This is a list of the characters from Dogz 2 and Catz 2.
South Pawville[edit | edit source]
You[edit | edit source]
You live in South Pawville with your mother and father. But one day, your friend Victor suggests that you go and see an evil wolf named Ivlet, and he tricks you into giving him the Magic Hat! After Victor and Augusta beg Ada to let you out of prison, you need to help repair all the damage that Ivlet has done.
Beat[edit | edit source]

Beat is the personification of the good half of the Magic Hat. He tried to fight back when Ivlet stole it, but the wolf's evil heart was too strong and so Beat was booted out! He needs to get the Magic Hat back, but he's so tiny he can't do much without it. So that's why he needs your help!
Although Beat is basically your travel buddy, he doesn't really play much of a part in the game. He only really appears when you first meet him or when you find a key item, or if he's giving you a tip. Other than that, you're pretty much by yourself. But he does have a Magic Encyclopedia which could help you with your quest.
Ione[edit | edit source]
Ione is your mother, and also an excellent cook. You can help her by delivering donuts or cookies to the neighbours, and you may need to go to her when dealing with a cat or dog who loves her cooking so much, that's all he'll swap for some needed items.
Arvin[edit | edit source]
Arvin is your wise father, and since he is the protector of the Magic Hat, he is annoyed at you for giving it to Ivlet. But, since you are willing to help repair the damage, he's happy to help you on your way. He'll even give you an object to help you get around much quicker.
Gertrude[edit | edit source]

Gertrude is a Maltese or Colourpoint Shorthair and the owner of the Drug Store next door to you. After you have helped repair it, you can talk to Gertrude to get healing medicine, such as cat or dog food and antidote for curing poison. These can help you on your journey if you are in danger of being attacked by your enemies.
Tom[edit | edit source]

If a little stingy, Tom (a King Charles Spaniel or American Curl) is the owner of the Pawn Shop. If you help him to repair the building, he will take unwanted items of your hands for some Gs. He'll take fish, bugs, flowers and lots of other things. But first you need to get some medicine to help him overcome his sore paw, which he twisted while running away from Ivlet.
Sheila[edit | edit source]

Sheila is a Chihuahua or Turkish Angora and owns the Fashion House in the South East of Pawville, and from here you can buy lots of clothes and accessories, and even change the villagers outfits! But after the horrible disaster which happened, Sheila wants you to help find Sai and get the Legendary Pattern so she can make new clothes and cheer the townsfolk up!
Charles[edit | edit source]

Charles is a Papillion or Scottish Fold and, after you have found something to help repair the it, you can make use of his Aquarium by bringing fish to it. When you catch a fish you also have the option to send it to the Aquarium. By doing some missions for Charles, you can also increase the number of fish which you can hold in the Aquarium.
The Aquarium has two fish tanks; Sea Fish Tank and River Fish Tank. The Sea Fish Tank is for fish caught from the sea, and the River Fish Tank is for fish caught in rivers, streams, ponds or lakes.
Kenneth[edit | edit source]

Kenneth, a St. Bernard or Munchkin, is the owner of the Zoo in South Pawville. He is always strolling around outside, and no matter what the mood is he always greets you with his cheery "Hey-hey-hey Hello-hello-hello". He can make some bricks for you to re-build Clara's flowerbed, and he needs a little help from Godfrey to mend the zoo.
When Ivlet threw a fireball at the Zoo, it was destroyed. He then went inside and made all the animals run away, and once the zoo if fixed, you unlock 'minigames with animals' and you will find them in most areas outside the village, marked out on the map by a white star. If you beat an animal at a minigame, it will return to the zoo.
When it is fixed, you can go inside the Zoo. There are signs outside many of the animal pens, and animals return here once you have beaten them at a minigame. The Zoo acts like a level, and so you can even catch some Butterflies here.
Clara[edit | edit source]

