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New Pokémon
Ruby Sapphire Emerald
Jagged Pass as seen in Pokémon Emerald.

Jagged Pass leads down to Lavaridge Town. There are three trainers here, but it will require multiple trips down (or up, by bunny hopping with the Acro Bike) the mountain to fight them all.

In Emerald, this is the location of the entrance to the Team Magma Hideout, although you cannot access it until later.

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Hiker Eric
Baltoy (lvl. 21)
Baltoy (lvl. 21)
Camper Ethan
Zigzagoon (lvl. 21)
Taillow (lvl. 21)
Picnicker Diana
Shroomish (lvl. 20)
Oddish (lvl. 20)
Swablu (lvl. 20)
Picture Pokémon Reward
Hiker Eric
Geodude (lvl. 20)
Baltoy (lvl. 20)
Team Magma Grunt
Poochyena (lvl. 22)
Numel (lvl. 22)
Picnicker Diana
Shroomish (lvl. 19)
Oddish (lvl. 19)
Swablu (lvl. 19)
Picnicker Autumn
Shroomish (lvl. 21)336
Triathlete Julio
Magnemite (lvl. 21)840
Camper Ethan
Zigzagoon (lvl. 20)
Taillow (lvl. 20)

Pokemon Found[edit | edit source]

Ruby Level Encounter Rate Sapphire & Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Machop 18-20 25% Machop 20-22 25%
Numel 18-20 55% Numel 20-22 55%
Spoink 18-20 20% Spoink 20-22 20%

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Full Heal - in the most northwestern patch of ash-covered grass (hidden)
  • Burn Heal - east of Camper Ethan
  • Great Ball - northwest corner of the ledge above Camper Ethan (hidden)