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Suggested order[edit | edit source]

  • Credit: The contents of the following table were originally published at before 2009.

This walkthrough allows to recruit all 18 special characters in a single game.

Faster walkthrough Rewarding walkthrough
Castle of Warren
1. Recruit Lans
2. Recruit Warren
Sharom District
1. Recruit Canopus
2. Fight Gilbert with Canopus so you can recruit him.
Pogrom Forest
1. Do NOT get the "Mercury" (Silver) yet, as it should be saved for the reputation increase you will need to do later.
2. Destroy the neutral Undead characters (Ghosts and Skeletons) of the forests to raise your Alignment to 100.
Deneb's Garden
Forgive Deneb, but DO NOT return to her castle so you can save the reputation decrease you will need in the future.
Slums of Zenobia
1. Recruit Lyon
2. Recruit Ashe
Island Avalon
Recruit Aisha
Kastolatian Sea
1. Receive the Brunhild Sword.
2. DO NOT liberate any visible town or Roshiafallen Temple! Leave them alone until you need to return and liberate them for the reputation increase that they offer.
Recruit Norn
Valley of Kastro
Recruit Rauny
Balmorian ruins
Recruit Saradin
Recruit Slust
Recruit Fenril
City of Malano
Recruit Tristan
Recruit Yushis
Temple Shangrila
Recruit Debonair
Fort Allamoot
Find the Chaos Gate to Shiguld
Fort Allamoot
1. Find the Chaos Gate to Shiguld
2. Collect tribute until your Reputation Meter bottoms out (perform "The Saga" side quest at the same time for even more Goth).
Recruit Fogel
Re-visit Deneb's Garden
1. Make your Opinion Leader kill Level 1 Pumpkins in the light mountains until his/her Alignment drops below 30.
2. Visit Deneb and agree to help her out.
Come into the map with your Opinion Leader's unit classified as High Sky. Send them directly east to the side of the screen, and then wait to see if a flying unit comes after you. If they do not appear, they will capture your home base, causing the game to return to the map select area (big bite of Reputation Meter gone). If they chase you, fly north and then east until a second enemy unit takes your home base. Repeat these steps until your Reputation is at 1/4 full (at the absolute most) to completely empty.
Re-visit Diaspola
Buy a Golden Bough
Re-visit Deneb's Garden
Bring the "Bough" to Deneb to receive the Glass Pumpkin. If your Reputation meter is low enough, she will join your army.
Re-visit Deneb's Garden
1. Bring the "Bough" to Deneb to receive the Glass Pumpkin. If your Reputation Meter is low enough, she will join your army.
2. Take on Level 1 Pumpkinheads here to lower your ALI greatly.
Re-visit Antanjyl
Defeat Galf and offer him the Brunhild Sword to get him to join.
1. Defeat Galf and offer him the Brunhild Sword to get him to join.
2. Collect all the great items that Galf receives when he is in your army to make lots of cool characters.
Re-visit Antalia
Destroy the neutral Undead characters (Ghosts and Skeletons) of the swamps to raise his/her Alignment to 100.
Unliberated towns
1. Visit the Kastolatian Sea to liberate the Towns you passed on before to raise the Reputation meter.
2. Visit any other map where you left Towns for your Opinion Leader to liberate, causing the Reputation Meter to raise until it is full.
Re-visit Pogrom Forest
Return here to get the "Mercury" (Silver) once your Reputation Meter has returned to 70% (7/10) full.
- Shiguld
Recruit Fogel
Finish the game
Now go finish the game with all 18 Special Characters.
Dragon's Haven
Start a new game and name your character Fireseal. This extra stage is not for beginners!