Clara is a Chantilly/Tiffany and the owner of the Flowerbeds in South Pawville. By going and talking to her, you can plant flowers outside the Drug Store, Pawn Shop, Fashion House and your home. You can also release insects into the flowerbeds, but then you loose them from your inventory and they just look like ordinary butterflies, dragonflies or crickets which you find in other areas.
Ivlet destroyed the flowerbeds, and so Clara needs your help to repair them. The large flowerbed in the centre of town also comes in handy when Ivlet creates a downpour on South Pawville.
North Pawville[edit | edit source]
Charlotte[edit | edit source]

Charlotte is a Pikenese or Maine Coon, and if you bring her 10 Mangos, Pineapples and Watermelons, she'll make a special dessert to increase your maximum health.
Ambrose[edit | edit source]

Ambrose, a Border Collie or Bengal, stands by the Police Station and if you can collect 10 Carrots, Tomatoes and Potatoes, he can make a meal to increase your maximum health.
Stanley[edit | edit source]

Stanley is a Beagle or Sphynx and Pawville's carpenter. He loves to listen to music, so find an insect that can make music so Stanley can work three times as fast. Just as well, really, because Godfrey is desperate for Stanley to fix his Water Wheel!
Godfrey[edit | edit source]

Godfrey, a Scottish Terrier or Somali, is the richest guy in the whole of Pawville and everyone in Pawville knows it. Because of this, he is known to be a positive influencer to the younger residents. He has a large modern mansion in North Pawville, and he and his wife build a Water Wheel when they were young and poor. Unfortunately, since Ivlet destroyed it, Godfrey needs your help to mend it. But even after it's fixed he still has another problem when the river dries up!
Luckily though, Godfrey is on hand to help repair the zoo... if you can get Kenneth's Romance Novel from Daisy in Tail Heights!
Ada[edit | edit source]

Ada, a Border Collie or Egyptian Mau, is the sheriff of Pawville and is very angry that you ignored her warnings to stay away from Ivlet. But she still needs your help to get an item precious to her from a pig.
Whilst you are off helping all the townsfolk, Ada also realises that Victor is a very nice kid...
Victor[edit | edit source]

Victor, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi or American Shorthair, is your best friend, and together you go and see Ivlet. But after the big disaster happened, Victor felt really bad for you, as you were locked in the cage. Therefore, he took your place. During his time in the Police Station, Victor also became very close to Ada.
Dolphin Coast[edit | edit source]
Augusta[edit | edit source]

Augusta is a Pekingese or Exotic Shorthair and has a house in the south of Dolphin Coast, and she is the owner of that field at the west of the area. But don't under-estimate the power of her ears! She knows that you and Victor are plotting something, she heard you talking about Ivlet. The things she could tell you about him...
Natasha[edit | edit source]

Natasha is a Shiba or Abysinnian and the captain of a ship that can take you to Monolith Isle when you are in search of the Water Crystal. But first you need to help repair the Lighthouse, by seeing if there is a way you can bribe Sai into giving you some fuel.
Warren[edit | edit source]

Warren, a black Labrador or American Bobtail, is a naturalist: he studies all things to do with nature. If you want to know about bugs that play music or how to get rid of some briars, he's the one to come to. He has also heard that there is a new kind of fish in the Polar Fields, but he doesn't like the cold and therefore doesn't want to check it out. He is also reffered to as 'Professor Warren', and he has one pupil, named Marin, who is also in need of your help.
Whisker Woods[edit | edit source]
Saul[edit | edit source]

Saul is a Dachshund or Angora, and is a master of Crouch and Crawl. So when Tom hears that he went to Whisker Woods and didn't come back, he doubts any animal has been able to hurt him. Infact, it turns out that he may be a master of Crouch and Crawl, but not a master of watching where he puts his paws! He ask you to find a Top Quality Canned Meat or Fish, if you find this, he will give you an award.
Jade Fields[edit | edit source]
Marin/Maria[edit | edit source]

