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Paradigm Entertinment

Paradigm Entertainment (previously part of Paradigm Simulation) was an American video game development company. Paradigm started off as a visual simulation company based in Addison, Texas. Through connections to Silicon Graphics, designers of the Nintendo 64, it worked with Nintendo to produce Pilotwings 64, one of the first three games available for N64 in Japan and the US. In May 1998, the entertainment wing was spun off to concentrate solely on video game production, while the simulation division was later acquired by C.A. Inc. In the early years, as an independent studio, Paradigm did produce some successful titles, F-1 World Grand Prix for Nintendo and the PS2 game Spy Hunter for Midway. On June 29, 2000, Paradigm was acquired by Atari, but following the stock market downturn, and in the light of poor game sales, Atari began to divest of its internal development studios in an effort to financially restructure. In spite of not having produced a profitable game in over six years, and a steady exodus of talent, Paradigm was sold in May 2006 to THQ. After yet another commercial failure of the 1st THQ title Stuntman: Ignition, THQ struggled to find a project to fit the studio, then was unable to fund a proposed new FPS project internally or using external investors. On November 3, 2008 Paradigm Entertainment was closed without warning.

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