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When you arrive in the main room, Chatot will say that a Time Gear was stolen in Treeshroud Forest, and likewise time froze there. The apprentices will be told to go about their normal business, except the starters. Chatot will call them over and instruct them about their very first official exploration. Then when you go upstairs Chimecho will call you over and tell you he has opened up an assembly. Woo-hoo! Now you can start recruiting Pokemon you meet in dungeons! It's somewhat easier in this game than in the last since you don't have to waste your money buying Friend Areas right and left, but a little harder since some recruit rates went down (especially for Kecleon), but a little easier since there are more recruitment items, being the Golden Mask, the Amber Tear, and the seven treasures, and the Friend Bow raises recruitment rate more than last time, plus some Pokemon can have Fast Friend (was that in PMD1? I forget...). Well, anyway, prepare for a dungeon before going there since YOU WILL GO THROUGH ONE UPON GOING THERE. When you go to the waterfall your partner will look at the waterfall, get too close to the waterfall, and the water from the waterfall will come pounding down so hard that he/she will get pounded away from the waterfall by the water from the waterfall. Heh. The same will happen to the player, however, he/she will have another dizzy spell and see the shadow of a Pokemon jumping through the middle of the waterfall and finding a cave. He/she will tell the partner and they'll jump through the waterfall, finding the exact same cave. Here comes the dungeon.

Waterfall Cave[edit | edit source]

Waterfall Cave is hidden behind that waterfall you saw back there. It is the first dungeon where you can request or attempt a Friend Rescue. It has 8 floors, an interior, and no boss.

  • Psyduck Floors B1F-B8F
  • Poliwag Floors B1F-B8F
  • Grimer Floors B1F-B8F
  • Tangela Floors B1F-B8F
  • Wooper Floors B1F-B8F
  • Lotad Floors B1F-B8F
  • Surskit Floors B1F-B8F
  • Barboach Floors B1F-B8F
  • Whiscash Floors B5F-B8F

M`kay, now that that's done, your team will be in this big room with a lot of gems. The one in the back of the room is HUGE, and your team will try to take it out. Your partner will try first, then the player, and the player will have another dizzy spell. The same Pokemon from the last one is shown pushing the gem and then gets swooned out by a flood, but by the time it's over, the partner has already gone again. Push! There comes the flood. Your starters will wake up in the Hot Spring and meet a Torkoal. They tell the exploration to him and stay for a little while, then go back to the guild to report their findings...except then the player figures out that the Pokemon in his/her dizzy spells was Guildmaster Wigglytuff. He/she brings it up, Chatot goes to ask him, and then he comes back saying that he kinda said yes. What a docile young man!