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Box artwork for Pokémon Puzzle League.
Box artwork for Pokémon Puzzle League.
Pokémon Puzzle League
Year released2000
System(s)Nintendo 64, Wii, Nintendo Switch
SeriesPokémon Puzzle
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 3+PEGI Ages 3+General
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LinksPokémon Puzzle League ChannelSearch

Pokémon Puzzle League is a puzzle game for the Nintendo 64 console. It is based on the popular puzzle game Panel de Pon, but with Pokémon themes. This game was only available in North America starting in 2000, making it the first Pokémon game produced for North America first. Although the game was not available in Japan, the Japanese did receive the game's Game Boy Color counterpart, Pokémon Puzzle Challenge. This is the third Pokémon game to be based on the Pokémon anime, the other two being Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon Snap.

Table of Contents
