Some missions are required to complete the game, whereas others are optional.
Nature Fishing (Catz only)[edit | edit source]
If you go to Jade Fields, you will see a house on the west side, across a bridge. When Maria appears in front of it, talk to her and she will take you to a place called the Catz Hideout. She is studying all the fish around and will ask you to catch eight fish.
- Mullet
- Bonito
- Spanish Mackeral
- Grunt
- Goby
- Sea Bass
- Flatfish
- Sunfish
They can all be caught at a fishing pier on the tiny island where she has taken you to. When she has studied a fish you gave her, she will give it back to you. This mission takes quite a while and if you get bored and decide to go back to the main island, next time you'll have to start over. When you have given her all the fish she wants, you can choose to have a Yuke Butterfly or a Rainbow Butterfly.
Sniff around the hideout. Along the shoreline, there is a narrow strip of land with Top Quality Canned Fish.
Catching Bugs Galore (Dogz only)[edit | edit source]
When you go to the house in Jade Fields, if Marin is standing outside, you can talk to her and she will tell you that she is a pupil of Warren's. She needs your help to catch bugs for her to study. If you say yes, she will take you to the Dogz Hideout. You need to catch the following bugs;
- Cabbage White
- Green Banded Swallowtail
- Scarce Swallowtail
- Common Skimmer
- Red Dragonfly
- Bell Cricket
Each time you catch one, you will take it to Marin and she will study it. Then she will give it back to you. If you decide to quit this mission and go back to Jade Fields, next time you will have to start over. When you have caught all the bugs for Marin, you will have the choice of having a Silver Butterfly or Gold Butterfly.
Sniff around the hideout. Along the shoreline, there is a narrow strip of land with Top Quality Canned Meat.
The Fruit Collecter[edit | edit source]
Charlotte in North Pawville will swap ten of a special kind of Mango, Pinapple and Watermelon for a dessert which will give you an extra heart. When you are sniffing for normal items, you may find them, but you will not know if they are special until you dig them up. Although they are special fruits, they have no special smell, and when you dig one up it will be sent straight to Charlotte. Unlike in other missions, you don't get sent back to Charlotte. The special fruits can usually be found in a certain level, and by re-entering that area there will usually be some of that fruit somewhere. You can tell when the fruit you dig up is special, as Beat will tell you that it is a special fruit.
Fruit | Locations |
Mango | Dolphin Coast, Monolith Isle, Inferno Cave, Bubble Cave |
Pinapple | Dolphin Coast, Monolith Isle, Lonesome Park |
Watermelon | Lappy Lake, Jade Fields, Tail Heights |
When you have found ten of each, go back to Charlotte and she will make the special dessert which will increase your maximum health by one heart.
The Vegetable Collecter[edit | edit source]
You can find Ambrose next to the Police Station in North Pawville. If you choose to take on his task, he will ask you to get 10 Carrots, 10 Tomatoes and 10 Potatoes. Then he can make a meal which will increase your maximum health by one heart. This is exactly the same as Charlotte's fruit task, except you need to find vegetables instead. Likewise, they are just regular vegetables until you dig them up, and each can be found in specific locations.
Vegetable | Where Found |
Tomato | Jade Fields, Tail Heights, Gongoro Peak |
Carrot | Lappy Lake, Crystal Caverns, Polar Fields |
Potato | Inferno Cave, Lonesome Park, Crystal Caverns |
When you have ten of each, go back to Ambrose and he'll make the meal for you.
The Fishy Home[edit | edit source]
This mission becomes available after you have helped Godfrey by thawing the frozen river. When you see Charles standing outside the Aquarium with a question mark over his head, talk to him and he will ask if you want to increase the amount of fish they can keep in the Aquarium. If you could get some Driftwood or a Lava Stone,[1] the fish would have somewhere to live. He asks you to find some Driftwood or Lava Stone at Roaring Falls in Whisker Woods.
When you get to Whisker Woods, go to the steps that lead to Roaring Falls and go to the east, between the steps and the river. You can find the Driftwood or Lava Stone here. You take it back to Charles.
Charles thanks you and you are now able to hold another ten fish in the Aquarium.
A New Breed of Trouble[edit | edit source]
This mission becomes available after Theophilus has asked you to look for the Ice Crystal. Charles will be standing outside the Aquarium with a question mark over his head. If you talk to him, he will tell you that the Fish Studies Group found out that there might be a fish called the New Breed Rainbow Fish or Golden Angler Fish[2] that can be caught in the Polar Fields. But he'd made it sound like he'd actually hooked one, and now the Fish Studies Group want to come and see it! He asks if you could go to the Polar Fields and see if you can catch the newly discovered fish.
Before you go there, go to the Hot Spring in Whisker Woods and drop the Warm Stone in it to get the Hot Stone. Then go to Polar Fields.
Near the large patch of ice in the Polar Fields, you will see a gigantic ice cube. Go up to it and press to use the Hot Stone to melt the ice. You can now get past to a sea fishing pier. You need to fish here until you catch the fish that Charles asked for. If you can't catch one, try re-entering the level. But every time you re-enter you need to go back to the Hot Spring in Whisker Woods as the ice block re-freezes itself.
You take it to Charles and you can now keep up to 30 fish in each tank of the Aquarium!
Version Differences[edit | edit source]
- ↑ In Dogz, Charles wants you to get some Driftwood, whereas in Catz he wants a Lava Stone
- ↑ A New Breed Rainbow Fish has been discovered in Dogz, whereas in Catz the rare fish is a Golden Angler Fish. However, both can be caught normally in either game (e.g. you can still catch a New Breed Rainbow Fish in Catz).