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Theophilus tells you that there is only one object capable of withstanding the power of the Magic Hat; that object is called the Magic Shield. Therefore, they need to make one. To do that you need three important things; a Water Crystal, an Earth Crystal and an Ice Crystal. He says that you should start with the Water Crystal, which is in Bubble Cave on Monolith Isle. He then tells you that you will need to use Pursuit Sniffing or Pursuit Whiskers to find it, and you can get to Monolith Isle from the pier at Dolphin Coast.

Repair the Lighthouse[edit | edit source]

When you get to Dolphin Coast, go to the pier and you will see Natasha standing next to the ship with a question mark above her head. Talk to her, and then you'll see what her problem is.

The Lighthouse is broken and most of it has fallen into the sea. Natasha asks where you were wanting to go, and tells you that you can't possibly go to Monolith Isle until the Lighthouse is fixed. Otherwise, you'd never get back in one piece! They can fix the Lighthouse, but to get it going again they need some Lighthouse Fuel. Apparently, Sai found some Lighthouse Fuel when he was on his travels, and so Natasha asks if you can go and find him and get it. Sai is at Lappy Lake.

When you get to Lappy Lake, go to the island in the middle of the lake and speak to Sai. He will tell you that he has some Lighthouse Fuel, but he wants something for it. This time, it isn't Ione's cooking. What he wants is a Swordfish. When you have caught a Swordfish, as long as you don't send it to the Aquarium, you take it back to Sai.

He thanks you and, as promised, gives you the Lighthouse Fuel. You take it to Natasha.

Soon, the Lighthouse is fixed and working again, and to say thanks, Natasha will take you to Monolith Isle.

The endless night[edit | edit source]

When you get to Monolith Isle, Beat asks you if it looks a little strange. After a quick look at your surroundings Beat asks if the night seems to be... a little long. And then you hear "There is an explanation for this".

Noel tells you that Ivlet came here and asked where the Water Crystal was. As the guardian of it, Noel said nothing, and so Ivlet casted unending darkness over Monolith Isle. If you can find an object called the Magic Mirror, however, he will be able to break the spell. Noel asks you to go and look for it.

After some searching, you will be lead to an area with three vultures circling around overhead. The Magic Mirror is in the middle of this danger zone. You can pick up rocks and throw them at the vultures, which can be difficult, or you can just walk right in as long as you have some healing objects. One thing that makes it not so dangerous is that the vultures seem to have terrible aiming, and so there is a fair chance that you won't be attacked anyway. When you have found the Magic Mirror, which is to the west of the long grass, you take it back to Noel.

You use the Magic Mirror, and the spell is broken. Very quickly, the sun rises and the Warp which Ivlet sealed up is working again.

Noel tells you that he will guide you to Bubble Cave, where the Water Crystal can be found. You will have the option to leave right away, and when you decide to "depart", Noel will take you to Bubble Cave.

The Water Crystal[edit | edit source]

At the entrance back to Monolith Isle, Noel tells you that he is forbidden to lead you any further than this, and wishes you good luck. Now you need to track down the Water Crystal.

The crystal is located in the furthest South East part of Bubble Cave. It will be there whether you use your nose or whiskers or not. To get there, first go along the tunnel, and turn right before you get to the first Snake. You will come to a large round area. Keep to the left, as there are bats on the other side, and you will see an arch. It looks hidden until you get close to it. Turn right past the Alligator and carry on past the small pool of water. Keep to the left again because on the right side is a Snake. Finally, go round the corner and you will see the Water Crystal. It is on a platform surrounded by rocks which looks like a display from a shop window. Go up to the crystal display and press A button when you have the option to "search". You now have the Water Crystal, and you take it back to Theophilus.

The power of the Water Crystal enables you to push level 2 rocks, and Theophilus tells you that there are two more items you need in order to make the Magic Shield; the Earth Crystal and the Ice Crystal. Next, you need to go to Inferno Cave, which is through Crystal Caverns in Whisker Woods, and find the Earth Crystal. You then arrive back in South Pawville.

A Flame-Retardent Challenge[edit | edit source]

When you get to Crystal Caverns, which is through the entrance next to Roaring Falls, you will be in a round area, with paths leading off every which way, and all of them are blocked by rocks. At the moment, you can only move the second and third ones on the left. Push the second rock out of the way, and go along the path. You need to go past two grey Cobras and a Komodo Dragon, and then you will see the entrance to Inferno Cave.

