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Plant Menu

There are 49 different types of plants in the game; they serve as your line of defence between you and the zombies. Each plant has its own special attributes, strengths and weaknesses that may help or hinder them when battling the zombies. You initially start Adventure Mode with only one type of plant, but most levels in Adventure Mode will reward you with a new type of plant upon victory.

In addition, eight of the 49 plants are "upgrade plants" which serve to improve the capabilities of existing plants, and one plant (Imitater) is neither a normal nor an upgrade plant.

Finally, there are two plants only available in the "Wall-nut Bowling" minigame and its sequel.

The order of the plants on this page is the order they appear in the "Suburban Almanac"; the in-game bio of each plant and zombie.

Peashooter[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 100 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Peashooter is the first plant you obtain in the game. When a zombie enters his lane he will fire a pea every 1.5 seconds at the zombie. Each pea does 20 points of damage (for reference a normal zombie has 200 points of health), and it takes 10 peas to kill a basic zombie. While Peashooter is your first plant, he should be phased out in favour of stronger plants later on.

How can a single plant grow and shoot so many peas so quickly? Peashooter says, "Hard work, commitment, and a healthy, well-balanced breakfast of sunlight and high-fiber carbon dioxide make it all possible."

Sunflower[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Sun-producing
  • Sun Production: Normal
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Can be upgraded

Sunflower is the first sun-producing plant you obtain, and the primary one in daytime levels. Sunflowers produce extra sun, one unit at a time every 24 seconds, allowing you to plant more plants. As a general rule, the player should try to plant at least one column of them, although two to three columns may be used to allow for a wider range of tactical choices.

Sunflower can't resist bouncing to the beat. Which beat is that? Why, the life-giving jazzy rhythm of the Earth itself, thumping at a frequency only Sunflower can hear.

Twin Sunflower[edit | edit source]

Twin Sunflower
Twin Sunflower
  • Type: Sun-producing
  • Sun Production: Double
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on sunflowers

Twin Sunflower is the upgrade plant for Sunflower. She can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $5000 after clearing level 3-4. She can produce twice as much sun as a standard Sunflower.

It was a crazed night of forbidden science that brought Twin Sunflower into existence. Thunder crashed overhead, strange lights flickered, even the very roaring wind seemed to hiss its angry denial. But to no avail. Twin Sunflower was alive, ALIVE!

Cherry Bomb[edit | edit source]

Cherry Bomb
Cherry Bomb
  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow

Cherry Bomb is the first instant-kill plant obtained. After being planted they will expand for 1.2 seconds and then detonate, killing most zombies (except Gargantuar and Zomboss) in a three-by-three area around themselves.

"I wanna explode," says Cherry #1. "No, let's detonate instead!" says his brother, Cherry #2. After intense consultation they agree to explodonate.

Wall-nut[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Defensive
  • Toughness: High
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

Wall-nut is the first defensive plant obtained. While it takes most zombies five to six bites to eat most plants, Wall-nut can absorb 40 bites, his appearance changing based on how much health he has left. He is also the standard ammo in the "Wall-nut Bowling" minigame.

"People wonder how I feel about getting constantly chewed on by zombies," says Wall-nut. "What they don't realize is that with my limited senses all I can feel is a kind of tingling, like a relaxing back rub."

Potato Mine[edit | edit source]

Potato Mine
Potato Mine
  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

Potato Mine, as his name suggests, is the plant equivalent of the landmine. When he is planted, he will need 14 seconds to arm himself before surfacing, during which he is vulnerable to being eaten. After that, when a zombie steps on him he will detonate, dealing 1800 damage to zombies in his tile and leaving behind a comic-esque "SPUDOW!".

Some folks say Potato Mine is lazy, that he leaves everything to the last minute. Potato Mine says nothing. He's too busy thinking about his investment strategy.

Snow Pea[edit | edit source]

Snow Pea
Snow Pea
  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal, but slows zombie movement
  • Cost: 175 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Snow Pea looks similar to Peashooter, but he is blue, and his peas are frozen. When a zombie is hit by a frozen pea it will be slowed to half its original speed and will eat at a slower pace. Additional Snow Peas will not slow down the zombies any further, so only one column should be used.

Folks often tell Snow Pea how "cool" he is, or exhort him to "chill out." They tell him to "stay frosty." Snow Pea just rolls his eyes. He's heard 'em all.

