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The basic rules of the original Pac-Man remain unchanged. You must clear each round by eating all 240 regular pellets and all 4 power pellets in the maze. Pac-Man will lose a life if he is caught by a ghost, but he can turn the tables on them for a brief period of time after eating a power pellet. Here are a list of the changes.

  • The color of the maze walls has been changed from blue to aqua-green. They will still flash white once you cleared a round.
  • When the ghosts turn blue, they will shrink and a stem with a green leaf will appear on top of their heads until they return to normal (shown right).
  • The majority of the bonus items have changed (see the table below). The Apples (Rounds 5 & 6) and Galaxian Flagships (Rounds 9 & 10) are unchanged.
  • When Pac-Man eats a power pellet, one of five events may randomly occur with equal probability:
    • All four of the ghosts will turn blue as expected.
    • Only three of the ghosts will turn blue, while the fourth remains unaffected, although he will reverse direction.
    • The maze walls will become invisible, although the pellets will remain visible, until the power pellet wears off.
    • The maze walls and all the remaining pellets will become invisible until the effect of the power pellet wears off.
    • The blue ghosts will become invisible, but become visible again when they begin to flash white.
  • Upon eating one of the bonus items, the ghosts will turn blue, just as if you had eaten a power pellet. They will also become invisible for a while and reappear when they begin to flash white. Unlike eating a power pellet, the first ghost eaten is worth 400, and then each consecutive ghost is worth 800, 1600, and 3200, for the fourth and final ghost. Note that the ghosts' point values remain the same (200, 400, 800, and 1600) if you've eaten a power pellet.
Bonus items
Round 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13+
Points 100 300 500 700 1000 2000 3000 5000