Percy will be standing outside his house in the small village in Inferno Cave. You need to talk to him, and he will tell you that it is crazy to come to Inferno Cave without a Flame Retardent Suit. If you get him some Komodo Dragon Skin and Brass Wire, he will make you one, and tells you that you can find both of those items in Crystal Caverns.

The first item, Komodo Dragon Skin, can be obtained by stunning the Komondo Dragon near the entrance to Inferno Cave. There is some grass behind it so you can use crouch and crawl to creep up and then press Minus button to stun it.

The second item, Brass Wire, can be found deeper in the cave. Go past the Komondo Dragon, past the Cobra, and turn right and you will find a large round area. You will find the Brass Wire at the far end of this area, but move slowly as there is a bat here. When you have the Brass Wire and the Komodo Dragon Skin, you take them to Percy.

He then makes you a Flame Retardent Suit. He gives it to you and also gives you a Flame Retardent Suit Pattern, which you can take to the Fashion House if you want a different colour. Percy then tells you that the suit won't totally protect you from the heat, so remember to stop at a pool of water to have a drink. What they don't tell you in this game is to put the suit on before you go into the cave, or Beat will tell you that it is too hot and to ask someone in the village for help, even if you already have the Flame Retardent Suit in your Inventory. Go up to the large gates and press A button to go into the main part of Inferno Cave and look for the Earth Crystal.

The Earth Crystal[edit | edit source]

Beat will tell you about overheating- if the bar in the top left corner of the screen goes all the way to the left, you will overheat and start to lose health. Before that happens, go to a pool of water for a drink.

The Earth Crystal is probably the easiest of the three crystals to find. Even though you have to keep cooling yourself down, all you need to do is run through the cave, as there is just one path straight to the Earth Crystal. You will find it to the West of the centre of the map; it will be right underneath where you entered the level. Go up to the display of rocks and press A button to 'search'. You now have the Earth Crystal, and you take it back to Theophilus.

He tells you that you only have one item left to find now! It is called the Ice Crystal, and it can be found in the Polar Fields. You can also get there through Crystal Caverns in Whisker Woods. The power of the Earth Crystal enables you to push level 3 rocks.

Coconut for Clothing[edit | edit source]

When you get to Crystal Caverns, push the rock on the far right out of the way and go down the path. Turn left and then go past a Purple Cobra. Turn right past the Red Cobra and across a bridge, and you will see the entrance to the Polar Fields.

Hugo will be waiting there with a question mark over his head. If you talk to him, he will guess that you aren't from these parts, because only outsiders or fools come to the Polar Field without Warm Clothing. Without it, you'll be turned into ice in seconds! He tells you that he will swap one of his old Warm Clothings for a Ripe Coconut, which you can find at Dolphin Coast. The Warp for Polar Fields is now unlocked.

You can use the Warp to get to South Pawvile, and then go to Dolphin Coast. You will see that Ripe Coconuts seem to be growing on one of the palm trees in the north of the area, and Beat wonders how to get them down. You then spot a stone not far away from the tree.

Go over to the stone and pick it up, go a few centimetres away from the tree, and press A button to throw the stone. The stone hits a coconut on the tree and you go and get it, and then you take it back to Hugo.

He says that the Ripe Coconut isn't quite as exciting as he thought, but anyhow, you can still have the Warm Clothing. He also gives you a Warm Clothing Pattern which you can take to the Fashion House if you want a different colour. Next, go to the gate and press A button to go to the main part of the Polar Fields.

The Ice Crystal[edit | edit source]

Like with the other crystals, you can either use Pursuit Sniffing/Whiskers to track it down or just look around for it. Go left, then right past the Polar Bear. Take another right turn and you will come to a large crack in the ground. Go either side of it, and you will find a large patch of ice. Cross it, and turn right. You will find a narrow gap in the cliff, so go down it. You'll find the Ice Crystal here.

Press A button to search the crystal display, and you then obtain the Ice Crystal. You take it back to Theophilus, and you now have all three objects needed to make the Magic Shield.