Chomper[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills one zombie instantly
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Think of Chomper as a re-usable Potato Mine of sorts. He will devour whole the first zombie that gets close, but he then requires 42 seconds to chew his meal, making him vulnerable to attack. He works best when planted just behind a defensive plant such as Wall-nut. He also works well as a backup or when one zombie has gotten past your main defences.

Chomper almost got a gig doing stunts for The Little Shop of Horrors but it fell through when his agent demanded too much on the front end. Chomper's not resentful, though. He says it's just part of the business.

Repeater[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal (for each pea)
  • Cost: 200 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Can be upgraded

Repeater is a peashooting plant that fires two peas at a time. His higher cost means it will take more time to deploy him initially, but he will prove to be much more useful as the level progresses.

Repeater is fierce. He's from the streets. He doesn't take attitude from anybody, plant or zombie, and he shoots peas to keep people at a distance. Secretly, though, Repeater yearns for love.

Gatling Pea[edit | edit source]

Gatling Pea
Gatling Pea
  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal (for each pea)
  • Cost: 250 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on repeaters

Gatling Pea is the upgrade plant for Repeater. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $5000 after clearing level 3-4. He fires four peas at a time.

Gatling Pea's parents were concerned when he announced his intention to join the military. "But honey, it's so dangerous!" they said in unison. Gatling Pea refused to budge. "Life is dangerous," he replied, eyes glinting with steely conviction.

Puff-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Short-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 0 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

Puff-shroom is the first night plant obtained. He can be planted very quickly since he does not require any sun. To attack he fires spores that deal the same damage as peas, but he can only fire up to three spaces ahead, so he will have difficulty combating stronger zombies. He basically serves the role of "cannon fodder"; he is meant to be planted and eaten in great quantities to stall the horde.

"I only recently became aware of the existence of zombies," says Puff-shroom. "Like many fungi, I'd just assumed they were fairy tales or movie monsters. This whole experience has been a huge eye-opener for me."

Sun-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Sun-producing
  • Sun Production: Low, then normal
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

Sun-shroom is essentially a nighttime version of Sunflower. When initially planted he will only give out 15 sun at a time, but after two minutes he will grow in size and will begin producing 25 sun like Sunflower. This makes him more efficient than Sunflower in nighttime levels, but it is not advised to use him in the day.

Sun-shroom hates sun. He hates it so much that when it builds up in his system, he spits it out as fast as he can. He just won't abide it. To him, sun is crass.

Fume-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Short-range
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day
  • Can be upgraded

Fume-shroom fires fumes that will pass through shields such as screen doors and ladders. He also can fire up to four spaces in comparison to Puff-shroom's three, and his fumes will damage all zombies in their area of effect.

"I was in a dead-end job producing yeast spores for a bakery," says Fume-shroom. "Then Puff-shroom, bless 'im, told me about this great opportunity blasting zombies. Now I really feel like I'm making a difference."

Gloom-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Short-range
  • Damage: Heavy
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on fume-shrooms

Gloom-shroon is the upgrade plant for Fume-shroom. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $7500 after clearing level 4-4. He has a shorter range (only one tile) than Fume-shroom, but he can hit zombies in the eight tiles surrounding him.

"I've always enjoyed releasing heavy fumes," says Gloom Shroom. "I know a lot of people aren't cool with that. They say it's rude or that it smells bad. All I can say is, would you rather have your brain eaten by zombies?"

Grave Buster[edit | edit source]

Grave Buster
Grave Buster
  • Type: Environment modifier
  • Effect: Destroys graves, single use
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Grave Buster is only used during the nighttime levels when graves appear on the lawn. During the final wave, extra zombies rise from the graves, plus they take up space that could be used for planting. When planted on a grave, Grave Buster will destroy the grave, leaving behind a silver or occasionally gold coin. However, he takes five seconds to actually destroy the grave, so you must defend him from zombies while he's working.

Despite Grave Buster's fearsome appearance, he wants everyone to know that he loves kittens and spends his off hours volunteering at a local zombie rehabilitation center. "It's just the right thing to do," he says.

