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Pokkén Tournament does not use the standard arcade fighting game control scheme. Instead, it is played with a wired controller that bears similarities to the Wii U Pro Controller. The console version of the game can be played with both the Wii U Gamepad and Pro Controller, as well as official Pokkén Tournament controllers based on the arcade pad. These special controllers are the only control scheme allowed in Pokkén Tournament competitions hosted within the official VGC circuit.

Controls[edit | edit source]

Arcade Wii U Nintendo Switch Single Joy-Con Action
Neutral Dpad Neutral Dpad/Neutral Lstick Neutral Dpad/Neutral Lstick Neutral Control Move your Battle Pokémon
Y Button Y Button Y Button Left Button Use weak attacks
X Button X Button X Button Top Button Use strong attacks
A Button A Button A Button Right Button Use Pokémon moves
B Button B Button B Button Bottom Button Jump
L Button L Button L Button SL Button Use Support Pokemon
R Button R Button R Button SR Button Block