South Pawville[edit | edit source]
South Pawville is the major village on the island and its where you and your family live. There's plenty of activities to do once you have finished helping out the locals. You can buy new clothes for your character, view your fish at the Aquarium, play minigames at the zoo, or decorate the village with flowers and a little help from Clara.
Characters | Enemies |
None |
Bugs | Fish |
None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None | None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None | None |
North Pawville[edit | edit source]

North Pawville is north of South Pawville. Although few characters live here, there's still the Police Station and an impressive mansion at the north of the area which belongs to millionaire Godfrey. Stanly the carpenter also lives here, and you'll want to talk to Charlotte or Ambrose if you have the right ingredients for a special new food.
Characters | Enemies |
None |
Bugs | Fish |
None | None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None | None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None | None |
Lappy Lake[edit | edit source]

Lappy Lake is a lake. You can't actually drink any of the water from it, but you can find a wide variety of species of fish. A traveler named Sai has also been seen here, and apparently he has the Legendary Pattern which the great designer Townsend left behind. At this lake, you can also find Thyme, Cotton, the monkey that escaped from the zoo, and a broken bridge which you'll need Stanley to fix for you.
Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Jade Fields[edit | edit source]
Jade Fields is a wide grassy area, which has the entrance to Lonesome Park. The vulture and the boar who have escaped from the zoo are here, so make sure you look out for them. You can also find one of Warren's pupils, who will take you to her secret island so you can help her with her research.

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Dolphin Coast[edit | edit source]
This is the first wild area encountered in the game. Here you can find a dolphin who will happily give you a ride in exchange for sardines, two fishing piers, a ship that sails to Monolith Isle, the Apollo's Flower, and a professor. There's lots to do at Dolphin Coast, including playing games with Victor or groundhogs!

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Whisker Woods[edit | edit source]

Whisker woods is the forest to the north of the village. You'll encounter dark green snakes here. There's an egret patrolling the centre island, so you'll have to watch your back if you pass through there. There is also the Roaring Falls and a famous hot spring. You'll be spending lots of time here, and grab an apple or cherry while you're at it!
Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None |
Tail Heights[edit | edit source]
Tail Heights is a land that separates you from Sky Heights. Here you'll find the Highlands Village and the windmill that opens the gates to Sky Heights. The giraffe that escaped the zoo is here, and will play ring toss with you. You can easily get poisoned by the snakes if you're not quick, you might be attacked by the boars or gorrilas if your not careful, and you can find the Bramble Eating Insect here.

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Sky Heights[edit | edit source]
Sky Heights is where the wizard, Theophilous, lives. There is also a poison bog, which you'll need to sniff around it in the first time coming - just make sure you don't fall in. After that, you can take the bridges without needing to sniff.

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None |
Monolith Isle[edit | edit source]
To get to Monolith Isle, you'll need to trade Sai a swordfish for some fuel to repair the lighthouse. When you first arrive, the isle will be under an everlasting night. Help Noel by finding the magic mirror, which some vultures probably stole. He will escort you to the Bubble Cave, where you can find the Water Crystal.

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Bubble Cave[edit | edit source]
In the Bubble Cave lies the Water Crystal, which you'll need to retrieve for Theophilous. It's an easy area and it's simple to get through, despite all the alligators, poisonous snakes, and bats. If you have a red sea bream, try and find the dolphin that will make a bridge for you over the river. You'll need to help Noel to get in.

Characters | Enemies |
None |
Bugs | Fish |
None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Crystal Caverns[edit | edit source]
Crystal Caverns has the entrances to both Inferno Cave and Polar Fields. In here you'll find cobras and a bat if your looking for brass wire. There's also a komondo dragon, which will take more than a few rocks to stun. You'll need to be quick in here, but you can find some treasure chests or a Golden Butterfly in too!

Characters | Enemies |
None |
Bugs | Fish |
None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Inferno Cave[edit | edit source]
Pass through Crystal Caverns to get here. A bulldog named Percy lives outside the cave. He'll help you by making a flame retardant suit, once you've found him some komondo dragon skin and brass wire. You'll need to come here to get the Earth Crystal, which Theophilous sent you for. Make sure you stop often for a drink of water so you don't overheat. Move slowly so you don't wake the bats!

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
None | None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Polar Fields[edit | edit source]
Get to Polar Fields by crossing the Crystal Caverns. Polar Fields is a magnificent sight! The snow on the ground, ice walls, polar bears... it's only here. Hugo will help you by giving you a warm suit if you bring him a ripe coconut from Dolphin Coast. You'll be sent here by Theophilous to get the Ice Crystal. If you have a hot stone handy, you can go fishing for a very rare fish. Make sure to bathe in the hot springs!

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Lonesome Park[edit | edit source]
The first time you come here, Ivlet has caused whirlwinds to form, and they will suck you up if you stray near them. The buffalo here will challenge you to a chicken race. Once you find Bartholomew, he will teach you how to seal the whirlwinds away, angering Ivlet and spurring him to prepare for battle. Once the whirlwinds are gone it's an easy place to get through. The main point of the whirlwinds is so you can practice rock-throwing for the battle at Dimension Rift.

Characters | Enemies |
None |
Bugs | Fish |
None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None |
Gongoro Peak[edit | edit source]

Gongoro Peak is home to the buffalo, which are hard to get around - you'll have to crawl through the undergrowth or run really fast. The lion who escaped the zoo is here. Bruce lives in the tiny village at the base of the peak as a pioneer. You will come here to find Bartholomew, and many spectacular fish swim in the pond. You can find many treasure chests here! Bruce lives in the section with the gates, so he's safe from all the buffallo! Bruce is a Doberman or Siamese and tells your character that there was a traveler that sealed away whirlwinds...Bartholemew! At this point of the game, you will find Bartholemew and seal the whirlwinds, and a showdown with Ivlet!!!

Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
Zoo[edit | edit source]
This is the only place in the game that you never have to go. Here, you can visit the animals that you have won against in minigame battles. Each game will give you eight colors of an accessory if you play the game a lot.
Characters | Enemies |
None |
Bugs | Fish |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None | None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None |
Dimension Rift[edit | edit source]
The only way to get to Dimension Rift is for Theophilous and Bartholomew to take you there for the final battle with Ivlet and the Chaotic Dragon. The place is in the middle of nowhere, and its basically a floating platform. You'll see images of Dimension Rift when you are spying on Ivlet's whereabouts.
Characters | Enemies |
Bugs | Fish |
None | None |
Fruits/Vegetables | Flowers |
None | None |
Special Fruits/Vegetables | Special Items |
None |