The most important aspects about editing events in the People's Tactics editor are the "Show this event #" and "UPDATE" buttons. To view or edit an event, enter the number of the event into the "Events:" box and click "Show this event #". Make changes by entering information into the boxes below and then click "UPDATE" to store the data. If you do not click "UPDATE", your changes will be lost, along with your faith in humanity. You have been warned!
When the event type is changed, the parameters will not appear in the "DATA" and "DATASTRING" areas. First click "UPDATE" to store the fact that you've changed the event type, then click "Show this event #" to update the display.
ALL events in People's Tactics MUST be accompanied by a message dialog. This means that the event will NOT occur if "SHOWALL", "SHOWREG1" or "SHOWREG2" are left at 0 or if "SHOW STORY" is left blank.
Event parameters are entered in the "DATA" and "DATASTRING" areas. To change the value of a "DATA" parameter, put the number of the parameter in the "at#" box and the value you want to change it to in the "Val#" box and click the adjacent "OK". To change the value of a "DATASTRING" parameter, put the number of the parameter in the "Dat#" box and the value you want to change it to in the "Str" box and click the adjacent "OK".
Triggers[edit | edit source]
Triggers can be used by themselves or in conjunction with other triggers. If used in conjunction with other triggers, BOTH (or ALL) must be satisfied for the event to occur.
=> TURN[edit | edit source]
If the turn number is greater than or equal to this number, the event will happen.
=< TURN[edit | edit source]
If the turn number is less than or equal to this number, the event will happen.
X,Y=OWNER[edit | edit source]
If the hex defined by the X and Y coordinates is owned by the regime number X,Y=OWNER, then the event will happen. The regime number corresponds to "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window.
GAMEWINNER[edit | edit source]
If the regime number of the winner of the scenario is equal to this value, the event will happen. The event will happen the turn after the turn when victory is declared on the start screen, due to the way events work. The event will be displayed every subsequent turn (counter to expectations), unless specified otherwise using the ONLY ONCE? trigger modifier. The regime number corresponds to "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window.
NOT GAMEWINNER[edit | edit source]
If the regime number of the loser of the scenario is equal to this value, the event will happen. The event will happen the turn after the turn when victory is declared on the start screen, due to the way events work. The event will be displayed every subsequent turn (counter to expectations), unless specified otherwise using the ONLY ONCE? trigger modifier. The regime number corresponds to "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window.
RANDOM100[edit | edit source]
This trigger is probability based, a percent chance that the event will happen. If set to 1, there is a 1% chance of this event happening each turn, if set to 100, the event will happen each turn.
ONLY ONCE?[edit | edit source]
This is not a trigger, but a modifier that, if set to 1, will ensure the event only occurs once.
BOOKVAR=> #[edit | edit source]
If the bookvar specified by BOOKVAR # has a value greater than or equal to this number, the event will happen. This will not work as a trigger if left at 0 (i.e. you can't test to see whether the bookvar value is greater than or equal to 0).
BOOKVAR=< #[edit | edit source]
If the bookvar specified by BOOKVAR # has a value less than or equal to this number, the event will happen. This will not work as a trigger if left at 0 (i.e. you can't test to see whether the bookvar value is less than or equal to 0).
IFAIREGIME[edit | edit source]
If the regime corresponding to this number is controlled by the AI, the event will happen. The regime number corresponds to "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window.
IFPEACEWITH[edit | edit source]
If the regime corresponding to this number is at peace with the regime corresonding to the number in SHOWREG1, the event will happen. The regime number corresponds to "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window. SHOWALL can be set at the same time as SHOWREG1, enabling the trigger to work and the message to be displayed to all players.
IFWARWITH[edit | edit source]
If the regime corresponding to this number is at war with the regime corresonding to the number in SHOWREG1, the event will happen. The regime number corresponds to "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window. SHOWALL can be set at the same time as SHOWREG1, enabling the trigger to work and the message to be displayed to all players.
DIPLASTTURN[edit | edit source]
If this value is not '0' then IFWARWITH and IFPEACEWITH are only checked if the EVENTSHOWREGIME regime went to peace or war the last turn with the specified IFWARWITH and IFPEACEWITH regime (this way you can react to declaration of war or peace the turn after this was done).
Events[edit | edit source]
There are 8 types of event available in the People's Tactics editor:
Show story[edit | edit source]
This is the simplest of the People's Tactics events. When the triggers are met, a dialog box is displayed showing text and a picture. This kind of event can add plot depth to a game, so for example if the trigger is a city being in enemy hands, the message may say something like "Our front line city has fallen, we are all doomed".
