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Route 105 in Emerald

Now that you know Surf, you'll get an opportunity to capture Pokémon, gather items and battle trainers.

Pokémon Found[edit | edit source]

Pokémon found (Surfing)
Ruby Encounter Rate Sapphire Encounter Rate Emerald Encounter Rate
Tentacool 60% Tentacool 60% Tentacool 60%
Wingull 35% Wingull 35% Wingull 35%
Pelipper 5% Pelipper 5% Pelipper 5%
Pokémon found (Fishing)
Ruby Encounter Rate Sapphire Encounter Rate Emerald Encounter Rate
Old Rod
Magikarp 70% Magikarp 70% Magikarp 70%
Tentacool 30% Tentacool 30% Tentacool 30%
Good Rod
Magikarp 60% Magikarp 60% Magikarp 60%
Tentacool 20% Tentacool 20% Tentacool 20%
Wailmer 20% Wailmer 20% Wailmer 20%
Super Rod
Wailmer 100% Wailmer 100% Wailmer 100%

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Heart Scale - hidden on the northern-most sand-only islet
  • Iron - southern-most island
  • Big Pearl (Emerald only) - hidden on the island with Bird Keeper Josue and Ruin Maniac Andres

Trainers[edit | edit source]

  • Swimmer Dawn

On the western edge of this waterway, you'll encounter a long vertical island. Search it to find a trainer.

Once you beat Foster, Surf on the west side of this island. Beat this trainer:

Surf up to the rock formation to the north, this one will turn into a cave (Island Cave) when you decipher the message in the Sealed Chamber. Make sure to return here. For now, continue south. At the southern tip of the island is a trainer.

Surf south, sticking to the western rocks. Search the islands to find an Iron. Then continue south to Route 106.