She is a Shih Tzu or Birman. She is a pupil of Warren, and she needs your help when studying fish or bugs. You can find her standing outside the house in the West of Jade Fields. Unfortunately, her studying required newly-caught bugs or fish, so any you have already caught are no use to her.
Lappy Lake[edit | edit source]
Sai[edit | edit source]

Sai is a greedy character who loves Ione's cooking. He is the only son of a great designer named Townsend, who sadly died of a disease. Sai was left the Legendary Pattern by his father, but when his dad died he ran away from Pawville and hasn't been seen in the village since. He travels all over the Island, but you'll only ever find him at Lappy Lake. He is very experienced with the action Call, and he also has some Lighthouse Fuel which may be of some use to you.
Tail Heights[edit | edit source]
Toby[edit | edit source]

Toby, a Yorkshire Terrier or American Burmese, lives in the Highlands Village at the foot of Tail Heights with his wife Daisy. If you can get some Cough Medicine for them both to get rid of a nasty cold, he'll fix the stairs leading to the main part of Tail Heights so you can continue on your way.
Daisy[edit | edit source]

Daisy is Toby's wife, a Yorkshire Terrier or Turkish Van, and she borrowed a Romance Novel from Kenneth, which Godfrey is looking for. She was suffering from a terrible cold, and her husband was going to go to the Drug Store to get something for it, but he caught it too! If you can help them out, Daisy will be really grateful.
Neil[edit | edit source]

Neil, a Shnauzer or Himalayan and is the gatekeeper for the gate leading to Sky Heights. If you can get rid of the briars which are caught on the Windmill, he'll let you pass.
Sky Heights[edit | edit source]
Theophilus[edit | edit source]

Theophilus is a French Bulldog or Ocelot, and he is a Magic Professor. He has a younger brother named Bartholemew and is the one who taught Arvin to use the Magic Hat. He knows how to make a Magic Shield to get the hat back from Ivlet, but is slightly ashamed that he needs help from his brother. His mansion is at the far end of Sky Heights, so if you want to see him you have to find a way of getting past a Poisonous Bog.
Monolith Isle[edit | edit source]
Noel[edit | edit source]

Noel is a Bichon Frise or Bombay and is the only known inhabitant of Monolith Isle. He is also the protector of the Water Crystal, and if you can find a Magic Mirror to break the spell Ivlet cast on the island, he'll guide you to Bubble Cave. But he is forbidden to lead you any further than the entrance, so it's up to you to find the Water Crystal!
Inferno Cave[edit | edit source]
Percy[edit | edit source]

Percy is a Bulldog or Cornish Rex, and is the only cat or dog who lives in the Inferno Cave. If you bring him the right materials, he'll make a Flame-Retardent Suit for you so you can go through Inferno Cave without getting scorched by the heat.
Polar Fields[edit | edit source]
Hugo[edit | edit source]

Hugo (a Bull Terrier or Chinchilla) stands outside his house (an igloo) in the warmer part of the Polar Fields. He can tell that you aren't from around there just by looking at you; because you're not wearing any Warm Clothing. But if you can find him a juicy Ripe Coconut, he'll happily swap it for one of his old ones.
Gongoro Peak[edit | edit source]
Bruce[edit | edit source]

Bruce is a Doberman or Siamese and lives at the bottom of Gongoro Peak in a small village, where he's safe from all the Buffalo! He needs you help to find a traveler who came through there many years ago, and sealed off the Whirlwinds in Lonesome Park. But Ivlet recreated them and now Bruce has to suffer again!
Bartholemew[edit | edit source]

Bartholemew is Theophilus's younger brother, and looks almost identical apart from his hat and cape are a different colour and he doesn't have glasses. He turned himself into a rock so he could watch other rocks falling safely, but he was at it for decades and it's a good thing you brought him back or he would have turned into a rock for good! But since he's still a little wobbly, he needs you to seal the Whirlwinds away for him! But it's worth it in the end, as he'll help Theophilus make the Magic Shield so you can take on Ivlet and win!