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Route 124

Route 124 is the first route in Hoenn which is mostly water. There's a couple of islands in the eastern portion, and some areas to Dive into underwater paths - though you won't be able to access them immediately. You can also battle various trainers here.

The Surface[edit | edit source]

The Treasure Hunter[edit | edit source]

On one of the islands, a treasure hunter can be found. He loves collecting shards of rock, which can be found all throughout the sea routes in multiple colours. In fact, he loves them so much that he is willing to trade valuable items for them!

Item Reward
Red Shard Fire Stone
Yellow Shard Thunderstone
Blue Shard Water Stone
Green Shard Leaf Stone

Pokémon Found[edit | edit source]

Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Tentacool 5-35 60%
Wingull 10-30 35%
Pelipper 25-30 5%
Old Rod
Magikarp 5-10 70%
Tentacool 5-10 30%
Good Rod
Magikarp 10-30 60%
Tentacool 10-30 20%
Wailmer 10-30 20%
Super Rod
Wailmer 25-45 60%
Sharpedo 30-35 40%

Trainers Found[edit | edit source]

Ruby and Sapphire
Picture Pokémon Reward
Swimmer Grace
Marill (lvl. 33)
Wailmer (lvl. 33)
Wingull (lvl. 33)
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam
Chinchou (lvl. 36)
Carvanha (lvl. 34)
Swimmer Spencer
Tentacool (lvl. 33)
Tentacool (lvl. 33)
Swimmer Jenny
Wailmer (lvl. 35)280
Swimmer Chad
Wingull (lvl. 34)
Wailmer (lvl. 34)
Swimmer Roland
Carvanha (lvl. 35)280
Picture Pokémon Reward
Swimmer Grace
Marill (lvl. 34)272
Swimmer Declan
Gyarados (lvl. 34)272
Sis & Bro Lila & Roy
Chinchou (lvl. 34)
Carvanha (lvl. 33)
Swimmer Spencer
Tentacool (lvl. 33)
Wingull (lvl. 33)
Swimmer Jenny
Wailmer (lvl. 34)272
Swimmer Chad
Tentacool (lvl. 33)
Wailmer (lvl. 33)
Triathlete Isabella
Staryu (lvl. 34)1360
Swimmer Roland
Carvanha (lvl. 34)272

Returning with Dive[edit | edit source]

Route 124 underwater

After obtaining the ability to use Dive out of battle from Mossdeep City's gym, you can come back here to dive underwater wherever there are dark spots. Some are essentially just underwater routes, while others hold hidden items and not much else.

Pokémon Found[edit | edit source]

Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald Level Encounter Rate
Clamperl 20-35 65%
Chinchou 20-30 30%
Relicanth 30-35 5%

Items Found[edit | edit source]

While all items listed here require Surf and Dive to be accessed, the three items at the top of the list are not found in one of the underwater areas.

  • Blue Shard - Near the southwest corner of the route, via surfacing through the southwest-most Dive spot
  • Yellow Shard - Near the northeast corner of the route
  • Red Shard - North the northwest corner of the route
  • Carbos - In the empty square in the cul-de-sac of seaweed (Hidden)
  • Calcium - Directly beneath the central northern Dive spot, in the dark spot (Hidden)
  • Heart Scale - Directly beneath the spot closest Mossdeep City, in the dark spot (Hidden)
  • Heart Scale - In the Dive spot near the center of the route (Hidden)
  • Pearl - Directly beneath the second Dive spot north of the Treasure Hunter's house, in the dark spot (Hidden)
  • Big Pearl - Directly beneath the larger-than-usual Dive spot just southwest of the Treasure Hunter's house, in the dark spot (Hidden)
  • Green Shard - Beneath the square Dive spot near Lilycove City, in the empty square among the seaweed, south of the underwater Dive spot (Hidden)