Theophilus congratulates you for getting the three crystals, but then tells you that he is going to need some help in making the Magic Shield. He hates to say it, but he needs some help from his younger brother. He tells you that his brother's name is Bartholemew, and he headed out to Gongoro Peak decades ago and still hasn't come back. Knowing him, he probably got sidetracked or something. Theophilus asks you to go and find him, and tells you that you can get to Gongoro Peak through Lonesome Park, and there is an entrance in Jade Fields. The power of the Ice Crystal enables you to push all rocks.

Find Bartholemew[edit | edit source]

Unlike when you were finding the crystals, this time you are not transported back to South Pawville. You need to make your way across the maze of bridges, and then you can go over the bridge. Then you need to go through Tail Heights, Lappy Lake, and when you have got to South Pawville you need to go to Jade Fields.

At the very north of Jade Fields, there is a path leading to a rock with four paw prints on it. You need to push it out of the way, and then you can go through to Lonesome Park.

Ivlet appears in his Magic Ball over Lonesome Park. He howls, and lots of whirlwinds appear, making the area very dangerous.

When you arrive at Lonesome Park, Beat tells you to watch out for the Whirlwinds! You need to carefully make your way along the path and turn right. Keep going along this path and you will see the entrance to Gongoro Peak.

When you get to Gongoro Peak, Bruce will greet you. There is a small village in the south of Gongoro Peak. Apparently, this place used to suffer terribly from the Whirlwinds at Lonesome Park, until a traveller came and sealed them away. But since Ivlet created them again, the townsfolk and everyone else had to suffer again. So, Bruce knows you can guess what he's going to ask, and that is to find the traveller. He headed out to Gongoro Peak, and since the only way in or out is through the village, and no one has seen him since, it is safe to say he's still there. Bruce then tells you that the traveller was wearing some sort of ring. You then learn the smell of the Anti-Tornado Ring.

When you go out of the village and into the main part of the area, Beat tells you that the Buffalo round here are very dangerous. They are very sensitive and can detect you even if you are creeping up behind them. Beat then says that the Buffalo won't notice you if you hide in the grass as you go along. You need to carefully make your way past all the buffalo and up to the north of Gongoro Peak. There is a fork in the path, but before you get there don't turn left, as there is a Lion here, hidden from view. At the fork, whichever way you go there is a Yellow Cobra. You need to turn left at the fork, then left again. You will now come to a small area with no enemies or anything, and at the West of it, there is a rock shaped just like a French Bulldog or Ocicat.

Hit the Whirlwinds![edit | edit source]

Go up to the oddly shaped rock and press A button to 'search' it. Suddenly it turns into Bartholemew. He tells you that he turned himself into a rock so he could be safe whilst watching other rocks falling. But he's been at it for decades, and he was about to turn into a rock for real! He asks what is going on, as he senses a great deal of activity going on in the world. When you explain everything, he is shocked to hear that the Magic Hat has been stolen. He also says that he'll try his best to seal away the Whirlwinds. "Ah..."

Because he's been a rock for so long, Bartholemew is still unsteady on his paws. He guesses this is what getting old is all about. He then asks if you can seal away the Whirlwinds. He gives you the Anti-Tornado Ring, and tells you that whoever is in possession of this ring can throw a stone into a Whirlwind and it will be sealed away!

You need to go back to Lonesome Park. Located near each of the Whirlwinds is a stone. You need to pick one up and throw it at a Whirlwind. You need to work out what distance to be from it; too far and you won't hit it, but too close and you'll get sucked up! Also watch out for the Lion who is in-between the two paths in this area. When you have thrown a stone into each of the five Whirlwinds, you go back to Bartholemew.

He tells you that he is recovering, and he will come with you to see Theophilus and make the Magic Shield.

Meanwhile, Ivlet is spying on you through the Magic Hat. He knows that you are planning to fight him, and so he uses the power of the Magic Hat to increase his size, and he also creates a minion to increase his chances; the Chaotic Dragon.

Theophilus greets you. He tells you that it will take a while to make the Magic Shield, but once it is finished there will be no chance of avoiding a confrontation with Ivlet. You have some time to get ready, so if you have any last-minute things you want to do, you should do them now. He believes this is called 'making fond memories'. Bartholemew says that he never thought he'd hear something so romantic of him. Theophilus tells him that he won't take that as a compliment. The two brothers are silent for a while, until Theophilus says that you should come and see them when you are ready.