Hypno-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Slow
  • Sleeps during the day

When Hypno-shroom is eaten, the zombie that ate him will be hypnotised, turning purple. The zombie is now an ally, and it will turn around and attack its former comrades. The zombie will typically retain its special abilities but will use them for the player's benefit.

"Zombies are our friends," asserts Hypno-shroom. "They're badly misunderstood creatures who play a valuable role in our ecology. We can and should do more to bring them round to our way of thinking."

Scaredy-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

Scaredy-shroom has a long range like Peashooter, so he is able to fire at zombies from a long way away. However, if the zombies get within one tile in front of him he will duck down and stop shooting. Scaredy-shroom is best kept at the back of your defences to be effective, and he complements Fume-shroom and Puff-shroom well.

"Who's there?" whispers Scaredy-shroom, voice barely audible. "Go away. I don't want to see anybody. Unless it's the man from the circus."

Ice-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Miscellaneous
  • Damage: Very light, immobilises zombies
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Sleeps during the day

When Ice-shroom is planted he freezes all the zombies on screen, stopping their movement. The zombies will gradually start moving again, but your plants will have ample opportunity to deal damage before that happens.

Ice-shroom frowns, not because he's unhappy or because he disapproves, but because of a childhood injury that left his facial nerves paralyzed.

Doom-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Sleeps during the day

Doom-shroom is essentially a supercharged Cherry Bomb. He has a larger area-of-effect than Cherry Bomb (7x5 vs 3x3), but the trade-off is that he creates a crater in the space he was planted on, which cannot be planted on. The crater does eventually disappear after three minutes, but Doom-shroom is mostly for emergencies.

"You're lucky I'm on your side," says Doom-shroom. "I could destroy everything you hold dear. It wouldn't be hard."

Lily Pad[edit | edit source]

Lily Pad
Lily Pad
  • Type: Environment modifier
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Must be planted in water
  • Can be upgraded

Lily Pad is an aquatic plant that allows you to plant a non-aquatic plant on top of him. He can also hold up zombies slightly, for the zombie must eat the plant on top of Lily Pad, then Lily Pad himself. Note that Potato Mines and other underground plants cannot be planted on Lily Pad.

Lily Pad never complains. Lily Pad never wants to know what's going on. Put a plant on top of Lily Pad, he won't say a thing. Does he have startling opinions or shocking secrets? Nobody knows. Lily Pad keeps it all inside.

Cattail[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Heavy
  • Cost: 225 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on lily pads

Cattail is the upgrade plant for Lily Pad. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $10000 after clearing level 4-4. He fires spikes from his tail, two at a time, that home in on the zombies closest to the house. He can also pop the baloons of Ballon Zombies, who he will prioritise attacking if there are any.

"Woof!" says Cattail. "Woof woof woof! Does this confuse you? Do you expect me to say 'Meow' like a cat because the word 'cat' is in my name and I also look like a cat? That's not how things work around here. I refuse to be pigeonholed."

Squash[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: slow

Squash is a de facto upgrade for Potato Mine. Unlike Potato Mine, Squash is ready to go from the instant he's planted. When a zombie gets within one space (forward or behind) of Squash he will jump and crush the offending zombie. He is also able to destroy closely packed groups of zombies.

"I'm ready!" yells Squash. "Let's do it! Put me in! There's nobody better! I'm your guy! C'mon! Whaddya waiting for? I need this!"

Threepeater[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal (each pea)
  • Cost: 325 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Threepeater is a costly but powerful plant which fires peas across three lanes. He's the equivalent of a column of three Peashooters in the space of one. Placed strategically, just two Threepeaters can cover the whole lawn.

Threepeater likes reading, backgammon and long periods of immobility in the park. Threepeater enjoys going to shows, particularly modern jazz. "I'm just looking for that special someone," he says. Threepeater's favorite number is 5.

Tangle Kelp[edit | edit source]

Tangle Kelp
Tangle Kelp
  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Slow
  • Must be planted in water

Tangle Kelp is the Squash of the pool. When a zombie gets near him, he will pull the zombie underwater, instantly killing it.

"I'm totally invisible," Tangle Kelp thinks to himself. "I'll hide here just below the surface and nobody will see me." His friends tell him they can see him perfectly well, but he'll never change.

Jalapeno[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Instant-kill
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow

Jalapeno destroys all zombies in one lane, no matter where along the lane he is planted. He can also melt the ice trails left by Zomboni.

"NNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!" Jalapeno says. He's not going to explode, not this time. But soon. Oh, so soon. It's close. He knows it, he can feel it, his whole life's been leading up to this moment.

Spikeweed[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Area of effect
  • Damage: 5 damage over time/instant death to vehicles but also itself
  • Cost: 100 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Can be upgraded

Spikeweed will hurt zombies that step on him. He has the ability to bypass shields, and he can also pop the tires of a Zomboni or Catapult Zombie to kill them instantly, but he will be destroyed in the process.

Hockey is Spikeweed's obsession. He's got box seat season tickets. He keeps close track of his favorite players. And he consistently cleans up in the office hockey pool. Just one problem: he's terrified of pucks.

Spikerock[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Area of effect
  • Damage: 20 damage over time/instant death to 3 vehicles but also itself one health depleted
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on spikeweeds

Spikerock is the upgrade plant for Spikeweed. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $7500 after clearing level 5-1. Compared to Spikeweed he does more damage, and he can also pop the tires of nine vehicles before he is destroyed.

Spikerock just got back from a trip to Europe. He had a great time, met some wonderful people, really broadened his horizons. He never knew they made museums so big, or put so many paintings in them. That was a big surprise for him.

Torchwood[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Boost
  • Damage: None on his own, doubles damage of peas
  • Cost: 175 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Torchwood is a plant that serves to boost the damage of pea-shooting plants. Any peas that pass through him will turn into fireballs, doubling their damage, and allowing them to deal splash damage. If a frozen pea passes through him it will thaw out and turn into a regular pea. He can also clear fog if it is present.

Everybody likes and respects Torchwood. They like him for his integrity, for his steadfast friendship, for his ability to greatly maximize pea damage. But Torchwood has a secret: He can't read.

Tall-nut[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Defensive
  • Toughness: High
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Slow
  • Special: Cannot be vaulted or jumped over

Tall-nut is a tall, heavy-duty version of Wall-nut. He can take more damage before being eaten (around 80 bites), and he cannot be vaulted or jumped over by zombies such as Pole Vaulting Zombie.

People wonder if there's a rivalry between Wall-nut and Tall-nut. Tall-nut laughs a rich baritone laugh. "How could there be anything between us? We are brothers. If you knew what Wall-nut has done for me..." Tall-nut's voice trails off and he smiles knowingly.

Sea-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Short-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 0 sun
  • Recharge: Slow
  • Must be planted in water
  • Sleeps during the day

Sea-shroom is essentially a water version of Puff-shroom, shooting short-ranged spores. He serves a similar role as "cannon fodder", though this is somewhat limited due to his slow recharge rate.

Sea-shroom has never seen the sea. It's in his name, he's heard loads about it, but he's just never found the time. One day, though, it'll go down.

Plantern[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Environment modifier
  • Toughness: Normal
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

Plantern serves to clear away fog in levels where it is present. He also appears in the Vasebreaker puzzles where he can reveal the contents of nearby vases.

Plantern defies science. He just does. Other plants eat light and excrete oxygen; Plantern eats darkness and excretes light. Plantern's cagey about how he does it. "I'm not gonna say 'sorcery,' I wouldn't use the term 'dark forces,' I just... I think I've said enough."

Cactus[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Cactus shoots spikes that damage zombies at the same rate as peas. She is introduced as a counter to Balloon Zombies: when she sees one, she will stretch up to shoot a spike to pop its balloon, dropping it to the ground.

She's prickly, sure, but Cactus' spikes belie a spongy heart filled with love and goodwill. She just wants to hug and be hugged. Most folks can't hang with that, but Cactus doesn't mind. She's been seeing an armadillo for a while and it really seems to be working out.

Blover[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Environment modifier
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

When Blover is planted, he will spin his leaves rapidly to blow away any fog and Balloon Zombies present in the level.

When Blover was five he got a shiny new birthday cake. Blover made his wish, huffed and puffed, but was able to extinguish only 60% of the candles. Instead of giving up, though, he's used that early defeat as a catalyst to push himself harder ever since.

Split Pea[edit | edit source]

Split Pea
Split Pea
  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Split Pea is a combination of a forward-shooting Peashooter and a backward-shooting Repeater, which permits him to shoot peas forward and backward. He is introduced as a counter to Digger Zombies and other zombies that can get behind the player's defenses.

