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Within the game, many areas have secret places blocked by rocks. There are also treasure chests in some levels (although most of them are behind the rocks) which you can open and get an accessory.

Treasure Chests[edit | edit source]

To open a treasure chest, go up to it and press A button. Then you will be given an accessory and it will be unlocked in the Fashion House.

Sky Heights[edit | edit source]

Item Cheerleader Uniform colour 1
Unlock Cheerleader Uniform

To get to this treasure chest, you need to have at least two antidotes unless you have lots of hearts and want to risk running out of health trying to get out of the level. In the north of the deeper poisonous bog, there is an island with a treasure chest on it. The easiest way to get to it is to jump into the bog from a nearby broken bridge, or go down the steps that are on one of the islands. As soon as you climb onto the island where the chest is, go to the pause menu and into your inventory, and then to items and use your antidote. Then open the treasure chest and get into the bog again. Now climb up the steps on the island sightly to the south of the one you were just on and use another antidote. It's a good idea to use some other healing items to get your health back.

Bubble Cave[edit | edit source]

Item Fireman Hat colour 1
Unlock Fireman Hat

In bubble cave, the treasure chest is blocked by a Komodo Dragon. You need to move it out of the way to get to the chest. Open it, and then escape. But try and get in and out of the guarded area before the Komodo Dragon returns to its post, or it will see you and you will be attacked.

Crystal Caverns[edit | edit source]

Item Smart Hat colour 1
Unlock Smart Hat

First you must be on Push level 3. Then push the farthest west rock out of the way (near the entrance to Whisker Woods) and go and open the Treasure Chest.

Inferno Cave[edit | edit source]

Item Eye Patch colour 1
Unlock Eye Patch

Push the rock out of the way and you will find the chest.

Polar Fields[edit | edit source]

Item Ribbon One Piece colour 1
Unlock Ribbon One Piece

In the North East of Polar Fields, past the ice and near a polar bear, there is a rock. Once you have pushed it out of the way, you can find a Persimmon. Go round the corner and you will see a chest.

Gongoro Peak[edit | edit source]

Left chest
Item Western Shirt
Unlock Western Shirt colour 1
Right Chest
Item Tuxedo colour 1
Unlock Tuxedo

In the North of Gongoro Peak, there is a fork in the path. Go either way, past a Yellow Snake, and the paths rejoin by a level 4 boulder. Push it out of the way, and you will come to a small area with two treasure chests, and possibly a Purple Spotted Swallowtail.

Secrets around Rocks[edit | edit source]

At Lappy Lake, there is a randomly placed rock on the centre island. Push it out of the way, and where it was you can now dig up some Super Dog Food or Super Cat Food.

At Dolphin Coast, there is a level 2 rock in the middle of the beach. Push it out of the way (and you need to be at push level 2) and you can did up some Top Quality Canned Meat or Fish.

In Crystal Caverns, push the Eastern rock out of the way and go right, but turn left before you reach the river. Go across the bridge and turn right again and you will find a level 4 rock. Push it out of the way and go past it to find some Top Quality Canned Meat or Fish.

Also in Crystal Caverns, you can push the level 2 rock second to the right. Continue along the path and you will come to a little round platform where you can catch a Golden Butterfly.

Extra uses for the Warm Stone[edit | edit source]

In one of the Optional Missions, you can dunk the Warm Stone in the Hot Spring and use it to melt the giant ice block in Polar Fields. Then you can get to the fishing pier behind it. However, just before you get to the ice block, there is a small cold water pool which you can dunk the Warm Stone in and it will become a Cool Stone. Then you can use it to freeze some objects.

Crystal Caverns[edit | edit source]

Push the most Eastern rock out of the way and go right. You will come to a river. Press A button to use the Cool Stone to freeze it, and then you can go across. You will find a Potato and some Top Quality Canned Meat or Fish.

Inferno Cave[edit | edit source]

On the other side of the path to a Komodo Dragon, there is a small pool of lava. You can use the Cool Stone to freeze it, and then you can safely walk across. You can find a Lychee and some Top Quality Canned Meat or Fish here.

Calling secrets[edit | edit source]

In some levels, you are able to use the Call command to call an animal to help you. Some animals will only help you if you give them something they like in return.

Dolphin Coast[edit | edit source]

There is a Call sign in the east of Dolphin Coast. Providing you have a sardine, you can Call a dolphin to take you to the small island. Here, you can find Papayas, and catch many large fish. It is also needed for finding the Apollo's Flower and getting a Swordfish for Sai. However, you will need to have a sardine to get back to the main part of Dolphin Coast again. It is possible to catch sardines at the Fishing Pier on the island, but to be safe, catch two of them before you Call the dolphin.

Lappy Lake[edit | edit source]

Near the entrance to South Pawville is a Call sign; use it to Call a hippo, who will take you to a high ledge on the other side of the lake. This area is inaccessible from the water. Here, you can find Melons, Carrots and Violets. Just after completing the Call mission, you can also find Sai here.

Bubble Cave[edit | edit source]

Turn right at the first corner and go right to the end of the bat area. You will find a Call sign. You can call a dolphin if you have a Red Sea Bream. Across here is a Butterfly. Since there are no Fishing Piers on this side, you don't need another Red Sea Bream to get back again.

Crystal Caverns[edit | edit source]

Past a Purple Cobra and before you reach the Red Cobra, you will come to a wall made of dirt. There is a Call sign next to it. Use it to Call a hedgehog, who will come and dig through the dirt wall, providing you have a Banana to give him. On the other side is a large round room, with lots of bats. There are also some bugs and vegetables.