In this chapter you have to help Marill and Azurill retrieve a jewel that they lost, but before that happens, Diglett can't identify a footprint. The Pokémon wanted to talk to Wigglytuff and said his name was Dusknoir. Everyone was so shocked, "Dusknoir the Famous Explorer!" and all that. When Dusknoir goes to Treasure town, Chatot gives you an errand to run. To ask the Kecleon Market if they plan to stock Perfect Apples. There they find Dusknoir chatting with them. So they begin to join and the purple Kecleon just reminded them what they came here for by asking them if they wanted to shop. They ask them if they planed to stock Perfect Apples, but it comes out as a huge disappointment. So you go back to the guild after another distracting chat and Chatot is disappointed. The next morning, your team has some visitors, Marill and Azumarill. They ask you if you can go and get their item after reading a ransom note. Your team accepts and goes to Amp Plains. (That is if you want to go somewhere else first.) If you choose to go there, there are 10 + 9 floors you have to go through and eventually you'll reach the boss(es).
- Amp Plains
- Difficulty: 7.5
- Boss(es): Luxray + 8 Luxio
- Floors: 10 + 9 + Summit
- Enigma Legendary Pokémon: Zapdos
The boss of this dungeon is the reason why it gets a 7.5 difficulty. If it were just a Luxray, then it would get a 5 difficulty. Anyway, on Floors 4-10 there are Shinx', and just a little tip: Get One. They evolve into the 86th strongest Pokémon, Luxray, at Lv. 30. They evolve into Luxio first, at Lv. 15, which if you get one, it will be above Lv. 15, anyway. Plus they level up fast, too. After you get one, then continue along with the dungeon. Use the save point in the middle, since you are going to need it. Then after 8 more floors, it's boss time. Another Tip: Get an Electrike, if Luxray and his tribe do an Electric move, it goes straight to him and doesn't have any effect!
- Luxray
- HP: 360+
- Electric
- Average Damage: 20+
- Luxio (8)
- HP: 40+
- Electric
- Average Damage: 10+
These bosses are pretty intense, considering there’s a ton of them. Get used to this, though; you’re going to see a lot of these. First, find one that you can hit with a Long Range attack, and utilize it to get in a little extra damage. The good thing about these bosses is that they don't have any attacks that can cut corners, so due to the rock that's in front of you, Luxray really can't hit you. Before you can start going into the second part, Marril and Azurill are talking to the Kecleon brothers when Dusknoir comes strolling along. Dusknoir rushes off to save you and your partner. Now, start attacking Luxray, and don't focus on too much else besides saving Pikachu if its health runs low. When you take out Luxray, start focusing on the Luxio. Be careful of when they use Charge, though, since that means they're about to really lay down the hurt, so heal yourself to around 100+ HP if that happens. Eventually, they'll fall.
Luxray will try to get back up and finish you off, but Dusknoir will take it out before it can. You'll thank Dusknoir get the jewel, and leave (with Dusknoir). And so begins [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness/Chapter 11: Grovyle the Thief