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Difficulty[edit | edit source]

The difficulty setting can be changed in the System Menu except while inside of a dungeon. In hard mode, regular enemies are as hard as bosses. In easy mode, all enemies take massive damage.

Treasure Boxes[edit | edit source]

Treasure of the Ninja!
Treasure of the Ninja!
Opened all the treasure boxes.

Dungeons have two types of treasure boxes that contain items, normal and locked. Locked treasure boxes requires a Stealth Key to open. Each treasure box can only be opened once and the world map tracks how many have been acquired in each dungeon.

Status Effects[edit | edit source]

Name Effect
Poison HP will slowly decrease.
Paralyze Flinch at regular intervals.
Slow Movement speed slows down.
Dull Player: Stamina Gauge depletes, can no longer use special actions.
Bosses: Break Gauge easier to lower.
Seal Player: Unable to use items.
Bosses: Ability increases are blocked.

Market Street[edit | edit source]

The Market Street is where you can buy and sell Spirit Gems, items, and equipment. More items become available as you progress through the game.

Kumotsu Shrine[edit | edit source]

Kumotsu Shrine is where you can accept requests and obtain rewards for completing them. Once accepted, you will immediately move to the dungeon, so you need to prepare prior. More requests become available as you progress through the story and all requests can be repeated. Special requests can be obtained from NinChat and will have two types of valuable Dogoos. Gorgeous Dogoos give more experience when defeated and Pot Dogoos drop multiple items. Special requests will disappear from the list whether you successfully complete them or not, but you can talk to the requestor in NinChat to make them appear again.

Kumotsu Shrine also has a treasury where you can view event CGs, character info, movies, events, and play BGM.

Peaches & Cream Meditation[edit | edit source]

First Meditation!
First Meditation!
Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with any character.
The Swaying's Destination
The Swaying's Destination
Cleared "Hard" difficulty of Peaches & Cream Meditation.
It's All Peaches & Cream!
It's All Peaches & Cream!
Cleared Peaches & Cream Meditation with all characters.

Peaches & Cream Meditation is a mini-game where the character sits on a large peach and mediates. You have to fill the Peach Gauge by keeping a ball on the curved balance bar. If you succeed, you gain various effects for the leader and partner. When a Patience Challenge occurs, a tilted silhouette of the character appears. Holding the ball in the silhouette will greatly increase the Peach Gauge. On higher difficulties, the peach will grow larger after the Peach Gauge is filled and the next stage appears. Peaches & Cream Meditation requires a fee to play, but you can use a Time-Saving Ticket to skip it and receive the effects right away.

Difficulty Price Effect
Easy 500
  • HP Increase
Mid 1000
  • HP Increase
  • Attack Increase
Hard 1500
  • HP Increase
  • Attack Increase
  • Defense Increase

NinChat[edit | edit source]

Unhiding Spy
Unhiding Spy
Gathered information for the first time in NinChat.

NinChat is where you can talk with characters. Characters with a "!" will give an item, unlock a special request, or an event will occur.