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Wii, PlayStation 2

In some aspects in this game you can use Multiplayer mode. To use Multiplayer you need a second Remote button and, most often, someone to play with. You can play minigames together or trade accessories!

Minigames[edit | edit source]

For two-player minigames, select Two Player from the Minigames menu. The second player can pick a breed of dog from the list of 40 of them (in which the dog will be called Player 2) or they can load one from another Remote button.

First of all, the second player needs to have transfered the data of their character to a Wii remote. They can do this from the Main Menu. Then you will be able to load their character for them to play with.

Swapping Accessories[edit | edit source]

First of all, the second person needs to bring their Remote button with them. Next, go into the Swapping Accessories menu. You can now swap your accessories with them!

First, choose the accessory you want to give them. Next, their data will be loaded from their Remote button. They then need to choose the accessory they wish to give you. The accessories will then be swapped, and both players need to save their games.