"Yeah, I'm a Gemini," says Split Pea. "I know, big surprise. But having two heads -- or really, one head with a large head-like growth on the back -- pays off big in my line of work."

Starfruit[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Starfruit shoots stars in five directions, along the points of a star. His main role is to help attack lanes other than his own.

"Aw, man," says Starfruit. "I went to the dentist the other day and he said that I have four cavities. I've got --count it-- ONE tooth! Four cavities in one tooth? How does this happen?"

Pumpkin[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Defensive
  • Toughness: High
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

Pumpkin has the unique ability to be planted on top of another plant, and he will protect the plant inside his shell. This makes him useful for protecting plants in more vulnerable locations.

Pumpkin hasn't heard from his cousin Renfield lately. Apparently Renfield's a big star, some kind of... what was it... sports hero? Peggle Master? Pumpkin doesn't really get it. He just does his job.

Magnet-shroom[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Defensive
  • Toughness: High
  • Cost: 100 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day
  • Can be upgraded

Magnet-shroom can remove helmets and other metal objects from zombies, allowing him to quickly neutralise powerful threats such as Buckethead Zombies and Football Zombies. However, after stealing a metal object he needs 15 seconds to recover before he can steal another object.

Magnetism is a powerful force. Very powerful. Sometimes it scares Magnet-shroom a little. He's not sure if he can handle that kind of responsibility.

Gold Magnet[edit | edit source]

Gold Magnet
Gold Magnet
  • Type: Miscellaneous
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on magnet-shrooms

Gold Magnet is the upgrade plant for Magnet-shroom. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $3000 after clearing level 5-1. He has the ability to collect money dropped by zombies, up to five pieces at a time, but unlike Magnet-shroom he cannot steal metal objects.

"How did I end up here?" asks Gold Magnet. "I was on the fast track - corner office, full benefits, stock options. I was gonna be Vice President of Midwestern Operations. Now I'm here, on this lawn, in serious danger of being eaten to death. Ooh! A coin!"

Cabbage-pult[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 100 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Cabbage-pult is the first catapult plant introduced. He is also the first roof plant introduced - normal long-range plants have difficulty on the roof due to its slant blocking straight projectiles, so catapult plants must be used. As his name suggests, Cabbage-pult launches cabbages, which do twice the damage of a pea, at half of Peashooter's firing rate. His cabbages can also bypass shields.

Cabbage-pult is okay with launching cabbages at zombies. It's what he's paid for, after all, and he's good at it. He just doesn't understand how the zombies get up on the roof in the first place.

Flower Pot[edit | edit source]

Flower Pot
Flower Pot
  • Type: Environment modifier
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Flower Pot is the Lily Pad of the roof. He is required to use any other plant on the roof (sans Spikeweed and Spikerock).

"I'm a pot for planting. Yet I'm also a plant. HAS YOUR MIND EXPLODED YET?"

Kernel-pult[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Light (kernel), normal (butter)
  • Cost: 100 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Can be upgraded

Normally Kernel-pult lobs corn kernels at zombies at the same rate as Cabbage-pult, the kernels doing the same damage as a pea. However, he has a 25% chance of instead launching butter, which will do more damage and stun the zombie for 5 seconds upon impact. Both the kernels and the butter can bypass shields.

Kernel-pult is the eldest of the Pult brothers. Of the three of them, Kernel is the only one who consistently remembers the others' birthdays. He bugs them about it a little, too.

Cob Cannon[edit | edit source]

Cob Cannon
Cob Cannon
  • Type: Offensive - Area of effect
  • Damage: Massive
  • Cost: 500 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on two side-by-side kernel-pults

Cob Cannon is the upgrade plant for Kernel-pult. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $20000 after completing Adventure Mode. He must be planted on two horizontally adjacent Kernel-pults, and he has the ability to fire cobs of corn that act as missiles, dealing the same damage as a Cherry Bomb. The player can click on Cob Cannon to ready him and then click on the area of the lawn they want targeted to fire. Right-clicking will cancel the launch. After the corn cob is launched Cob Cannon will need just under 35 seconds to arm another one.

What's the deal with Cob Cannon, anyway? He went to Harvard. He practices law in a prestigious New York firm. He can explode whole areas of zombies with a single corn launch. All this is common knowledge. But deep inside, what really makes him tick?