To use this kind of event: set the trigger and leave "THEN EVENT TYP" at 0. "SHOW SPRITE #" should be set to the number of the image you want to accompany the text. In the default game, these are numbered 2001 to 2009 and can be perused using the "Sprites" tab of the "Edit Scenario and Rules" window or by looking in PT/default/type, where they are numbered event1.bmp to event9.bmp (the 2000 is added by the editor). "SHOW SPRITE" may be left blank, resulting in a grey space next to the dialog text.
The event dialog can be shown to all regimes, one regime or two regimes. To show the event dialog to all regimes, set "SHOWALL" to 1. To show the event dialog to just one regime, set "SHOWREG1" to the number of the regime desired. The regimes are numbered according to their number in the "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window. To show the event dialog to two regimes, set "SHOWREG1" to the number of the first regime and "SHOWREG2" to the number of the second regime. It is possible to show the event to just one regime by filling in just "SHOWREG2", but there is no benefit in doing it this way.
Enter the text you want to be displayed to the player in the "SHOW STORY" box. The character limit on what will be displayed is about 730, including spaces, but this will depend on the text. It is possible to put more text into the "SHOW STORY" box than will be displayed in the dialog, so make sure you playtest.
New formation[edit | edit source]
The new formation event does exactly what it says on the tin: it makes a new formation. To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 1. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #".
The following parameters area available in the "DATA" area:
1) X – the x coordinate where the formation will be created 2) Y - the y coordinate where the formation will be created 3) No function, so leave blank 4) THEATER – the type of formation, (0 for land, 1 for sea and 2 for air 5) READINESS – the readiness of the formation, ranging from 10 to 100 6) XP – the experience of the formation, ranging from 25 to 150 7) GEN SPRITE – the sprite of the officer for the formation - in the default game these are numbered 1 to 75 and can be browsed in PT/default/officer or the "Sprites" tab of the "Edit Scenario and Rules" window, where they are numbered 1801 to 1875 8) GEN LAND – the land value of the officer of the formation, ranging from 1 to 9 9) GEN AIR – the air value of the officer of the formation, ranging from 1 to 9 10) GEN SEA – the sea value of the officer of the formation, ranging from 1 to 9 11) GEN RETREAT – the retreat value of the officer of the formation, ranging from 0 to 100 (0 has a lower chance of retreating, 100 has a higher chance of retreating) 12) GEN FAME – the fame value of the officer of the formation, ranging from 0 to infinity (according to the official manual, although exercise caution with putting fame values at greater than 25) 13) REGIME OF UNIT – the regime of the unit, using the numbering of the "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window 14) OVERRIDE ENM HEX – if this is set to 0, the unit will not be placed on enemy territory, if this is set to 1 it will and will change ownership of the hex. 15) to 19) No function, so leave blank 20) INFTYP – the type of infantry the formation contains, using the numberings of the "Edit unttypes" window 21) INFQTY - the amount of infantry 22) MOBTYP – the type of mobile the formation contains, using the numberings of the "Edit unttypes" window 23) MOBQTY - the amount of mobile 24) ARTTYP - the type of artillery the formation contains, using the numberings of the "Edit unttypes" window 25) ARTQTY - the amount of artillery 26) ARMTYP - the type of armour the formation contains, using the numberings of the "Edit unttypes" window 27) ARMQTY - the amount of armour
The following parameters area available in the "DATASTRING" area:
1) NAME OF FORM – the name of the formation 2) NAME OF GEN – the name of the formation's officer. If this is set to "random" the name of the officer will be generated in the normal way.
If the destination hex for the new formation is already full (i.e. 3 formations) then the formation will be place on neighbouring hex, unless these are all full. If the destination hex is enemy controlled, the "OVERRIDE ENM HEX" is set to 1 AND the hex contains an enemy unit, the formation will be placed on a neighbouring hex unless these also contain enemy units or are full.
If the event is not executable it will try next turn again if the trigger conditions still apply that turn.
Political Point Grant[edit | edit source]
This event changes the amount of political points of a regime. To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 2. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #". The following parameters area available in the "DATA" area:
1) REGIME 2 # - the regime number of the regime to change the political points of, using the numbering of the "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window 2) PP MUT 2 +/- - amount to change the political points by, this can be negative. If the resulting amount of political points is negative, the amount of political points will be set to 0.
Change Bookvar[edit | edit source]
Bookvars are variables where numbers can be stored. There are 200 bookvars available. The value of a bookvar can be used as a trigger and changed by an event.
