- Dungeon: Ice Aegis Cave + Rock Aegis Cave + Steel Aegis Cave + Aegis Cave Pits
- Length: 3 + 3 + 4 + 5
- Resident Pokémon: Zubat, Golbat, Machoke, Machamp, Crobat, Unown (all 28 kind)
This is probably the easiest post-story dungeon, since Unown can only hit you with a weak Hidden Power they often don't get STAB on, and the other pokes are not much trouble. Sadly, "easy" and "annoying" are not mutually exclusive terms because this also happens to be the most annoying dungeon in the game for many.
The basic gist of the cave is - Unown litter throughout the caverns, and it's up to you to beat the crap out of them. They may drop an Unown stone upon defeat, which will correspond with the shape of the Unown itself. Your job is to collect "certain" stones to move on to the next part. You will need ICE, ROCK, and STEEL to move on. In other words, you will need the following:
- C*2
- E*3
- I*1
- K*1
- L*1
- O*1
- R*1
- S*1
- T*1
Unown stones in general make nice throwing weapons as they do a fixed 60 damage per hit, and if you have power pitcher it can do 90 (which is just short of 1HKOing them, sadly). However, they don't stack and can pile up quickly, so throw the useless ones as soon as possible. And you'll be getting a LOT of the useless ones, seeing that only 14 kind of Pokémon can appear in one floor (use Recruitment Search to see what Unown you can find in this floor). You may go through a section a HUGE number of times before you get that ONE stone you need to proceed, earning Aegis Cave the dubious fame as the most annoying dungeon ever.
You will simply loop in the same part of Aegis Cave until you collect the required stones to move on to the next part, at which point you will have to defeat a boss, then start looping in the next part of the dungeon, and so on. Boss battle information now:
Boss battle - Regice[edit | edit source]
- Difficulty: Easy
Not a hard battle, since Regice likes to hamper itself as much as it attacks you with moves like Explosion and Curse (and as far as I can tell, it has no moves to take advantage of the "attack up" effect of Curse, just Ancientpower). Status works well on it as usual.
Boss Battle - Regirock[edit | edit source]
- Difficulty: Easy
Again, not hard. Regirock can use Explosion too, which hurts itself more than it hurts any of you. It does get STAB on Ancientpower though, unlike Regice, so that move will sting more. not hard.
Boss Battle - Registeel[edit | edit source]
- Difficulty: Somewhat Easy
Registeel gets a bit higher difficulty just because it's difficult to score even neutral hits on it due to its typing. Other than that, it's not hard to deal with either. Mostly the same moves as before.
At the end of the cave, you will be in Regigigas chamber. However, this time you will not be fighting Regigigas alone... in more ways than one.
Boss Battle - Regigigas + Hitmonlee*4 + Bronzong*4[edit | edit source]
- Difficulty: Somewhat hard
Probably the biggest battle of the century, lol. On the other side you have nine Pokémon, and on your side Team Charm will help you out - so there are a lot of Pokémon involved by this game's standard.
Anyways, Team Charm can handle themselves no problem, and there's no penalty for letting them die. They will hold up a couple of minions without difficulty, and Regigigas is slowed for the first couple of turns due to its ability Slow Start. This gives you plenty of time to wipe out whatever minions you can before Team Charm dies off and/or Regigigas shakes off Slow Start, assuming you don't just wipe out everything with a room-wide move. Regigigas himself is not a huge trouble - Mega Punch hurts, but its other moves don't get STAB and are all weak unless it hits a weakness. However, Bronzong can use Safeguard, which will likely render status useless for the duration of the battle.
Once Regigigas is down, a stone marker appears and instructs you to close your eyes and let your aura flow to the ground. Opt to close your eyes, and your aura will indeed flow. Regigigas then gets up and causes a HUGE earthquake, forcing all of you to get the heck out of there. However, this exploration was not for vain - a new dungeon opens. Woopeedo. Since that dungeon is unimportant to the storyline, it will not be listed in this section. Explore it whenever you feel like.