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Route 117
New Pokémon
Ruby Sapphire Emerald

return with Good Rod:


return with Good Rod:

This route connects to Mauville City to the east, and Verdanturf Town to the west. The day care is based on this route near Mauville City. This is a very important location, as it allows you to leave up to two Pokémon in their care, and they will be trained and raised as you continue on your journey. The Day-Care also allows you to breed your Pokémon by leaving two Pokémon of opposite genders and the same egg groups there.

Trainers[edit | edit source]

There are also several trainers here. You can rebattle most of them by checking the PokéNav's Trainer's Eyes function. This is useful if you need to train your Pokémon for events such as the Mauville Gym battle against Wattson.

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Sr. and Jr. Anna & Meg
Zigzagoon (lvl. 16)
Makuhita (lvl. 18)
Triathlete Dylan
Doduo (lvl. 18)720
Pokémon Breeder Lydia
Wingull (lvl. 12)
Shroomish (lvl. 12)
Marill (lvl. 12)
Roselia (lvl. 12)
Skitty (lvl. 12)
Goldeen (lvl. 12)
Triathlete Maria
Doduo (lvl. 18)720
Bug Maniac Derek
Nincada (lvl. 15)
Dustox (lvl. 15)
Beautifly (lvl. 15)
Pokémon Breeder Isaac
Whismur (lvl. 12)
Zigzagoon (lvl. 12)
Aron (lvl. 12)
Poochyena (lvl. 12)
Taillow (lvl. 12)
Makuhita (lvl. 12)
Picture Pokémon Reward
Triathlete Dylan
Doduo (lvl. 17)680
Sr. and Jr. Anna & Meg
Zigzagoon (lvl. 15)
Makuhita (lvl. 17)
Pokémon Breeder Isaac
Whismur (lvl. 11)
Zigzagoon (lvl. 11)
Aron (lvl. 11)
Poochyena (lvl. 11)
Taillow (lvl. 11)
Makuhita (lvl. 11)
Triathlete Maria
Doduo (lvl. 17)680
Bug Maniac Derek
Dustox (lvl. 16)
Beautifly (lvl. 16)
Psychic Brandi
Ralts (lvl. 17)408
Triathlete Melina
Doduo (lvl. 17)680
Battle Girl Aisha
Meditite (lvl. 17)408
Pokémon Breeder Lydia
Wingull (lvl. 11)
Shroomish (lvl. 11)
Marill (lvl. 11)
Roselia (lvl. 11)
Skitty (lvl. 11)
Goldeen (lvl. 11)

Pokémon found[edit | edit source]

Ruby Level Encounter Rate Sapphire Level Encounter Rate Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Oddish 13 10% Oddish 13 10% Oddish 13-14 40%
Marill 13 10% Marill 13 10% Marill 13 10%
Zigzagoon 13-14 30% Zigzagoon 13-14 30% Poochyena 13-14 30%
Surskit 13 1% Surskit 13 1% Seedot 13 1%
Volbeat 13 1% Volbeat 13-14 18% Volbeat 13 1%
Illumise 13-14 18% Illumise 13 1% Illumise 13-14 18%
Roselia 13-14 30% Roselia 13-14 30%
Marill 5-35 99%
Surskit 20-30 1%
Old Rod
Magikarp 5-10 70%
Goldeen 5-10 30%
Good Rod
Magikarp 10-30 60%
Goldeen 10-30 20%
Corphish 10-30 20%
Super Rod
Corphish 20-45 100%

Items found[edit | edit source]

  • Wepear Berry x9 - Soft soil patch on the eastern side
  • Revive - Behind a tree north of the flower bed (requires Cut)
  • Repel - South and west of the flower bed (Hidden)
  • Great Ball - South of the flower bed