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New Pokémon
Ruby Sapphire Emerald
Desert (requires

Return with the
Good Rod:

Desert (requires

Return with the
Good Rod:

Route 111

Route 111 is the path between Mauville City and both Lavaridge Town and Fallarbor Town. Before you can go anywhere though, you'll need to smash some rocks with Rock Smash, so beating Mauville Gym beforehand is mandatory. further north you will find a desert and a raging sandstorm, preventing you from passing through (and diverting you to Route 112).

The Desert[edit | edit source]

Once you have the Go-Goggles (obtained after beating the Lavaridge Gym Leader), you can safely explore the desert. In the northeast corner of the desert is a pair of fossils. Grab one of them (the other will sink and disappear forever). Take it to the Devon Corp. and the researcher will determine it is a fossil of Pokémon. The researcher needs time to revive the Pokémon, which is in reality just a quick trip to and from the lower floor. The Root Fossil turns into a Lileep, while the Claw Fossil turns into an Anorith. These two Pokémon can only be otherwise obtained by trade or breeding.

Mirage Tower[edit | edit source]

In Pokémon Emerald, you will see a mysterious tower in the middle of the desert at times, and will probably realize soon after that the fossils are not where they should be in Ruby and Sapphire! To find them, grab a Mach Bike and enter this strange tower. Get to the top, and you can choose between the Root and Claw Fossil, as before. In Emerald, you can find the other fossil much later in the game. The tower appears occasionally when entering or leaving Route 111. If you leave the tower without obtaining a fossil, the tower will disappear, but visiting the Fossil Maniac on Route 114 will trigger the tower's appearance cycle again.

The Desert Ruins[edit | edit source]

At the very south end of the Route 111 desert, you will find a strange rock outcropping surrounded by six stones. This is the resting place of the Legendary Pokémon Regirock. As you'll soon notice, however, there is no entrance. The Desert Ruins will remain inaccessible until you solve the mystery of the Sealed Chamber. You'll be able to do this after you get your eighth Gym Badge. More details are available under Capturing the Regis.

Trainers[edit | edit source]

Southern Side[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Interviewers Gabby and Ty
Magnemite (lvl. 19)
Whismur (lvl. 19)
Picnicker Irene
Shroomish (lvl. 18)
Marill (lvl. 18)
Camper Travis
Sandshrew (lvl. 19)288
Picture Pokémon Reward
Camper Tyron
Sandshrew (lvl. 19)304
Aroma Lady Celina
Roselia (lvl. 18)720
Picnicker Bianca
Shroomish (lvl. 18)288
Kindler Hayden
Numel (lvl. 18)576
Interviewers Gabby and Ty
Magnemite (lvl. 17)
Whismur (lvl. 17)
Picnicker Irene
Shroomish (lvl. 17)
Marill (lvl. 17)
Camper Travis
Sandshrew (lvl. 18)288

Northern Side[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Cool Trainer Wilton
Electrike (lvl. 18)
Wailmer (lvl. 18)
Makuhita (lvl. 18)
Cool Trainer Brooke
Wingull (lvl. 18)
Numel (lvl. 18)
Roselia (lvl. 18)
Black Belt Daisuke (Requires Mach Bike)
Machop (lvl. 19)608
Picture Pokémon Reward
Cool Trainer Wilton
Electrike (lvl. 17)
Wailmer (lvl. 17)
Makuhita (lvl. 17)
Cool Trainer Brooke
Wingull (lvl. 17)
Numel (lvl. 17)
Roselia (lvl. 17)
Black Belt Daisuke (Requires Mach Bike)
Machop (lvl. 19)608

