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At Dolphin Coast, Victor suggests they play Cops and Robbers. First of all, Victor will be the robber[1]. Several tutorials will come up teaching you how to move, swim, etc. Then you will have to catch Victor, who will run away if you get near him. When you have caught up with him, press A button to talk. He will say that he can't beat you at this game, so you should be the robber instead. Then he will hide his treasure.

Before the main disaster occurs, you cannot leave this area. Afterwards, many of the other areas become unreachable when bridges are destroyed, boulders block the way, etc.

Once he has hidden his treasure, Victor will teach you about the Bug Cage and Fishing Tackle (his treasure) and you must find them. You can find the Bug Cage southeast of the Green Snake near Warren, and the Fishing Tackle is at the edge of the coast in the part that sticks out. When you have both, take them back to Victor.

When you hand them to him, he will say that you can keep them. He has new ones, so he doesn't need them any more. Then he realizes that they are a bit dirty. He offers to clean them for you, and suggests you come and talk to him in a while.

Catching the bug and fish and delivering Ione's Donuts/Cookies

You can go and explore Dolphin Coast, or you can talk to Victor straight away. When you do, he will give you the Bug Cage and Fishing Tackle. He asks if you know how to use them. For a test, he asks you to catch a Cabbage White somewhere in Dolphin Coast. Since you won't be needing it, he offers to hold onto the Fishing Tackle until you have brought him the butterfly. When you have caught one, bring it to him.

He then gives you the Fishing Tackle and asks you to catch a Sardine. You can catch one from the pier. When you have caught one, take it to Victor. He congratulates you, then says that he will see you tonight… if you don't know why, he reminds you that they are going to see Ivlet.

When you and Victor are going past the house of Augusta, who lives at Dolphin Coast, she will tell you to come over. She asks what kind of trickery you are up to now. You shake your head. She says that she heard you mention the name Ivlet, and tells you not to go near him, for he is very dangerous and has a way of talking himself into things. You and Victor tell her that you're not going to see Ivlet. She tells you that if Ivlet got his claws on a couple of kids like you two, he'd just gobble you up! She's about to tell you about the things that Ivlet has done, but you and Victor run off.

Deliver the treats[edit | edit source]

When you get home, Ione will be waiting for you and ask if you are doing anything. You are not, so she asks you to deliver some of her baking[2] to the Villagers. You need to take the treats to the following people:

  • Kenneth: Owner of the Zoo behind your house.
  • Gertrude: Owner of the Drug Store next door to your home.
  • Tom: Owner of the Pawn Shop down the path on the east side of town.
  • Sheila: Owner of the Fashion House down the slope on the southeast side of town.
  • Charles: Owner of the Aquarium behind your house.

Your mother says that she has already given treats to everyone else. If you forget who to take them to, check your Diary or speak to Ione again. Every time you make a delivery, you will get a small reward from them for your troubles.

When you have finished the deliveries, you will be sent back to Ione, who will thank you. You will go inside your house, and Ione will give you your allowance (10G). She will tell you that you can go and play now.

Ivlet's trick[edit | edit source]

You and Victor accidentally give Ivlet the Magic Hat.

When you go outside again, Victor will be waiting by Godfrey's house in North Pawville. You go up to each other, and nod to say that you're still going to see Ivlet. When you go inside the Police Station, Ivlet is just waking up.

He will ask you if there is some kind of Magic Hat on the island, and Victor says that there is. Ivlet says that they're just a pack of lies, and this Arvin guy is just making things up. Victor tells him that he isn't. Ivlet tells you that the Magic Hat is probably a fake, but he has just remembered how to tell the difference between real and fake Magic Hats. He says that if you can bring the Magic Hat to him, he will check to see if it is real.

You and Victor run back to South Pawville, only to see that Ivlet is using the Magic Hat to destroy the village.

You bring the Magic Hat into the Police Station, placing it a short distance away from Ivlet. He looks at it, and then tells you that there's a rip in it. Neither you or Victor can see any damage. Victor says that if there really is a rip in the Magic Hat, it might be their fault. Ivlet says that if you still can't see it, he'll show you; you just need to bring it a bit closer. After some hesitation, you put the Magic Hat right next to the cage. Ivlet looks at it for a second, then lunges at the Magic Hat and grabs it. You and Victor leap back in shock. Ivlet says that he's always waited for this moment, and the pattern on the Magic Hat changes from a sun to a lightning bolt. Then Ivlet forms a magic ball around himself, and floats out of the cage.

You and Victor run back to South Pawville, where Ivlet appears in the sky in his magic ball. He howls, and throws fireballs down on the village. He breaks the bridge to Lappy Lake, then smashes the Drug Store and the Zoo. Many of the townsfolk have trouble staying on their feet as they are knocked over by the explosions.

Ivlet destroys almost everything in South Pawville.

Ivlet continues to the Zoo, casting spells on the animals and making them run away. He also casts spells on the wild animals outside of the village, turning them evil.

Back at the Police Station, you have been locked in the cage. Ada scolds you for giving Ivlet the Magic Hat, and Victor questions why he isn't also in the cage. Ada places most of the blame on you, while Victor pleads to have you let out. Augusta enters and convinces Ada to release you, but makes you promise to help repair the damage caused by Ivlet. He also tells you not to try to get the Magic Hat back, as that is not a job for children.

Victor blames himself for what happened, and locks himself in the cage. He tells you to go help the villagers, but refuses to leave.

As you sit outside the Police Station, upset at what you have done, you hear a voice. A small thing walks up to you, and introduces itself as Beat, the personification of the good half of the Magic Hat. He tried to fight back against Ivlet, but Ivlet's evil heart was too strong and Beat was booted out. He tells you that he will help you get the Magic Hat back from Ivlet.

He also tells you that he had a chance to read Ivlet's mind. Ivlet allowed himself to be caught, because he knew he would be sent to this island, and then he would be able to get his claws on the Magic Hat. He is a genius when it comes to thinking up plans. Beat then reminds you that you are supposed to be helping the villagers.

Version differences[edit | edit source]

  1. Victor calls himself Woofenstein Von Barkley (Dogz) or Meowenstein Von Baldor (Catz)
  2. You deliver Donuts (Catz) or Cookies (Dogz) for Ione.