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Item Description Location Price Sell
Protein Raises Attack by 2,560 Stat EXP. per Vitamin

Max Stat-EXP.= 25,600/ 10 Protein per Pokémon

Goldenrod Dept. Store, Rocket's Hideout, Route-25,

(Crystal), Ice-Path, Mt. Silver, Buena's password

9,800/5 Points 4,900
Iron Raises Defense by 2,560 Stat-EXP. per Vitamin

Max Stat-EXP.= 25,600/ 10 Iron per Pokémon

Goldenrod Dept. Store, Ice Path B1, Rock Tunnel 2F,

(Crystal) Mt. Mortar

9,800/5 Points 4,900
Carbos Raises Speed by 2,560 Stat-EXP. per Vitamin

Max Stat-EXP.= 25,600/ 10 Carbos per Pokémon

Goldenrod Dept. Store, Ice-Path B-2a, Whirl-Islands, Route-2, Tin-Tower-5F,

(Crystal) Mt. Mortar-Basement, Buena's password

9,800/5 Points 4,900
Calcium Raises Special by 2,560 Stat-EXP. per Vitamin

Max Stat-EXP. = 25,600 /10Calcium per Pokémon

Goldenrod Dept. Store,Whirl-Islands, Route-12, Route-13

(Crystal) Dragon's Den, Mt. Silver-2F, Buena's password

9,800/5 Points 4,900
HP Up Adds 2,560 HP Stat-EXP. to the intended Pokemon until it has reached Max= 25,600 HP Stat-EXP. Goldenrod Dept. Store, Route-35, Burned Tower-B1F, Vermilion-City, Route-4,

(Crystal) Burned Tower-1F, Victory Road-2F, Tin Tower-9F, Buena's password

9,800/5 Points 4,900
PP Up Raises Max PP of a selected move by 20% (Max-3 per move) Violet City, Ice-Path, Route-45, Rock-Tunnel, Celadon City, Route 15,

(Crystal), Mt. Mortar, Tin Tower-4F, Mt. Silver-2F, Blackbelt Kenji

Lottery Prize (2 numbers match) 4,900
Rare Candy Raises level of a Pokémon by one Violet-City, Route-34, Lighthouse-5F, Mt. Mortar-Upper Cave, Tin Tower-5F, Whirl Islands-Basement, Route-27, Vermilion City, Cinnabar-Island, Route-28, Lake-of-Rage,

(Crystal) Buena's password

3 Points 4,900