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Box artwork for Portal: Still Alive.
Box artwork for Portal: Still Alive.
Portal: Still Alive
Developer(s)Valve Software
Publisher(s)Valve Software
Year released2008
System(s)Xbox 360
Preceded byPortal
Followed byPortal 2
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB Teen
LinksPortal: Still Alive ChannelSearch

Portal: Still Alive is an expanded re-release of Portal, a puzzle game by Valve Software. Still Alive was first released on October 22, 2008. It includes all the original puzzles, as well as 14 puzzles selected from the Portal: The Flash Version MapPack. It also features a challenge mode, tasking players with speeding through the puzzles in order to beat the best time for each puzzle.

Guided by a female electronic voice-over of a supercomputer named GLaDOS, the player uses the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device ("portal gun") to perform a variety of tests, such as creating portals to knock over turrets and other objects or moving to a previously unreachable area, so that the player may advance to the next test.

Table of Contents
