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Box artwork for Mystic Defender.
Box artwork for Mystic Defender.
Mystic Defender
Year released1989
System(s)Sega Genesis
Preceded bySpellCaster
ModesSingle player
LinksMystic Defender ChannelSearch

Mystic Defender is a two-dimensional action run and gun video game released for the Sega Genesis. Originally titled Kujaku Ou 2: Geneijou (孔雀王2 幻影城? lit. Peacock King 2 Phantom Castle) in Japan and based on the anime/manga Kujaku Ō, it is the sequel to SpellCaster for the Master System.

Story[edit | edit source]

Both games are based on the manga and anime of the same name, also known as Spirit Warrior, by Makoto Ogino. Its story concerns the titular monk, Kujaku (Peacock), who is the reincarnation of various important religious figures, and part of organization tasked to take down demonic forces that threaten the world of mankind. The plot of Kujaku Ou 2 concerns the return of warlord Nobunaga Oda in a new demonic form that Kujaku and friends need to destroy, especially after he kidnaps their friend Ashura. In the Mystic Defender version of the game, the story and characters have been changed: the magic-user Joe Yamato travels to the castle of Zareth, the underling of King Zao, to rescue Alexandra, the daughter of "the supreme deity."

Mystic Defender takes place in an alternate Japan fantasy setting in which the anarchistic sorcerer Zareth kidnaps a young woman named Alexandra. Zareth plans to use Alexandra as a sacrifice for the resurrecting of an ancient and evil god known as Zao. Not long after the kidnapping, Zareth's plan becomes apparent as Azuchi castle - the dwelling of Zao - rises from the waters.

Joe Yamato, an experienced sorcerer, is called into action to save Alexandra and stop Zareth's plan to resurrect Zao by battling his way through the dark and bizarre disciples and demons of Zao.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The game has the protagonist working his way through each level, taking on various foes and obstacles in 2D platforming levels. Rather than use weapons, Kujaku/Joe has an array of powerful spells he can use, gaining new spells as the game continues. These spells have different ranges and effects, adding some versatility to the player's repertoire. Players start with a single shooting ball of energy that can be charged to fire one powerful shot. Players can later acquire a spiritual flame that can be pointed in straight and diagonal directions and when charged can reach good distances, as well as a spherical power that launches ricocheting spheres around the screen that multiply when fully charged. In addition to these powers, players can also use a screen-clearing power that summons a three-headed dragon that destroys all enemies and fired shots on screen.

Table of Contents


Mystic Defender/Table of Contents