To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 3. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #". The following parameters area available in the "DATA" area:
1) BOOKVAR 1 # - the number of the first bookvar to change, ranging from 1 to 200 2) VAR1 MUT +/- - the amount to change the first bookvar by, this can be negative 3) BOOKVAR 2 # - the number of the second bookvar to change, ranging from 1 to 200 4) VAR2 MUT +/- - the amount to change the second bookvar by, this can be negative 5) BOOKVAR 3 # - the number of the third bookvar to change, ranging from 1 to 200 6) VAR 3 OVERRIDE – the number to change the value of the third bookvar to 7) BOOKVAR 4 # - the number of the fourth bookvar to change, ranging from 1 to 200 6) VAR 3 OVERRIDE – the number to change the value of the fourth bookvar to
There are effectively two ways to use the change bookvar event: VAR1 MUT +/- modifies the existing bookvar value, whilst VAR 3 OVERRIDE sets the bookvar value regardless of its previous value. The modification of the existing value might be useful for counting how many cities are taken, whilst setting the value might be useful for resetting a count to 0.
Choice[edit | edit source]
This is perhaps the most complicated and most powerful event available to the scenario designer. With this event, the dialog box displayed to the player has up to five buttons on it. Clicking these buttons can change different bookvars and hence different outcomes.
To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 4. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #".
The following parameters area available in the "DATA" area:
1) CHOICE 1 BOOKVAR # - the first bookvar to change if choice 1 is selected 2) CHOICE 2 BOOKVAR # - the first bookvar to change if choice 2 is selected 3) CHOICE 3 BOOKVAR # - the first bookvar to change if choice 3 is selected 4) CHOICE 4 BOOKVAR # - the first bookvar to change if choice 4 is selected 5) CHOICE 5 BOOKVAR # - the first bookvar to change if choice 5 is selected
6) CHOICE 1 MUT +/- - the amount to change the first bookvar by if choice 1 is selected 7) CHOICE 2 MUT +/- - the amount to change the first bookvar by if choice 2 is selected 8) CHOICE 3 MUT +/- - the amount to change the first bookvar by if choice 3 is selected 9) CHOICE 4 MUT +/- - the amount to change the first bookvar by if choice 4 is selected 10) CHOICE 5 MUT +/- - the amount to change the first bookvar by if choice 5 is selected
11) CHOICE 1 BOOKVAR #2 - the second bookvar to change if choice 1 is selected 12) CHOICE 2 BOOKVAR #2 - the second bookvar to change if choice 2 is selected 13) CHOICE 3 BOOKVAR #2 - the second bookvar to change if choice 3 is selected 14) CHOICE 4 BOOKVAR #2 - the second bookvar to change if choice 4 is selected 15) CHOICE 5 BOOKVAR #2 - the second bookvar to change if choice 5 is selected
16) CHOICE 1 MUT2 +/- - the amount to change the second bookvar by if choice 1 is selected 17) CHOICE 2 MUT2 +/- - the amount to change the second bookvar by if choice 2 is selected 18) CHOICE 3 MUT2 +/- - the amount to change the second bookvar by if choice 3 is selected 19) CHOICE 4 MUT2 +/- - the amount to change the second bookvar by if choice 4 is selected 20) CHOICE 5 MUT2 +/- - the amount to change the second bookvar by if choice 5 is selected
The following parameters area available in the "DATASTRING" area:
1) CHOICE1 – the button label for the first choice 2) CHOICE1 – the button label for the second choice 3) CHOICE1 – the button label for the third choice 4) CHOICE1 – the button label for the fourth choice 5) CHOICE1 – the button label for the fifth choice
Load next campaign scenario[edit | edit source]
This event is an essential part of a campaign scenario. When this event is triggered, the next scenario file is loaded, so this event should be associated with the victory condition.
To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 5. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #".
The following parameters area available in the "DATASTRING" area:
1) FILE TO LOAD – this is the filename of the file to load
Change Diplomatic relations[edit | edit source]
This event changes the diplomatic relations between two regimes and sets the cost, in political points, for the player to change it.
To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 6. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #".
1) REG1 – first regime to change the diplomatic relation of, using the numbering of the "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window 2) REG2 – second regime to change the diplomatic relation of, using the numbering of the "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window 3) NEWDIPREL – relationship to change the regime to, 0 for war, 1 for peace 4) NEWCHANGCOST – the cost to change the new relationship, ranging from 0 to 999
Regimes will not be able to change their relationship in the turn that a change diplomatic relations event occurs. This event can be used to modify the cost of changing the relationship without actually changing the relationship making it easier/harder to declare war/make peace.
Set Gamewinner To[edit | edit source]
This event makes a particular regime the winner of the scenario. This should be used with a victory condition as the trigger (e.g. capturing the enemy capital city).
To use this kind of event: set the trigger and set "THEN EVENT TYP" to 7. Set the relevant parts of the show story event. Click "UPDATE", then "Show this event #".
The following parameters area available in the "DATA" area:
1) SET GAMEWINNER TO – the number of the regime to make the winner, using the numbering of the "Edit Regimes and Peoples" window