Arvin tells you that things are getting out of hand. If Ivlet has the Magic Hat for much longer, it won't just be the island that suffers. There is only one thing to do: go and see Theophilus, the Magic Professor. He is the only one who could possibly find a way of getting the Magic Hat back. You are told that Theophilus lives in Sky Heights, and the entrance is deep in Tail Heights.
Time for Thyme[edit | edit source]
When you get to Tail Heights from Lappy Lake, you are greeted by Toby. He tells you that his wife, Daisy, caught a really bad cold. He was going to go to the Drug Store in South Pawville to get some Cough Medicine, but then he caught the cold too. It's affecting him so badly, he can hardly move! He asks you to go and get some Cough Medicine from the Drug Store. The Tail Heights warp is then unlocked.
You can use the Warp Stone to get from Tail Heights to South Pawville, and then you need to go and talk to Gertrude. She tells you that she is all out of Cough Medicine, but she can make some more if you bring her some Thyme. She tells you that you can find Thyme in Lappy Lake.

When you get to Lappy Lake, go to the island at the north of the lake and you will find the Thyme. You take it back to Gurtrude.
She thanks you and uses the Thyme to make some Cough Medicine. Then you take it to Toby. He thanks you as well, and soon he and Daisy are cured. He says that he cannot do much to repay you, but he fixed the bridge leading to the main part of Tail Heights. He asks where you are going. When you tell him that you are going to Sky Heights, he tells you that it is quite a travel! Deep in Tail Heights, there is a Windmill, and that controls the gate to Sky Heights. Toby then wishes you farewell and you need to go and look for the Windmill.
Troublesome Briars[edit | edit source]
First, you need to go up the stairs at the north of the houses. There are two snakes here, and they are both poisonous. If you move quickly, they will be too slow to attack you. Go west and along the path with walls on each side. You will come to a boulder. Turn right and go around it, and turn right again up another fleet of stairs. Keep going along the path, turn right at the fork, and soon you will see the Windmill. Neil will be standing outside, and you need to talk to him.
You will see that there are vine-like plants, called Briars, all over the Windmill, stopping it from turning. Niel tells you that Ivlet made the Briars grow, and so the Windmill cannot turn. This means that you can't get to Sky Heights, as the Windmill operates the gate. Neil suggests you talk to Warren, as he is an expert in nature.
The Escapes[edit | edit source]
Warren, who is at Dolphin Coast, will say that if Ivlet used magic to make the Briars grow, it's going to be difficult to get rid of them. But there is an insect called the Bramble Eating Insect which could do it. Warren informs you that they are very rare; in fact, he is probably the only one to have them in captivity! He looks around, but somehow he can't find them... they seem to have escaped! Warren guesses they may have gone back to here he found them in the first place, which was in Tail Heights, and says you should be able to find one there.

When you get back to Tail Heights, go up the stairs at the north of the houses and back to where the two snakes were. This time, you need to go straight along the path, through the middle of the snakes. Run past them, and soon you will come to another snake. This one is virtually guarding the Bramle Eating Insect. This snake is also poisonous. First let the snake see you. It will start to come towards you, but don't let it attack. Run to the round area to the west of the snake and it will loose sight of you. The snake will go back to it's usual spot, but this time it will be facing the wall, and so you will be able to run up behind it. Then bark or screech using to stun it. Go to the left and you will find the Bramble Eating Insect. You take it to Neil.
He asks if you found a way of getting rid of the Briars. You give him the insect, but he tells you that he doesn't like creepy crawly things. He asks you to do something with it, and so he gives it back. Therefore, you use the Bramble Eating Insect, and soon the Briars are gone and the Windmill is turning again. You can now go to Sky Heights.
Go up to the gate and use to open the gate. You will then go to Sky Heights, where there is a test awaiting you.
The Poisonous Bog[edit | edit source]

When you get to Sky Heights, Theophilus appears floating in the air! He tells you to not be alarmed, as this is only a hologram of him, he isn't actually there. He then tells you that he is a bit busy, and if you want to speak to him then you will need to go to his house on the other side of Sky Heights. But there might be a few... obstacles... for you to overcome on the way.
Beat tells you to be careful; there is a large poisonous bog here. If you fall in, you'll be poisoned. Then a tutorial comes up telling you about poison, which you can get rid of by using Antidote or exiting the level. Beat then tells you not to worry, as there is probably a path somewhere that the other animals use. You just need to use Pursuit Sniffing or Pursuit Whiskers. Press and start looking, and somewhere along the edge of the bog you will be able to pick up a paw print trail. You need to follow the paw prints and stay on them; if you touch anywhere else in the bog you will be poisoned.

When you have completed the first stage of getting over the bog, you will find that there is another less-dangerous obstacle to get by. There is a second, deeper poisonous bog, but this time there is a maze of bridges going over it. By using Pursuit Sniffing or Pursuit Whiskers you can continue following the trail of paw prints, or you can go the quicker way. The way you need to go is actually marked on the map, the bridges you need to cross are highlighted. Be careful as some of the other bridges are broken. When you have got through the maze of bridges, you will see Theophilus standing outside the mansion. Go over to him to talk to him.
Theophilus asks why you have come to see him. You tell him about Ivlet and the Magic Hat, and he tells you that they need to do something about it soon, or the whole world will be in danger!