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Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
{{{360}}} 45
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
{{{g}}} 33 8 3 This game has a platinum trophy.

There are 46 achievements for Steam and 45 trophies for PlayStation 4.

General[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Trophy
Judgement! Defeated 100 enemies. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Right to Strike and Leave! Defeated 500 enemies. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Be Punished! In the Name of Shinobi! Defeated 1,000 enemies. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Chuunin Level Used skills 100 times. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Jounin Level Used skills 500 times. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The True Charm of Ninja Weapons Gave an enemy a status effect with a Ninja Weapon 10 times. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Chaining Ninja Arts Connected Ninja Art Trigger to the end with any character. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Beyond Styles Connected Ninja Art Trigger to the end with all characters. 2: Silver trophy Silver
This is Fuurinkazan Drive! Used all 4 types of the Fuurinkazan Drive. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Final Secret Art! Shinobi Extreme! Activated Shinobi Extreme with all characters. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Treasure of the Ninja! Opened all the treasure boxes. 2: Silver trophy Silver
My Income Isn't Stealthy! Acquired 1,000,000 total Nin. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Sneaking Around Everywhere Traveled 10,000m. 2: Silver trophy Silver
No Ninja Duties For Me! Entered free dungeon mode 10 times. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Ultimate Ninja Reached level 50 with any character. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Mysterious Spirit Gems Synthesized a Spirit Gem for the first time. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Mysterious Spirit Gems Went All Out! Maxed the level of a Spirit Gem. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Synergies of Mysterious Spirit Gems Activated a Spirit Gem bonus for the first time. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
True Worth of Mysterious Spirit Gems Activated the Spirit Gem bonus to its maximum. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Ask Us For Anything! Reached 50% completion of all requests. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Ninja Duties Complete Completed all requests from the Kumotsu Shrine. 3: Gold trophy Gold
First Meditation! Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with any character. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Swaying's Destination Cleared "Hard" difficulty of Peaches & Cream Meditation. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
It's All Peaches & Cream! Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with all characters. 2: Silver trophy Silver
The Greatest Shinobi Completed the game in Normal or Hard Mode. N/A
Survival from the Yomi Completed all of Yomi Training. 3: Gold trophy Gold
Nep Nep! Ultimate Ninja Master! Proof that you've played through Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars. Thank you for saving Gamninjustri! 4: Platinum trophy Platinum

Secret[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Trophy
Fate of the Four Shinobi Victorious in your first battle. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Mysterious Black-Clothed Ninja Defeated the mysterious black-clothed ninja "???." 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Nothing to Fear Defeated Demon Bull. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Splendidly Dancing Shinobi Asuka joined your party. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Power of a United Front Defeated the Steeme Legion Captain. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Crimson Flames Homura joined your party. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Momentary Rest Stretched your wings in the public bath. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Swaying on Top of a Peach Struggled with Peaches & Cream Meditation with everyone. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Hurry! Just Hurry to the Princess! Yuuki joined your party. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Beautifully Falling Neve Yumi and Miyabi joined your party. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A Crow From the Dark Night Goh The Crow joined your party. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Defeated! Steamax!! Defeated Steamax. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Defeated! Affimojas!! Defeated Affimojas. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Defeated! Duplex!! Defeated Duplex. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Defeated! Dayuu Youtsubo!! Defeated Dayuu Youtsubo. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Defeated! Yoh Gamer!! Defeated Yoh Gamer. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Defeated! Evil Spirit Phantomakia!! Borrowing everyone's strength, defeated Evil Spirit Phantomakia. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
And So the War Continues Brought the Super Ninja War to an end. 3: Gold trophy Gold
Unhiding Spy Gathered information for the first time in NinChat. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze