Return to the starting part of the boat, and enter the corridor to Sirrus's room. The Red Page is in the bottom shelf of the dresser. Exit the room, and go up exactly one level. Press the secret door at the side, and go to the compass rose. Press the button by the bottom-right orange arrow. Exit, take a Page, and return to the umbrella. Press the left button, return to the boat, and go down the passage to the right. Click on the table to leave. Insert the Page, then return to the Age. Go to the umbrella, press the middle button, recharge the generator, and get the second Page. Enter the secret passage again to press the bottom-right orange button. Return to the umbrella, press the left button, go down the corridor, and leave the Age. Put the Page into its book.

Enter Channelwood[edit | edit source]

Rotate the map until it stops at the hexagon at the bottom-left, and enter the secret passage (see Start). Go up the elevator, and note the key behind it. Leave and go to the Cabin. Face the safe, enter "724", and open the door. Take out, and strike, a match. Turn and go to the boiler, then click on the square at the bottom-left with a lit match. Turn and hold the wheel so it moves all of the way right. When the banging sounds stop, move the wheel left for 20 turns, then quickly exit, turn around, and go down the path to the left of the Cabin. Enter the tree when it is moving down. If you miss the tree, turn the wheel again. If it takes you up, press the white button to go back. Enter Channelwood at the bottom.

Channelwood[edit | edit source]

Turn around and go to the windmill. Turn the handle at the bottom, then leave. If you don't hear water, go back and turn the handle again. Go down to the first junction. Look down at the switch, and turn the handle to the right. Go to the left, set the handle right, go left, set left, go right. Pull the handle at the end of the path, then continue to the end, turn around, and go left. Extend the pipe, then go all the way back to the second junction. While facing the bottom, set it left, go right, set left, go right, set left, go right. Enter the elevator, close the door, and pull the handle to go up. Exit the elevator, then go straight to the round hut, right to the square hut, turn right and go to the square hut, then go right through two round huts. Pull the handle and a door will open. Turn around and go straight to the square hut, right to the round hut, right to square, straight to square, and right to the stairs. Go down the stairs, to the first junction, and switch it so water flows to the stairs. Go back up, turn, and enter the elevator. Exit and go straight to the square hut at the end. Take the Page, then return to ground level. Facing the bottom of the first switch, flip it right, go left, flip left, go right, flip left, go right, flip right. Go back 1 junction, turn to face the bottom of the switch, and go left, left, then straight to the elevator. Ride up and leave the Age. Insert the Page then reenter Channelwood. Flip the first switch left, then go up the stairs and elevator. Follow the path to the side of the elevator. Enter the room. On the right drawer of the bed is the second half of a note. Write it down, then get the Red Page from the drawer by the window. Go back down to face the first switch, flip it, and exit the same way as before.

Enter Selenitic[edit | edit source]

Rotate the map until it faces the Spaceship at the top, and enter the secret passage (see start). Ride the elevator, and note "59 volts" behind it. Exit, then raise the bookshelf. Look at the tilted blue book on the middle shelf. Turn to the piano near the end, and note the positions of the numbered keys (below). Leave, and go to the brick Generator Room. Go to the control panel, and press the 4th button from the top on the left, and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th buttons on the right. If you go above 59, lower the power, and reset the circuit breakers behind the Generator Room, and left of the stone path to the Spaceship. When the power is set correctly, enter the Spaceship. Use the diagram from the journal and press key 1. Listen to its tone and move the 1st slider behind it to match. Repeat for the other 4. Or, you can count how many keys from the top or bottom a note is, and move its slider by that amount. They should be in this position (number of notes from the bottom [counting the bottom as 1]):

  • Slider 1: Position 8
  • Slider 2: Position 20
  • Slider 3: Position 23
  • Slider 4: Position 13
  • Slider 5: Position 6

Selenitic Age[edit | edit source]

Go forward, just past a door on the right, then follow the stairs to the left. By the water at the end, note the Blue Page and press the red button. Return to the main path and go to the next set of stairs. Press the button by the fire, return, go to the clock tower, and press its button. Go to the next junction, and head right. Press the button in the crystal forest, and note the Red Page above. Go back to the junction and take the right path to a well. Press the button, then go down, to the other end, and up again. Open the control panel and set the buttons, left to right, to this angle: 1 to 153.4, 2 to 130.3, 3 to 55.6, 4 to 15.0, 5 to 212.2. Press the red button and note the order of the sounds. Go back and retrieve a Page. Then return to the doorway near the beginning, and look at the control panel. Move the sliders to: crystal, water, wind, fire, clock, and press the button. Go through the door to the end of the path. Press the blue button, enter the Mazerunner, and press forward. Use the sounds to find the direction to go: North- Ping, East- Spring, South- Dong, West- Chirp. 2 sounds means to go between their directions. Go: N,W,N,E,E,S,S, W,SW,W,NW,NE,N,SE. Exit, return to Myst, insert the Page, then return for the other Page. Leave through the same way, and insert the last Page.

End Game[edit | edit source]

Listen to both brothers to be informed about the final page behind the fireplace. Then read the last book on the middle shelf. Turn to page 158, and note the diagram. Go into the fireplace, press the red button, and enter the same combination (shown here):

XX    XX
X X   XX
X  X  XX

Press the red button again, then open the green book. Listen to Atrus, then, from the two half notes that you found earlier, make sure all of the Marker Switches are up, and lower the one by the dock. Take the Page, enter the Green Book, and give the page to Atrus. Watch the ending.

You can skip most of the plot by only performing the necessary steps to get the final page. You will need to set the clock tower to 2:40 to raise a Marker Switch, but all other marker switches do not require any special puzzles to complete.

The bad endings are possible simply by adding the final blue or red page to the appropriate book.

realMyst Age[edit | edit source]

You can only explore this bonus age if you play realMyst, the realtime 3D remake of Myst. All other PC versions (including Masterpiece editions) do not offer any way to enter or explore this age, but a static 2D version (like the original ages) is included in the PSP release.

Enter Rime[edit | edit source]

Return to Myst after Atrus is back. Read the book on the floor. Enter the holograph room at the dock. Enter number 40 at the panel and walk behind the projector. You will see a button on the other side of it. If you push it, the panel will move away and you see a picture behind it. Turn the round button on this picture so that the smaller angle is at the left. Walk to the rocketship dock. A new entrance will have appeared, you can find it if you walk down the hill at the left of the dock. Enter the passage and find the code panel. Enter the combination Atrus wrote in his book about Rime: 2735. The machine will lift. Go to the library and find the Rime linking book in the pedestal in the center of the room. Enter Rime.

Rime[edit | edit source]

Walk to the left of the cabin and find the pipe. Turn the lever so that you can hear the gas streaming. Enter the cabin and close the door. Turn on the oven by pushing the red button on it and wait until the floor becomes reflective. Open the white door at the left of the entrance door and walk to the elevator at the end of the passage. Use the up button to go to the control panel of the lightning towers. You can use it to create some awesome aurora effect by pulling the big lever but it does not have any deeper sense.

The right button controls the color. Find the red button at left and push it. Read the journal and go down without turning the elevator back by pressing the red button on the right. Go to the door at the end of the passage and notice the crystal combination which is written down on the paper on the desk at the left. Enter the combination into the age observator - note that the color of the center crystal is turquoise and not blue. If you do it correctly, you will see a picture of Riven. You can return to Myst using the linking book in the cabin.