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Control selector Select controller:
Wii, PlayStation 2

Press A button at the start screen, and then select whether you'd like to continue a previously saved game or start a new one (if you're playing for the first time, only Start will be available). If you select Start New Game, you will need to choose a character.

Choose your character[edit | edit source]

To start with, choose your breed. In Dogz there are also colourings for different breeds, but only the default colour is available in Catz. Next you need to choose a name. Select the name by typing it with the keys, and press A button on Select. Then you go to the main menu and select Start Adventure to begin your journey.

Main menu[edit | edit source]

From here, you have five options:

  1. Start / continue adventure (indicated by a cat or dog running along)
  2. Minigames
  3. Transfer data to Remote button (this is only available on the Wii versions)
  4. Swap accessories
  5. Options

When a cat or dog needs your help[edit | edit source]

When one of your friends needs a hand (or paw), they have a question mark over their heads. They are also indicated on the map as a purple glowing spot. Talk to them, as they will most likely want you to find an item for them, and in return you will get some G, which can be used to purchase all sorts of items from the shops in South Pawville.

When you have found the item your friend wants, on most occasions you will be transported back to him or her instead of having to get back there yourself. This is handy if you are far away, but not so if you were looking for something in the level and picked the item up accidentally.

Whiskers Radar / Sniffing[edit | edit source]

While looking for requested items, or even just for food and flowers, press A button to use the Whiskers Radar (Catz) or your Sniffing (Dogz) to find the item. At the same time, you need to press B button while pointing the Remote button to move around if you don't want to be standing still. There are two indicators at the bottom "' indicator for finding fruit, vegetables and flowers. When you are on the track of an item, a picture of the item will appear in the indicator and an arrow will appear around the edge of it, pointing you in the right direction. If there is no item in the place you are looking, there will be no picture or arrow. As you get closer to the item, the indicator will get bigger. When you are right on top of what you are looking for you will hear a sound and the indicator will shine.

Learning new actions[edit | edit source]

Throughout the game, there are many actions which can be unlocked by helping out others. They help you to get to new areas and get tasks done easier.

Action Controls When learned What it does
Crouch and Crawl Stay still in long grass to crouch, and use B button as if you were moving normally to creep along the grass. Saul is a master of Crouching and Crawling and teaches you when you to help him out of a tight spot. You can use Crouch and Crawl to creep along the grass unnoticed by enemies, but make sure that you are behind them if you want to use your screech or bark and startle them (doesn't work on Buffalo, as they will see you the moment you start to charge your bark or screech even when you are behind them, and they will attack you), and remember that when you prepare to howl or wail, you stand up and lose your cover.
Call Press A button when next to a sign with a paw on it to call an animal out from the water. Sai will teach you this in return for some of your mother's cooking! You can use Call to call for animals in the water to take you across to places you cannot reach by swimming. Note that you can only call dolphins if you have a fish they like (Beat will tell you what you need). In the Crystal Caverns you can also call for a Porcupine to clear an entrance for you.
Pick up and Throw Press A button to pick up a stone and then press A button again to throw. Augusta teaches you this so you can protect her field from an Egret! You can throw stones at enemies to knock them out for a few seconds. You also need to use this action when you face Ivlet.
Catch The same controls as for catching bugs. Ada will teach you how to catch animals when a pig makes off with her junk! You can use Catch to catch birds and friendly animals (pigs, sheep and cows). They do not go in your inventory like bugs do, but you will receive a reward which you can take to the Fashion House to make new clothing.
Push (level 1) Press A button when standing in front of a rock Augusta will teach you how to push rocks so you can cover up some prairy dog holes in her fields. When you do this action on a rock, you will push it away from you. There might be an item underneath or you might be clearing an entrance to somewhere. You have a rock pushing level, and this one only allows you to push rocks with one paw print on them. Your level will increase, however, as the game progresses.
Push (Level 2) The power of the Water Crystal enables you to push level 2 rocks. You can push rocks with two paw prints on them.
Push (level 3) The power of the Earth Crystal gives you the power to push level 3 rocks You can push rocks with up to 3 paw prints on them.
Push (level 4) The Power of the Ice Crystal lets you push all rocks You can push any rocks, which comes in handy because many of the places you've visited have large four-pawprint rocks which can be moved to acess secret areas!

Prairie Dogs[edit | edit source]

While hunting around, you may come across the scent of a Prairie Dog. First you need to sniff out where they are to begin with. Once you have done this, you will see a shaded area moving around. This indecates where the Prairie Dog is. Go up to it and use the same action as digging. This can be difficult as it will be moving around all the time, and if you loose track of it then use your nose or whiskers. Then an icon will appear pointing to where it is. When you dig at the Prairie Dog, you will get a Healing Item, and the closer you dig the better the item will be.

Warm Stone[edit | edit source]

There are two ways to use the warm stone, dunk it in a hot spring in Whisker Woods, or put the stone in a cool pond in Polar Fields. This will either turn into a Hot Stone or a Cool Stone. You use the Hot Stone to either thaw out the frozen river in Whisker Woods or use it to destroy the big ice block in Polar Fields. You use the Cool Stone to either freeze the river in Crystal Caves or to freeze a lava pool in Inferno Cave.

Status[edit | edit source]

View the status to see how your character is doing.

Your status can be viewed from the pause menu. Here you can see what your "status" is (Poison, Overheating, Frostbitten, Normal) and how much health you have. You can also see learnt moves and, since it shows an image of your character, what accessories they are wearing. It also shows their name, gender and breed. As with all other menus, it shows how much G you have as well.

Poison[edit | edit source]

If you get poisoned, be sure to use some Antidote!

There are two ways you can get poisoned; to step or fall into the poisonous bog, or to be attacked by one of two snakes (generally any spotted snakes). Likewise, there are also two ways to get cure the poison. The first way is to use some Antidote. You can but this from the drug store for 20G, and it can also be found in most areas where you are likely to get poisoned. The second way is to leave the area. However, since you may be right in the centre of the level when you get poisoned, and whilst you are poisoned your health continously decreases, it is best to have some Antidote on hand at all times.

Frostbite/Overheating[edit | edit source]

If you don't have a drink for a while in the Inferno Cave, you will overheat. If you don't have a dip in one of the Hot Springs in the Polar Fields you will end up getting hypothermia , or frostbite. Either causes you to gradually loose health, but beware that it is much faster than if you get poisoned. If you take off your Flame Retardent Suit or Warm Clothing while in the level you need them, you will immediately loose all your health.

In Inferno cave, you can avoid getting overheated by having a drink every now and then. In the Polar Fields, you can have a dip in the Hot Spring if you start to get chilly. Here you can stay in the Hot Spring until you are almost overheating; however, no matter how long you stay in there, you will not overheat, probally because it's normally freezing out there.

Warp Stones[edit | edit source]

Warp stones can be found in all villages in the game (besides North Pawville, since there is one in South Pawville). If you go up to one and press A button, you can save the game. After Arvin has given you the Warp Ring, you can also warp t other places with Warp Stones in them that you have already visited. Surprisingly, you can even warp to the area you are currently in (although this doesn't do anything).