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Box artwork for Pokémon Picross.
Box artwork for Pokémon Picross.
Pokémon Picross
Year released2015
System(s)Nintendo 3DS
SeriesPokémon Puzzle,
Japanese titleポケモンピクロス
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)GeneralCERO All agesESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+USK All ages
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksOfficial websitePokémon Picross ChannelSearch

Pokémon Picross is a free-to-start puzzle game for the Nintendo 3DS that features over 300 Pokémon themed puzzles. It was developed by Jupiter and released in December 2015. Solving a puzzle catches the depicted Pokémon which can be used to help solve other puzzles. The game includes various Pokémon from the series up to Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Table of Contents