Coffee Bean[edit | edit source]

Coffee Bean
Coffee Bean
  • Type: Environment modifier
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Coffee Bean allows you to use mushrooms during the day. Normally, mushrooms will sleep in daytime levels, but Coffee Bean can be planted on them to wake them up.

"Hey, guys, hey!" says Coffee Bean. "Hey! What's up? Who's that? Hey! Didja see that thing? What thing? Whoa! Lions!" Yep, Coffee Bean sure does get excited.

Garlic[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Defensive
  • Toughness: High
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

When a zombie bites Garlic, it will make a disgusted face and a "BLECH!" noise, before moving to the lane above or below its current lane. This makes Garlic useful to funnel zombies down lanes with greater defences.

Lane-diversion isn't just Garlic's profession. It's his passion. He carries an advanced Doctorate in Redirection from the Brussels University. He'll talk all day about lane vectors and repulse arrays. He even pushes things into alternate avenues at home. Somehow his wife puts up with it.

Umbrella Leaf[edit | edit source]

Umbrella Leaf
Umbrella Leaf
  • Type: Defensive
  • Toughness: Normal
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Umbrella Leaf has the ability to protect plants from Bungee Zombies and the basketballs lobbed by Catapult Zombie. When these come down on the plants in a 3x3 area around Umbrella Leaf he will spring up to block the projectile/zombie.

"SPROING!" says Umbrella Leaf. "Didja like that? I can do it again. SPROING! Woo! That's me popping up to protect stuff around me. Yeah. Just like that. EXACTLY like that. Believe it."

Marigold[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Miscellaneous
  • Sun Production: Normal
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

Every 24 seconds Marigold will produce either a silver or a gold coin, gold coins being rarer than silver ones. Whilst this makes her useless in standard gameplay, she can be useful in the Last Stand minigame for money farming. She is also heavily associated with the Zen Garden - she is the first plant obtained for the garden and can come in many different petal colours there.

Marigold spends a lot of time deciding whether to spit out a silver coin or a gold one. She thinks about it, weighs the angles. She does solid research and keeps up with current publications. That's how winners stay ahead.

Melon-pult[edit | edit source]

  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Heavy
  • Cost: 300 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Can be upgraded

Sun-for-damage, Melon-pult delivers the biggest punch of all non-upgrade plants. The melons he launches can bypass shields, deal the equivalent of four peas of damage to the zombie hit, and splash damage to surrounding zombies.

There's no false modesty with Melon-pult. "Sun-for-damage, I deliver the biggest punch on the lawn," he says. "I'm not bragging. Run the numbers. You'll see."

Winter Melon[edit | edit source]

Winter Melon
Winter Melon
  • Type: Offensive - Long-range
  • Damage: Very heavy
  • Cost: 200 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Must be planted on melon-pults

Winter Melon is the upgrade plant for Melon-pult. He can be purchased from Crazy Dave's shop for $10000 after completing Adventure Mode. He lobs frozen melons that both deal the same damage as standard melons and freeze the zombies like Snow Pea's projectiles.

Winter Melon tries to calm his nerves. He hears zombies approach. Will he make it? Will anyone make it?

Imitater[edit | edit source]


Imitater is a special plant that can transform himself into another plant, effectively allowing you to cut that plant's recharge time in half in exchange for taking up an extra seed slot. After transforming he will have the exact same properties as a standard plant of that type, but he will be coloured in a more desaturated tone compared to a standard plant. Note that he cannot copy upgrade plants.

"I remember the Zombie Wars back in '76," says Imitater in a raspy, old-man's voice. "Back then, we didn't have all these fancy peashooters and jalapenos. All we had was guts. Guts and a spoon."

Explode-o-nut[edit | edit source]


Explode-o-nut is a red, explosive version of Wall-nut who only appears in the Wall-nut Bowling minigame and its sequel. When he hits a zombie he will explode in the same manner as a Cherry Bomb.

Giant Wall-nut[edit | edit source]

Giant Wall-nut
Giant Wall-nut

Giant Wall-nut only appears in the Wall-nut Bowling 2 minigame. He is essentially Jalapeno and Squash combined into a single plant as he will crush and kill any zombie in the lane he rolls down.