Desert[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Camper Cliff
Baltoy (lvl. 22)
Sandshrew (lvl. 22)
Baltoy (lvl. 22)
Picnicker Heidi
Sandshrew (lvl. 23)
Baltoy (lvl. 23)
Camper Drew
Sandshrew (lvl. 24)384
Ruin Maniac Dusty
Sandslash (lvl. 24)1440
Picnicker Becky
Sandshrew (lvl. 24)384
Picture Pokémon Reward
Picnicker Heidi
Sandshrew (lvl. 22)
Baltoy (lvl. 22)
Camper Beau
Baltoy (lvl. 21)
Sandshrew (lvl. 21)
Baltoy (lvl. 21)
Camper Drew
Sandshrew (lvl. 23)368
Picnicker Becky
Sandshrew (lvl. 22)
Marill (lvl. 22)
Ruin Maniac Dusty
Sandslash (lvl. 23)1380
Picnicker Celia
Marill (lvl. 22)
Lombre (lvl. 22)
Ruin Maniac Bryan
Sandshrew (lvl. 22)
Sandslash (lvl. 22)
Camper Branden
Taillow (lvl. 22)
Nuzleaf (lvl. 22)

The Winstrate Family[edit | edit source]

Hmm? There's a house next to this lake. And who's that standing in front of the entrance? It's the Winstrates!

The Winstrates are a family of four that offer a challenge to any and all passing trainers: beat all four in a row, and win a prize!

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Picture Pokémon Reward
Victor, the Father
Taillow (lvl. 16)
Zigzagoon (lvl. 16)
320 (Ruby & Sapphire)
640 (Emerald)
Victoria, the Mother
Roselia (lvl. 17)340 (Ruby & Sapphire)
680 (Emerald)
Vivi, the Sister
Marill (lvl. 15)
Shroomish (lvl. 15)
Numel (lvl. 15)
300 (Ruby & Sapphire)
600 (Emerald)
Vicky, the Elder
Meditite (lvl. 18)360 (Ruby & Sapphire)
720 (Emerald)

Defeating all four grants you access to their house, and talking to Victoria, the Mother, will net you a Macho Brace, which doubles all EV points gained from battle, while halving the holder's speed. Also, talking to the other Winstrates will reveal that there is actually a fifth member, the Brother, who is the strongest of them all. Perhaps you'll meet him someday on your own journey?

Pokémon found[edit | edit source]

Ruby & Sapphire Level Encounter Rate Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Deep Sand
Sandshrew 19-21 35% Sandshrew 19-21 35%
Trapinch 19-21 35% Trapinch 19-21 35%
Cacnea 19-21 20% Cacnea 20-22 6%
Baltoy 20-22 10% Baltoy 19-21 24%
Rock Smash
Geodude 5-20 100%
Marill 5-35 99%
Surskit 20-30 1%
Old Rod
Goldeen 5-10 30%
Magikarp 5-10 70%
Good Rod
Goldeen 10-30 20%
Magikarp 10-30 60%
Barboach 10-30 20%
Super Rod
Barboach 20-45 100%

Items[edit | edit source]

Southern Section[edit | edit source]

  • Macho Brace - Defeat the Winstrate family, and speak with Winstrate Vivi
  • HP Up - West side of the pond (requires Surf)
  • Elixir (Emerald only) - Near the southern end of the route

Northern Section[edit | edit source]

  • TM43 (Secret Power) - From the boy near the Secret Base tree
  • Razz Berry - From the girl near the Berry patch (one per day)
  • Oran Berry x6 - From the Berry Trees, north of the Rest Stop
  • Razz Berry x6 - From the Berry Trees, north of the Rest Stop

Desert[edit | edit source]

  • Protein (RS only) - In the desert, northwest of the first trainer
  • Protein (Emerald only) - Behind Mirage Tower (Hidden)
  • Stardust - In the rock being circled by the Ruin Maniac (Hidden)
  • Stardust - In the rock northwest of Protein, beside a big rock
  • Rare Candy - At the south-east corner of the safe path, by a rock in the deep sand (Hidden)
  • Root Fossil/Claw Fossil - In the northeast corner - the player picks one and the other disappears
  • TM37 (Sandstorm) - At the southern tip of the desert